"Hello?" The guy on the corner says trying to b.u.t.t into the already tense atmosphere, for which he is tackled and pinned to the floor in a quick and fluid manner by Rain. Alice who was standing near him just stepped aside clearly demonstrating their unfamiliarity for everyone to witness.

"Who are you?" Rain questioned as she kicked the guy in the b.u.t.t, since she had been eager to burn off some steam from Zeel's earlier misconduct.

"Move!" The guy named Matt yelled "Don't touch me! Stop!"

"Get away from me!" Matt says desperately only to receive a professional arm bending in return for his efforts.

"Down!" James said as he signalled Kaplan to run a scan or whatever else was necessary to identify the guy.

At that point Alice, which is the name of the girl, had enough of Matt's squealing and decided to intervene "What are you doing?" Alice says as she attempts to step forward to which Zeel held her hand pulling her back shaking his head as a signal to act cautiously. Even with his identity being cleared, Zeel noticed that the captain James still doubted his intentions since the combat ability he demonstrated was a bit overwhelming.

"I'm a cop! I told you, I'm a cop! You're breaking my arm!" Matt says trying to convince the soldiers he is a recently transferred Umbrella employee and bullshit his way through what everyone can tell is clearly a lie. Trying to lie to trained soldier who are thought to assume everything is a lie from the get-go is either really ballsy or really stupid. Zeel watches as James make his way over to Alice, and for a brief moment Zeel considered killing him for just being near her – an action that would no doubt be considered illogical.

'It seems this faint feeling of love towards her could become problematic. Should I kill everyone here since it seems no one else is coming?' Zeel thought as he feared that his feelings towards Alice would get in the way of his mission.

"Report." James says to Alice looking her dead in the eyes.

"Report now." He repeats with a bit more force in his voice this time.

"What?" Alice replies looking confusedly at James.

"I want your report, soldier." James specifies.

"There is a nerve gas compound in the air, I am guessing it's messing with people's short term memory so relax a little." Zeel said stating the obvious that everyone should have already known by now.

"Sir, he's right. The house's primary defences have been activated. She's probably still suffering the side effects." Rain reported after checking nearby consoles embedded in the walls.

"What are you going to do with us?" asks Matt a bit nervous at hearing the answer. To be honest Zeel was more of the idea to kill the extra baggage off but it would seem James was more of a cautious type leader.

"What about the cop? Matthew Addison. He is not in the records but could be a mix up or something!" Kaplan says.

"We take him with us until we are sure of who it is we are dealing with! Let's go" James says looking directly at Zeel, the cautiousness in his eyes not fading one bit.

"Prep for entry to the Hive." James says as the group: James, Kaplan, Rain, Alice, Matt, and Zeel began to make their way down to the lower entrance through the mansion. The formation is a basic formation with Zeel at the front as he is not yet trustworthy enough; however, he understood their need to take extra precautions, had he not had such a keen intuition working for him, he probably would have already fled since his rational mind is already saying the girl Alice is more trouble than she's worth.

Upon reaching the bottom the group can see crates upon crates of cases containing what could only be fragile chemical compounds. Zeel unlike the others was not just a looker, whenever he passed by a crate he would pop them open and look for necessary materials and compounds.

"Still need to find some place where they conduct their artificial tissue research, that's where the greatest amount of liquid mercury will be" Zeel said to himself as he has the habit of voicing out his plans to make sure they sound logical.

James leads the way through the maze of cases and towards what appears to be an underground railway. When the group reaches the train that would be their transport to The Hive, Zeel notices the problem almost immediately.

"I don't see how you're gonna travel without power, unless you're gonna make the female Gorilla push it?" Zeel said obviously teasing Rain since she was a bit too tomboyish, people like her would be on his list of those to eliminate since she presented unpredictability into the equation. James was a cool headed leader who liked to play it safe and hence was easily manipulated, Kaplan is just a coward who is good with computers, and Matt… well Matt is here in case anyone requires a frame job or sacrificial pawn.

"Fix it!" James says to no one in particular as Rain steps forward grumbling to herself since she really wanted to shoot Zeel for his snide comment earlier.

Kaplan went to the side as he tried and failed many times to unlock the side door that seemed to be jammed "You got a problem? How's that door?" asks Rain after she is finished fixing the train.

"It's sealed shut." Kaplan replied still struggling since having Rain open the door would be very emasculating.

"Let me." Rain says as she pushed him out of the way easily opening the door and jumping back when a seemingly dead body fell out of the compartment behind the door.

Zeel had been using the downtime to chat with Alice briefly, making his interest in her apparent for anyone to see, while Zeel had dated women many times in the past it was people of his civilization. How was he to know that lack of eye contact when courting could make a woman feel subconscious. Since the 40th century humans in Zeel's world had ceased normal methods of dating as appearance, voice and even gender could be changed at will – even s.e.x became a process of both physical and mental exertion, meaning you would perform s.e.x in both reality and the mindscape to enhance the stimulus.

The man who fell through was identified as Spencer by Kaplan who ran his prints through the Umbrella mainframe. Since Zeel had previously killed the medic, Rain was forced to perform the check up and asked basic questions to which all answers were 'I don't know'. While everyone was busy obsessing over Spencer, Zeel proceeds to check the bag he collapsed with because his watch picked up huge amounts of liquid mercury inside. Inside Zeel found a silver case which a quick scan revealed to contain a couple vials of an antivirus serum, he considered submitting his finding to James but the enormous amounts of liquid mercury that were concentrated into creating the serum would be a major loss to his cause. Zeel strapped the case near his back, an action that was noticed by everyone but nobody mentioned anything in particular since they considered Zeel having a different mission from themselves since the beginning.

After Kaplan did a second check of the schematics and making sure they were keeping up with their estimated time limit, James gave the approval for the train to start moving. It was only a couple minutes later they arrived at the entrance to the hive which was quickly scanned and cleared for exploration by Kaplan.

Walking down the corridors Zeel was the first to speak "It's too quiet. My hearing is much better than all of yours, and it is too quiet for an Umbrella Facility. And..."

"And what you're scared?" Rain mocked not waiting for Zeel to finish his earlier statement.

Zeel shrugged and said "Maybe I am, but I hear nibbling sounds. Too loud to be rats but I guess I can be mistaken"

After a couple more seconds of walking alongside Zeel, Alice looked at Spencer from time to time as if she was attempting to recall something. This action was of course noticed by everyone present, leading Rain to mock Zeel about his lack of 'game'. What that was, Zeel had no idea.

"Listen to me. I want to know who you people are... and I want to know what's going on here. Now!" Alice demands as she seems fed up about her amnesia status and the lack of information being circulated.

James being the leader opted to response as he was growing increasingly annoyed at Alice's questions "You and I have the same employer. We all work for the Umbrella Corporation. The mansion above us is an emergency entrance to the Hive. You are security operatives placed there to protect that entrance."

"What about this?" She asks pointing to her wedding ring as a brief memory of being married flickered across her subconscious.

"Your marriage is a fake. Just part of your cover." James replied to which Zeel heaves a sigh of relief loud enough for everyone to hear, Alice was also noticeably relieved but Spencer – her fake husband did not share the same sentiment.

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