At the beginning of the 21st century, the Umbrella Corporation...

had become the largest commercial entity in the United States.

Nine out of every ten homes contain its products. Its political and financial influence is felt everywhere.

In public, it is the world's leading supplier...

of computer technology, medical products and health care. Unknown even to its own employees...

its massive profits are generated by military technology... genetic experimentation and viral weaponry.

At a gate in an Umbrella Facility coined 'The Hive' a Security personnel could be seen yelling at the entering Researchers and Scientists "All Umbrella staff must wear their identity tags at all times. All radiation badges will be collected at 5: 00 p.m. this afternoon"

Deep below the streets of Raccoon City at The Hive, employees are socializing unaware of the imminent danger they would soon face. The topics ranged from 'What would you do when you final got paid?' to 'What is the name of your dog?' truly random snippets of information. These employees work for the Umbrella Corporation and have rarely seen the sun in upwards of 3 years, but soon most of their contracts would come to an end, leaving them a brief period of a couple months where they could put in a transfer request or stop working all together. This also afforded them the opportunity to start their own business with the mini fortune they earned over the years.

Many didn't take the opportunity as what would Researchers be without their Research? What would Scientists be without their instruments to aid them? The Umbrella Corporation designed a system not much different from a drug dealer dealing cocaine on the streets, either you get help before it's too late or you rot away on with the others below the ground.

The conversations between employees grew in intensity, but all good things much come to an end eventually. Alarms started blaring as every exit began to shut automatically, even areas impossible for escape began to lock down, sealing the fates of everyone inside.

"It's nothing. Fire drill." An Employee said as he began panicking.

"What is that?"

"Fire drill"

No matter how many times each employee convinced themselves it was just a fire exercise, another blaring alarm would diminish their hopes. The noises began ringing out of sync, in complete disorder all over the facility. It got to the point where the employees could no longer self-hypnotize themselves that this scenario was something they had trained for. Right now things had gone completely haywire, and when things like this happen the first threat are – other people!

"Hey, what the hell is going on?"

"Get the computers covered! Move it!"

"Damn it, I'm trying!"

"The experiments! Move them!"

All of a sudden everyone begins panicking and their first thought, as all researchers do, is to protect their research results and life's work. Though what can research weigh compared to your life itself? Hence the motto we should all live by 'run first ask questions later, and if you have a girlfriend decide if you love her enough to not sacrifice her.' At least that was the motto of Zeel's favourite movie, a revolutionary film that aired in the late 30th century.

"Okay calm down! Procedure dictates the doors open or something?" an employee said as he tried and failed to pry open the elevator doors.

"It's supposed to take us to the nearest floor" another one chimed in.

The lights begin flickering and the systems begin failing all over the underground facility with only the ventilation system functioning within regular parameters, which was ironically procedure used only when a threat was meant to be neutralized via gas poisoning.

"What's the problem?"

"The elevators doors are not responding"

Then an employee who dealt primarily with maintenance had a dreadful premonition "The ventilation system is functioning within normal parameters, and this elevator became a sealed room"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means these procedures are in place for gas poisoning"

All of a sudden all hell broke loose as everyone became hysterical and began punching the elevator door and walls, some going so far as to take out the emergency axe from the fire emergency compartment. Through the crowd you can see some with cooler heads that seem to be analysing the situation carefully before jumping to conclusions too soon.

Once again the most dangerous thing in a confined space is never the environment itself.. but the unpredictability humans possess during such important moments. The eyes of a couple human glossed over as their faces grew pale, eyes becoming dead like – their image resembling that of a madman that has had insomnia since his birth.

Not a second had passed and the panicking scene became one of slaughter as humans, or former humans for that mother, began ripping each other apart to satiate their non-existent hunger for flesh. The gruesome scene of man eating man much more sickening than any battle in history. Nose being bitten off, eyes gouged out, intestines flailing about, others with a desperate attempt to reattach their ears or stuff their intestines back into their dissected stomachs – this was happening all over The Hive, not limited to any one place in particular, at the very least all men were treated equally regardless of status for the first time in human history.

The AI that governed all processes within The Hive watched all the death through the facilities' surveillance system without any indication of halting the ongoing loss of life. Not surprising considering 'she' coined 'The Red Queen' by her creators, was the entity responsible for the current procedures; though she was not the one responsible for the outbreak of a potentially apocalyptic type virus. Instead The Red Queen did her due diligence by making sure that no semblance of the virus would ever breach the walls of the underground facility – forever to remain in isolation from the outside world, or at least that was the initial plan of the state of the art AI.

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