Zeel spent the next 2 months getting acquainted with the new, more primitive world. It was much harder than it appeared to be as computers themselves took him a couple weeks to figure out completely, using computers Zeel was barely able to secure some cash to continued his prolong stay at the hotel. The toilets took him some time to figure out as well, along with everything else. Zeel's world was far more advanced so everything had an advanced technological feel to it, even something as insignificant as taking out the trash was done by AI and atomization technology.

After constant internet checks and hacking, Zeel was able to get a rough idea of how this world works and the powers behind it. The Umbrella corporation is a huge enterprise that basically ruled this world though on the surface nothing was wrong with this corporation. This was exactly what made Zeel pay special attention to the Umbrella Corporation, his family once ruled a large sector in the intergalactic alliance and he was keenly aware of the way such big organizations worked.

But this also indicated a major flaw in the status of the umbrella corporation since negative news were only found when deeply investigated, this is impossible since enormous world organization would never suppress negative news heavily unless in preparation for a huge business procedure: like mergers, sell outs, or other enormous business ventures.

"Hmmm, I wonder what happened for such a huge organization to suppress news around this time?" Zeel pondered as he had already contemplated robbing The Umbrella Corporation for a huge quantity of liquid mercury since his SRNT required huge amounts of liquid mercury to awaken for its dormant state. Zeel's also had a nagging feeling that his idea was a good one, if his keen intuition was any indication; though he also suspected that stealing liquid mercury from such a world dominating Corporation would create issues a bit larger than he was comfortably able to resolve.

Not paying much attention to the suppression of the news, Zeel opted to experimentations with his current strength. Everyday over the past 2 months he would visit a gym to maximize his ever increasing strength and reaction time, he realized that his punch is now about 2000 lbs of force and if he really tries using his self – damaging techniques he can up his strength to about 3000 lbs. His strength is near Captain America's level in both potential and physical prowess. However, unlike captain America he prefers his guns, throwing knives, and swords, after all the best defence is offence.

His leg strength is a little over 3000 lbs of force and he can jump 8 feet vertically without much issue, Zeel also realized that he can slow his perception of time relative to whatever task he was attempting to complete for brief period of time. Previously during training, he could predict the trajectories of bullets and pre-emptively dodge them, but now he was able to slow his perception of time relative to a bullet and actively dodge the bullet. After such taxing movement he would always experience cramps and muscles seizures, something he was actively seeking solutions for – hence robbing The Umbrella Corporation for liquid mercury which could awaken his dormant nanites.

Majority of his problems over the past two months came from trying to limit himself, as the saying goes 'You can measure how well you use your capabilities not by what you do right but rather by what you don't do wrong' Hence majority of his time was spent practicing squeezing and egg without actually breaking it since his punch could literally kill someone at the level his strength is increasing.

Zeel tried meditation to aid him in the control of his ability which helped a lot with training his mind to adjust to the increase in his strength; complimented by his lack of emotional reactions to situations, his control was only farther accentuated by the fact it was most impossible to for him to experience an emotional outbreak.

(One Week Later)

While Zeel was sitting in front of the motel on a matt faking some meditation to look mysterious for the girls passing by, after all he hasn't had s.e.x in the longest, suddenly he felt his watch vibrate before an alarm rang off.

"So a squad is on the move huh?" Zeel mumbles as for countless months now he had tried and failed to hack into Umbrella's servers with little success. The one time he succeeded the information obtained was near useless, but using that information which said – Raccon City Outskirts. Zeel set up multi-layered scans using any piece of tech he could find, that would notify him of any major activity happening near the outskirts of the city, just a couple seconds ago a tactical team sent a helicopter flight path to be approved by the air services- the location was to a mansion near the outskirts.

Zeel bolted into the motel grabbing his clothes while simultaneously throwing off the robes he had stolen to sell the act of being a nomad. Shifting into his battle gear which bared a striking resemblance to Captain America's outfit in endgame with the straps holding two guns and the belt filled with knives circulating his waist, minus a shield on both hands. It was at these types of moment Zeel regretted not continuing the interdimensional storage project, not because he couldn't get it but because it takes rare materials to build which he could not acquire on short notice. However, he did procure enough metals to build his nanites even if they were still in a dormant state. The nanites made it so he didn't have to excrete if not necessary as it converts everything he ingests into energy and with SRNT as long as you eat small samples of rare metals it can be broken down to make new nanites hence you never really run out of them.

Though upon activation the SRNT is limited to minor roles such as door hacking, and full conversion of anything ingested including poison, food, metals, and some diseases into energy. Large quantities of poison will render them useless along with constant exposure to anything harmful such as radiation. There were many advantages and disadvantages to his creation, but Zeel still boiled with anticipation of how they would evolve given enough rare metals from all over the multiverse.

Looking in the mirror and seeing himself in top condition, Zeel could not help but stare a bit longer admiring himself, his white-silver hair had remained mostly the same alongside his slightly increased height. Zeel had this nagging feeling that he should wait a couple days before acting on the mansion but decided immediate action was best; though he could also feel as if a new emotion was bubbling below the surface trying to make its way to his heart – a feeling he had not experienced since he unlocked revenge upon holding the meteorite. Opening the window Zeel jumped out as he was long past check out time, he was currently limited in funds to pay for staying the extra time – vowing to himself to come back and pay when he became a billionaire, Zeel leaps through the window.

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