Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 111 - 100 - Cindy Joins The Team

"She's number on-" Alice was about to say before Number one aka Cindy ran up to me and gave me a big hug.

"Huh?" everyone yelled in surprise, hugging a guy in front of his wife and lover?

Damn, she obviously has guts the size of a planet.

"Remember the Mogadorian we encountered when we awoke?" I asked Alice while talking loud enough for everyone to hear, misunderstandings kill relationsh.i.p.s.

"I noticed that he contained conflicting energies within his body, incompatible even not something as simple as water and ice but more akin to trans-dimensional energy and nuclear energy. It didn't make any sense, so as an experiment I injected nanites into the Mogadorians brain where I saw two conflicting brain waves overlapping.

So I just tasked the nanites to eliminate one of the mind waves since two brain waves can't exist in the same mind or internal bleeding and other complications appear. I just told the nanites to pick one and erase it. Haha, who knew I picked the correct one?"

Everyone else slapped their heads and I felt Cindy's arms around me loosen a great deal but I didn't really mind it as I just told the truth. The truth sets you free right?...

Or is it the truth condemns us to hell?

"So you guessed with my life?" Cindy asked not seeming mad but intrigued at my lack of seriousness in such a grave matter.

"Yeah, basically," I nodded and explained so she wouldn't misunderstand "We didn't have enough time so, good thing you transferred your mind to a Mogadorian body if it was a human you would be brain dead in a couple of days,"

"The main question is how your mind ended up in a Mogadorian body and how you were able to regain your body," John said looking at her suspiciously, I thought it was my job to be paranoid but it looks like I can take a break for today.

"I didn't do it, the Mogadorians did and a shapeshifting legacy appeared after I was injured by Zeel and Alice, my body naturally reverted back to its original appearance," Cindy answered to which I grabbed her head and read deep into her memories, seeing all the experiments conducted on her and trying to find the location of the base she was kept at.

I look towards the group and say "Nada, I'll send the images into the computer for a thorough sweep but she's not being controlled or anything like that,"

"Good, one less thing to worry about, we have to start her training regimen either way," Alice says in a bit of an excited tone.

I notice how she has come to appreciate the Garde as a little family of her own. I knew she always wanted to be a mother but fate just didn't have it in the cards for us at this moment.

I never had a good history with Fate, since that is coincidentally the name of an ex. Another grudge I hope stays trapped at the end of the Multiverse for all eternity.

"Yeah, I think I have some things I can improve upon. Last time Setrakus Ra canceled all our legacies and I think if I train my dreynen legacy, I can cancel whatever it is he did. I can feel it's Lorien in nature, so it should use the same fundamental principles," Ella said after which she exited the central pub and went into a training room below.

I have to admit, I like her dedication to the cause – I actually enjoy being around these guys when they're not around much. A bit contradictory right? But hey welcome to my life.

"I'll join her," John said also exiting the central pub, followed closely by Marina.

"Well, I'll go wake up our sleeping beauty," Alice said as she pulled up number 9 aka Stanley's stasis pod. Her method of awakening was something even I dreaded in the past.

"Well, I'll stay wherever my darling is," Elizabeth said as she tried to make herself comfortable on my l.a.p.

I push her off and remind her that she needs to work on her elemental manipulation, Elizabeth is a bit younger than both Alice and me. We had to adopt parenting vibes when dealing with her "You should attempt making the lightning ball as I did,"

Elizabeth is a badass and she could do well on her own without Alice and I watching her back. I could tell that she desperately wants to fit in with Alice and myself, hence the reason for the drastic shift in her personality.

"How did you do that by the way?" She asks a bit confused "I thought elemental manipulation was my thing?"

"I plan to explain how I use my TechnoMancy when all the numbers are gathered since there will probably be a war. Remember always keep your secrets close to your heart," I say but I don't think she understood me very well. The reason you keep your secrets close to your heart is that the nanites in her system were mostly concentrated at that area, so it can self-destruct in the event of her death.

Elizabeth was pretty 'headstrong' (dumb) to the intricacies of the nanites, hence I doubt she realized that majority of her processing power is evenly distributed through her body, but mostly concentrated at her heart.

Basically, if she was shot in the head, it would cause major damage but not life-threatening since the nanites could function as a secondary storage unit, picking up where the brain fails.

Elizabeth later skirted off to a training room with a contented expression on her face. Alice brought back an unconscious Stanley, who seemed to have suffered one of her infamous breakdowns even though he was unconscious previously.

I quickly read through his memories and altered a few of his less pleasant ones into hate for the Mogadorians as I didn't want any unforeseen dissension to happen within the ranks of the Garde.

I already had to keep one eye open for John as I suspect the Sarah situation was not yet over, and we do stupid things for nonsensical feelings such as love. Just look at me? The once-great Zeel now has to have moral constraints because of a woman – Alice.

Ever since Sarah's untimely departure, Alice had been edging on Marina to give John a chance. Marina didn't seem interested in John at all, but we had a new opportunity with Cindy – she seemed to match his preferences and she looked a lot like Sarah but prettier.

The following week I spent in research, designing a universal access point for my laboratory – I called it the speculum splinters or 'Spec' for short.

I was also working on analyzing the phoenix stones and found it to be the exact boost in power we would need for Project SRNT but human bodies could not sustain the energy density input or output even with Alice's improvements.

My Homo-Superior physique could take the strain of such an energy increase, but the chains on my soul were preventing me from doing so without great risks.

Stanley fell right into training with the rest of the group and after a week, another missioned popped up.

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