Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 110 - 99 - Zeel's Secret Projects

The group left, I proceeded with my regular duties for about five minutes, after which I leaned back in the chair assigned to me.

The microglass below my chair split apart as it shifted states from solid to plasma, I was submerged into the plasma.

It poked and prodded my body, checking every crevice and muscle mass, ran every test possible, down to the length of my hair, to verify that it was really me entering the sub-dimensional laboratory below.

The series of scans were the most complex processes I could manufacture at this point in time.

I even used my nanites to alter the molecular structure of some substances just to make sure that no stone was left unturned.

Paranoid? No, this was a necessary precaution; it is not an exaggeration to say what I have in this lab can end the world a few times over. I know all too well that all it takes was one mad man to get lucky and an entire Universe could be in jeopardy.

While I could not yet create a sub-dimensional storage unit that won't collapse in on itself, I could build constructs in sub-dimensions that already existed in the universe.

No matter where you are in the multiverse, some things must remain constant – ever seen a Universe without coffee? Okay, that one is a joke.

More often than not, all Universe have a Mirror Universe, Shadow Universe, Heaven, Hell, amongst other Dimensions. These dimensions have further sub-dimensions and layers to help in the stabilization of the Universe, and only a few privileged individuals know how to access these Dimensions.

Oftentimes these Dimensions were used to trap beings that were too dangerous for the wider Universe, but if you know how to access these dimensions – they make an exceptional place to conduct research that should never see the light of day.

The easiest and the best outcome would be to only get lost, but I assure you there are things worse than death in the multiverse.

Even as brilliant as I am, I could only manage to build a laboratory barely entering the 1st Layer of the Mirror Dimension. I had no confidence in navigating my way back out if I went deeper in.

Still, this provided enough security for what was required of my experimental space.

That way if any of my experiments went critical, I could simply dump it deeper into the Mirror Dimension so it couldn't affect the real world.

There was no telling how such a blunder could affect reality, but I could care less after I finished experimentation.

Creatures living in the mirror dimension were few and far between, some of which can be world ending if they ever got out. Good thing those types of creatures are buried deep in the Mirror Dimension, a point I'll probably never reach – hopefully I don't even attempt it.

Without the technology from my original universe, I am akin to a transition from a star in the faraway galaxy to dog feces. No, I am not exaggerating, a Homo-Superior without technology is like a peac.o.c.k without its feathers – simply a prideful chicken.

Appearing in my lab, I check the progress on the Z-virus analysis and saw that it was complete. This was the area I conduct my more s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e experiments.

Alice would be against me messing with anything related to the T-virus, hence I conducted experiments with the z-virus here, it is called 'Project Z'.

Some were just too plain dangerous to allow to see the day of light, however, there were some successes few and far between. That was a story for another day.

Next, I checked on 'Project Lorien', which included everything from Loric physiology to the energy that grants the Garde their various abilities. I was truly squeezing every possibility to enhance the strength of those around me.

Why don't I increase my own strength? Simple, I can't. It is complex to explain but at a certain point in the evolutionary odyssey, it becomes impossible to grow any further without compromising your individuality, Universe, or both.

This had to do with the evolutionary divide that separated all beings from the other side of the evolutionary path.

Homo-Superiors, of course, overcame this hurdle, but the cost simply acc.u.mulates, and eventually, you'll have to pay.

The evolutionary field was one of the payment methods, but the chances of surviving there were less than your grandmother having a baby on her death bed.

Anyways, I am side-tracking too much, amongst the projects include Project SRNT – experimentation using the nanites to fully integrate the Mbeamer we use for Mjumps.

This would make the Mbeamer unstealable since it would dissolve after detachment from the host's body, and can easily be recreated with enough materials and SRNT.

The research hit a wall as we have to have substantial energy cores present in our bodies for this to work. This type of energy core is not impossible but inside the human body?

Unless you drain a planet dry like I've done so far to fuel my travels. However, even then you'd have to choose especially carefully about which planets you would drain dry.

You can't put cooking oil in a Tesla and expect it to drive. This would be the same logic when someone other than myself tries to fuel the Mbeamer for Mjumps. As the last defense mechanism, I manually perform the algorithm for energy conversion to the type suitable for Mjumps.

Without this algorithm that exists only in my mind, even if someone got a hold of my Mbeamer, it would be nearly impossible to use it.

I had considered draining Lorien since it could regenerate eventually, but Alice has been taking precautions for my more detrimental actions recently- it has become to the point as if she can tell what I am thinking before I think it.

The next project was Project Clones Resonance – this was the brainchild of a night of fierce s.e.x with Alice and Elizabeth. I asked the question: how come some of the names in one universe are also present in other Universes?

The legends are more or less the same- this should not be possible unless Mjumping is considered. In that regard, I am confident that while I may not be the first Mjumper, I am the most undetectable one.

Then I thought of a research long discarded when I battled my clone in Alice's Universe. The clone was a rundown version of myself but seemed a bit too powerful for the mess of genome sequences it was.

It was almost as if …. the clone shared my power? Influence? Being? Aura?

This led to the current Research project, I suspect that when one being in the Multiverse becomes extraordinary, it creates a sort of resonance with all versions of that Being alive in the Multiverse.

The moment they were born or became gods, all Zeus and Poseidon in the multiverse got an upgrade in status. That means since I created Multiverse travel, possibly all Zeel's in the multiverse went from being nobodies to a small leadership position.

Maybe in one Universe, I was an electrician, but now because of me, that version could own a small electrical company himself.

The next Project was Consciousness Cloning - this project used the cloning method from Alice's world and maps a mind; injecting it into the clone's body creating a near-perfect replica of the person.

Since I have recently gained an interest in true metaphysical matters, I am reluctant to use this project since I am wondering if I can replicate soul energy so complex, that I can resurrect someone.

Project Extinction – this project includes the many different ways I can cause an extinction-level event. Here I have a vial of the original t-virus – the origins for which I could never figure out, and I have recently started working with the rare metal recovered from the Mogadorian base coined 'Emospectruminium'.

It causes emotional distress ranging from sadness to anger on the emotional spectrum and charges itself with mostly negative energy.

It could also be charged with positive energy but that would require beyond fine emotional control. Even I struggle near it so I can imagine how Alice and the others would react.

My final project, and the one I am working on today, was Project Improvements – this houses the many ways I have found that could increase combat effectiveness and other non-combat related aspects.

Alice was aware of this project as we worked on it together at first and sometimes still do, just not in my lab.

The antigravity boots were an idea born from Project Improvements, as were the Infiltrators.

Nanites integration, z-virus, rare metal weaponry – the gravity boots use trace amounts of Zeelinium, nanites for manipulating gravity, and vibranium to stabilize frictional resistances.

Most components around the base, and on the Numbers, use a composite of these metals as a base, hence I can break them apart and make whatever I wish before turning them back into boots or individual components.

Alice, and now Elizabeth, can also do this through the nanites on a minor scale/ Still, they both mainly use their nanites to aid in calculations for their main abilities: Alice her telekinesis, and Elizabeth her elemental manipulation and novis ability.

After adjusting experiment parameters and making sure everything was functioning accurately, I exited the incomplete sub-dimension, and a couple of minutes later, the group returned with a 5"9 blonde-haired, striking blue-eyed girl.

Is she a candidate for my harem? No thank you, I am not that kind of guy.

Elizabeth was Alice's idea – I don't like too many girls around. Every day is a mystery since I don't know if and when I can be ambushed by old grudges, hence having s.e.x is only a release.

I had no thought to indulge myself in all the pussies available across the Multiverse.



















Well… maybe I will still partake of the really good pussies.

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