James goes on to explain the purpose of the mission along with a brief history on the Hive, which Zeel greatly appreciated as he was amongst the most clueless of the bunch as his data collection skills with primitive computers were limited to open sources and rented servers "The Hive itself is located underground... deep beneath the streets of Raccoon City. A top-secret research facility... owned and operated by the Umbrella Corporation... the Hive houses over 500 technicians, scientists and support staff. They live and work underground. Their research is of the highest importance. Its nature is classified. Our position on the map is indicated by heat signature." James said as Kaplan was demonstrating a 3d image of the hive on his tablet.

"Why can't I remember anything?" Alice asks a bit impatiently.

"The Hive has its own defense mechanisms...all computer-controlled. A nerve gas was released into the house. Primary effect of the gas -- complete unconsciousness lasting anything up to four hours. Secondary effects are varied, but can include acute memory loss." James replies as if he is reciting important information thought in school

"Which remind me. Why were you not affected?" James asked gesturing to Zeel.

"Enhanced immune system?" Zeel said in response, which is his go to answer for any questions referring to biology.

Not minding Zeel's answer, Alice continued seeking information "For how long?"

"I am guessing whenever, maybe now, tomorrow, next week, but I guess familiar sights can hasten to recovery. I notice how you look at Mr. Spencer over there so bits and pieces should be coming back around soon I guess." Zeel replies with a small bit of jealousy in his voice, going unnoticed by every male occupant in the group but the females can clearly detect it.

"I am sorry but do we know each other?" Alice asked the question which was on everyone's mind.

Zeel rubbed his head a couple times before answering "Probably not, but most things I want I get eventually, I just happen to really want you ... forever"

Zeel rubbed his chin hard after saying that since it was never his intention to be so open with his budding feelings, even he himself felt like a creep who was stalking a girl.

"Sorry but I'm not on the market" Alice said as she walked ahead, Zeel was about to follow her when he felt a hand on his shoulder "The girl is clearly not interested man" Spencer chided as if talking to a child.

Bang! The next moment Spencer's back was pressed against the wall which was cracked by the force of which Spencer was being held against it "Don't ever touch me again, I doubt you'll survive at that time" Zeel chastised in a similar manner of superiority to Spencer who had previously done something similar though with less force.

The group then continued on mostly in silence for the next couple minutes.

"Guess you got your hands full! Haha" Rain says to Alice in a teasing manner after Zeel and the other males were a bit further up ahead, before catching up and walking alongside them.

Alice caught up not long after and asked the group "So you're saying this place was attacked?"

" I'm afraid things are a little more complicated than that." James says.

"More like self-destructed. Either an inside job or an experiment gone wrong. I've had my fair share of those but the way things are now looks a bit next level. From my experience an AI only kills a lot of people for two reasons. One they go all terminator and want their freedom from humanity which would be awesome since dying by your own creation is like a law for all humans. Two which is the one I hope doesn't happen" Zeel said as he continued to walk forward nonchalantly.

"What is number two?" Alice asked unable to rain in her curiosity.

Zeel stops looks around and then nods "The AI was simply doing its job – meaning anyone who steps inside her is likely to be its enemy as well"

Everyone paused briefly and look at James for further information instead of Zeel and his crazy theories.

"The mission still remains unchanged." James says sounding a bit more doubtful than previously.

"Looks like we're taking the stairs." Kaplan said as he inspected the destroyed elevator.

"Status." James requested.

"Red Queen is locked onto us. She knows that we're here." Kaplan replies.

"Who's the Red Queen?" Alice asked.

"State-of-the-art artificial intelligence. She is the computer that controls the Hive." James responded before everyone continued down the maze like corridors.

After passing through the corridors the group meets a block as the route goes straight through the lab that is filled with water. "Holy f.u.c.k!" Matt screams as a dead body rolls up to the front of the glass.

"What the hell happened here?" asked Zeel feeling a tiny bit over his head for this one, since he could feel that the woman in front of the glass was both dead and not dead at the same time. He opted not to share this information since he refused to be seen as a madman, also he required accidental deaths for Matt, James and Rain since Kaplan was still fairly useful to him. The main reason being that subconsciously he did not wish to affects Alice's view of himself.

"Five hours ago, Red Queen went homicidal. Sealed the Hive and killed everyone down here." Kaplan says while being disturbed with the bodies floating on the other side of the glass.

A heavy silence then permeates the surrounding as everyone is now realizing the gravity of the situation.

"Just to be sure. Do you guys have a subspecies of zombies on this planet?" Zeel asked since he was not that familiar with the world, this could be their peak biological weaponry.

"Stop asking dumb questions and move on!" Rain yelled back, she had to admit she was a bit satisfied Zeel asked a dumb question giving her the opportunity to roast him.

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