"Zeel I am so sorry you've become like this" Clara said embracing her son.

"What are you talking about mom? I feel fine" Zeel replied with a stoic face.

"Nothing is wrong son, nothing is wrong!" Clara replied as she embraced Zeel.

This was Zeel's first memory of his mother treating him like an actual human instead of a possession, this was after she had the INT removed from her body.


The memories flash again.

"Zeel you need to be strong for your mother and sister" Tom said with a stiff look on his face.

"I am always strong thou" Zeel replies internally confused at his father's statement.

"Really huh? You just need to smile more. Fake it, sometimes even if a smile is fake, people can appreciate the effort made"

Zeel flexed his face muscles a couple times before attempting a smile, only to realize he didn't even know where to begin. Is it left cheek first or right cheek first? Is it up or down? "Father how do I start?"

Tom who was now sipping tea from his cup paused and shuddered briefly before demonstrating "Like this son see?"

Zeel the crankily made an effort to smile several times, every single time failing to do a proper smile. Tom had a single tear roll down his face as his own son's lack of emotional availability was something he had done by his own hands.

When Tom had enough of Zeel's attempts he smashed the nearby table before storming off, sparing Zeel once last glance before he turned the corridor he witnessed not the slightest reaction from Zeel as the boy was still attempting to perform a smile.


Memories flashing through Zeel's mind.

"Brother where are you going?" a four years old Catherine called out as she threw herself into Zeel's arms.

"Well I am experimenting" Zeel said carrying a dog in his arms.

"Can I watch? I want to see! Please big brother? I promise I won't distract you from whatever it is" Catherine said using her killer puppy dog eyes which failed to have any effect on an emotionless Zeel.

Ultimately Zeel agreed, taking Catherine hand as they ventured into the garden where a couple puppies were locked up.

Zeel then took one of the puppies out of the cage while chaining the dog he was carrying to a nearby tree. What happened next scared Catherine into running away, as Zeel began cutting the puppy into pieces with a knife.

"I am checking what emotional responses would a mother dog have towards her puppies being killed" Zeel explained to a shocked Catherine who then bolted away to tell her parents.

That was the first time Clara slapped Zeel unconscious, something she regretted ever since as it was then Zeel learnt an important lesson – always attack first.


"Zeel I am sorry but I can't take this anymore" Tom said as he strapped the confused Zeel to a table "We have to try something or you'll drive your mother insane and sister insane"

Zeel looked around for a couple moments before noddle in understanding. Currently he was strapped to a table in an underground facility owned by the family – the same facility previously used to get rid of the INT from the bodies of his family members. Maybe they could get rid of the INT inside his body as well? Maybe he could become normal? Stop killing these animals, before he got to the point of no return and started to experiment on humans?

"Ready?" questions Tom.

"Yeah" Zeel mumbled before inhuman like pain rocked his body unconscious. This experiment was repeated throughout the night with Zeel's screams echoing throughout the empty underground facility.

Soon Zeel's yells of 'STOP!' could be heard but there was no one there to listen as his family was already borderline insane.


"Stop! Stop! Stop! It hurts!"

Yelling can be heard coming from Zeel but the doctors don't pay it any heed as they continue with whatever procedures are being done, at the behest of his mother and father.

At that point they had grown desperate and came to the conclusion that even if Zeel could not experience feelings, he could at least have morals; however, the lesson was a bit to late.


Zeel in the motel room suddenly jumps awake with cold sweat lasing his forehead, he had a particularly strong reaction to his very own childhood memories, though he was also grateful for the lessons such experiences taught him. He didn't love his parents from the beginning so as he was unable to so his view towards them never changed even after the torturous experiments; though it did change Catherine a fair deal since she once sneaked into the lab during one of the experiments.

"So weird how nothing can be considered buried forever. I feel like those dreams disturb me a bit now but family is family after all. Is this what love means? Sometimes we have to do bad things to those we love?" Zeel whispers to himself in a near trance like state not noticing the small, genuine smile gracing his lips for the first time.

"Ugh I haven't even noticed till now!" Zeel said as he began to inspect his body and mental state noticing that a qualitative change had occurred. His intuition had grown more refined but he felt as if his body was currently holding energy it could not hope to contain.

"I have to get rid of whatever that cosmic force sealed inside my body" Zeel mummers to himself as he didn't like the idea of being bounded by someone or something. Zeel laid back once again as he tried to sift through his memories, but found many gaps in his memories – especially during the 5 years' time he spent as a tool for the Asheborns. This however, was not totally unexpected as he could recall blocking out many off the memories, but it was not like he did not remember them but more along the lines that he would prefer to not actively think of them unless necessary to solve a situation.

After checking out his mental conditioning and affirming that everything was a sit should have been, Zeel then checked out his physiological processes. Amazingly he noted an improvement in his physical condition, and his physique had become more refined, stronger, and much more attractive.

"Ah well that is a problem for tomorrow! Just need some knives and sword" mumbles Zeel as he drops back into a deep sleep completely numb from the swelling of his hands for using such a self-damaging technique earlier.

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