Zeel began dashing towards the outskirts of raccoon city with his heart beating in anticipation for some reason he could not yet identify, it was almost as if his body was leading him to the discovery of his life. A notion that both intrigued him and scared him to no end; Zeel considered that he should wait a couple days so that his emerging emotion could be kept in check, but this was an opportune moment to get access to the liquid mercury he required.

Zeel noted and kept track of his emotions with great caution as he often compared his emotions to human discovering fire, playing with it too much will eventually burn you. Using the basic materials available Zeel was able to create his own synthetic polymer that could aid in his combat effectiveness; though, he still had to carefully govern what skills he could use not only to lessen the strain on his body but also in the case unexpected situations arose.

"So I have roughly 4 minutes to get in and out before a tactical team arrives, main objective should be just to study the environment and find the entrance to the underground facility" Zeel muses as he is running at beyond Olympic record speeds, finalizing his objectives for the current mission. His plan was relatively simple – get in, find the entrance, get out before tactical team arrives, follow them in, kill them, escape with no one the wiser.

A couple minutes later Zeel sees a mansion in front of him and heads inside without much caution since he had this area monitored previously in his multi-layered scan. Even if he couldn't run a deep scan in this area, he at least had a guarantee that nothing untoward would happen with his entering the mansion. This proved to be a misjudgement on Zeel's part as the moment he entered the mansion he could feel that something was wrong with the smell, with all his senses enhanced he could detect subtleties that most other humans cannot.

Not long after entering the mansion and doing some rudimentary investigations on the first floor, Zeel begins to feel dizzy. He sways briefly and falls to the ground in a partial slumber, while this is not enough to completely knock him out, the continuous gas can knock out even Zeel's enhanced mind. The nerve gas agent in the air makes his body numb and mind blurry, shifting his mind into a half unconscious state. Knowing resistance was futile as his nanites were currently dormant, he opted to have the gas take its course since he could not detect any life threatening properties present within it.


Feeling a bit dizzy I drowsily wake up and walk towards the stairs in a half conscious state. I can feel my emotions bubbling below my calm, stoic demeanour and did a silent prayer in my head for it to end soon as I could not deal with my emotional dilemma at this time.

Then, the moment my life changed occurred. A lady, more like a girl since she didn't appear to be a day over 25 years old, I should know as majority of the women I had dated were significantly older than myself. She had blonde hair that were slightly darker at the roots, this indicated that she was not a natural blonde but I had the nagging feeling she was born with her hair that way if my intuition was to be believed. She wore a red dress and I could tell she had recently woken up, and made love to someone within the past 48 hours if the pheromones she was giving off is any indication. As I studied her contours from the length of her fingers to the colour of her u.n.d.e.r.g.a.r.m.e.n.t – something that came natural to me since my training with the Asheborns, evaluate the threat level and eliminate if necessary. The longer I stared the more entranced I became until I entered the point of no return, I tried to turn away, but I was a bit too late as the motion bubbling beneath the surface all this while was finally freed. My emotions emerged in response to extreme stimulus and what I covet at the exact moment of their awakening – ever since I was born there had been one thing I craved … love. At the moment our eyes met I could feel myself drifting towards her though I stopped it at the last minute, if I had to guess I did something akin to a half imprint similar to when baby ducks take the first animals they see to be their parents.

The feeling of love and revenge ever-present within my subconscious are always faint, it would not even provoke a normal reaction in anyone else but were highly effective on someone who had their emotions suppressed or lacked any emotions from the get-go.

Alice, the girl who is coming down the stairs sees me and we look at each other feeling a weird sensation of de ja vu, though I am sure what she actually felt was the partial imprint I just accidentally did on her. As she continues to make her way down the stairs we enter a stare down and begin circling each other, form her eyes I could tell she was a trained killer but also new to the experience – another contradiction I noted about her. This action continued until we circled all the way to the centre of the mansion judging that it would be a fitting position for any fight; though at this point I could judge her level of hostility as minimum.

However, good things never last as the next moment I can feel my intuition flare up and jump towards her pinning her on the floor while simultaneously pushing away a guy who comes from the side trying to tackle the both of us down. The next moment the windows break and I swear I thought I was in Halo world for a moment when jacked dudes with guns, and neat a.s.s uniforms come in guns blazing. I barely gave the intruding tactical squad a chance to properly stick their landing before I moved with intention to kill – as I was thought to do through painful lessons.

I immediately went for the first person one should always take out in a party – the medic, this much remained true even if this multiverse of madness, not sparing a second I grabbed her neck with enough strength that it shattered beneath my squeeze. I could see the group tensing up as they were about to retaliate so I decided to kill another, and take one as hostage. I dashed towards the one known as JD since he seemed the least empathetic of the bunch, meaning he was the most rational – which would be detrimental for me in the coming negotiations.

Not even two seconds had passed as I slid on my knees to between two of the soldier and simultaneously threw a knife into JD's c.h.e.s.t while also grabbing their tech specialist – he was easy to identify since I just had to look for the one with the most tech on him. Beneath their prying eyes I still managed to secretly slip a memory chip into the console on Kaplan's vest.

Holding my knife on Kaplan's neck, I then began the questioning "Who are you guys?"

"What the f.u.c.k!" James, the leader said as he watched his medic and JD fall after I had successfully captured Kaplan. The entire ordeal being a bit quicker than everyone expected – what can I say? I didn't exactly get to the speed portion of my training though this should still be within a humanly recognizable limit.

"Knife down!" James yells at me, his team focusing their guns on my head hidden behind Kaplan's, ready to fire even if it meant through Kaplan's own head.

"Who are you?" James asked.

Rain however, was not having any of it as she yelled "knife down or I'll shoot!"

"I'll shoot! Knife down! Don't test me motherf.u.c.ker!"

"Everyone relax!" James said not minding the fact that his team of five was not down to three.

"The name is James and we work with umbrella corporation!" he says emphasising 'Umbrella Corporation' like it's supposed to do something. As smart as I am I had already secured my exit but opted to try and trick them anyway.

I release Kaplan and say "Oh! We work for the same Corporation. I don't understand what you guys are doing here though. I am sent in to eliminate unknown threats, and usually work alone. I am a bit higher up so you shouldn't have the clearance to know of me!" I begin bullshitting through the crook of my teeth like it is natural.

James, Rain and Kaplan are naturally cautious but Kaplan still walks up to me and begins his questioning "Name?"

"Classified!" I replied, as I noticed everyone going tense until I fake sigh and say "Zeel Crawford"

After entering my name, a big "Classified! Umbrella special branch!" pops up on the screen much to my luck – good thing I always have a hacking memory chip or two on my person at all times since my nanites are dormant.

James frowns and looks at the device saying "Checks out." To which I give him a thumbs up, then switch to a middle finger when nobody is looking just for the heck of it. I made my way towards the woman who looks at me with a stoic face "Zeel" I said as I stretched out my left hand.

"I don't know my name" she replied before turning around.

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