Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 112 - 101 - Number 8 Vishnu

Screens flickered to life as all projections in the room began displaying complex algorithms.

The Algorithm began melding and forming one cohesive image - A map of the world.

Soon the map began to magnify until it remained at a specific location in India.

"So there is this guy in India that has become popular, most people claiming he is a god – the reincarnation of Vishnu they call him," Alice said as the image shifted displaying all the necessary information gathered.

Seeing everyone being fascinated by the holograms and not the information, I continued garnering everyone's attention "I suspect he is a number; satellite imagery malfunctions when attempting to spy at his mountain location,"

"So he had some form of interference power?" John asked wanting to be prepared for all possible scenarios.

You wouldn't want to take a gun to a sword fight right? No, I didn't say that wrong – at this point, swords are more useful than guns.

"We cannot rule out that possibility but the interference is electromagnetic and gravitational in origin. It alternates between the two, sometimes quantum tunneling effects push through but the consistency of the readings might as well be trash at this point," I said feeling greatly annoyed.

"So either we are dealing with a really strong number or a number with a really strong weapon? I am beginning to like this trip already," Elizabeth commented looking at the mission as a mini vacation instead of a place she could possibly die.

"So what are we going with this time? I heard you wanted to try out the gravimetric missiles you developed," Ella asked since it was also mandatory for everyone to be aware of the weapons they could utilize in each battle and the science behind such weapons.

"I don't think we should use that on potential friendlies," Marina commented a bit eagerly. She knew Zeel was one to find any opportunity to get results "We should just kidnap the so-called god and be done with it,"

"Or we can make a godly entrance and ask to speak to our fellow god," Alice suggested wanting to have a bit of fun in this dull time of intermission between battles.

Alice figured that she might as well enjoy life as much as possible since Zeel was still hesitant on the children front.

"I like the idea, seems way less complicated," I commented "But I still have a better idea,"

"Lemme guess break in, take what we want and don't care about anything else", Alice asked to which I nodded since it was indeed the most effective way to handle such matters. What can I say? I am the type of guy that would kidnap and worry about the consequences later.

"That, and I have been studying some matters of great importance recently so the quicker we finish the faster I can get back to my studies," I told Alice emphasizing certain words in my statement.

Usually, Alice wouldn't actively use her nanites to read my intentions until we're in the planning phases of a mission, but she would sometimes make exceptions so we could feel closer during s.e.x and other activities.

"Well let's get on with it," Elizabeth said as she made her way towards the quinjet, she had been bugging me to fly it ever since she got skilled enough to fly freely with the antigravity boots. I read somewhere never to give women your car keys and credit cards.

Fifteen Minutes later we were present above the Nanda Devi mountains in India. Quite a beautiful place if I do say so myself.

Everyone could feel the energy radiating outwards from below the quinjet, but this did little to deter our adventurous spirits. Landing, Bernie Kozer conducted a reconnaissance of the nearby area before proceeding to areas of settlements.

Yeah, I made Bernie Kozer the first to attack in all scenarios, well he is expendable with all the chimeras we have; but I can't keep it up for much longer, everyone is beginning to notice.

There were many twists and turns required to navigate through the barely standing buildings and statues, some of which looked similar to Felians from my world – a race who had little surviving members after a great extinction happened on their planet centuries before I was even born.

After I had enough sway in the interplanetary government, I salvaged the remaining members of the race and offered them sanctuary in exchange for a few minor experiments.

There was no need for such experiments as I had all my data collected from colleagues who had previously experimented on them.

I still kept them as workers since my sister had grown a fondness for the creatures well into when we abandoned the planet. My sister was a softy at heart.

This was one of the reasons only my father and I knew about the inner workings; though even my father with his secret investigations only knew about the project and not it's power source which was the planet itself or I would have probably had to put him in an induced coma to keep his silence.

After several twists and turns and a couple of minor investigations later, we came to an area that seemed to be used for worship.

He stared at us wearily at first but that brief moment of eye contact gave me the chance to whisper a word using my memory manipulation legacy.


It only lasted for a couple of seconds but I had already disappeared from my spot and placed my hands on the teenager's head. With a quick reading of the memories and transferring my own experiences, any major panic was avoided though I was shocked by the fortification of the teenager's mind.

It was harder for me to manipulate his memories than most, almost impossible – this guy is very strong.

Number 8 aka Vishnu was very understanding and skilled; had I not caught Vishnu off guard, it would take quite a lot of time to restrain him.

While searching his memories, I also noted areas of India that could be said to hold traces of the 'divine' though this was simply appalling to me.

Divine? Divine my a.s.s, were the Felians Multiversal beings?

This is the first time I am seeing this since my Universe had an entirely different historical record than most other Universes.

I think my Universe was one of the first in which humans demonstrated an inclination towards rational thinking.

"Cêpan?" John asked, hoping for a way to wake Henri up sooner rather than later.

"Dead. Tricked by his lover," Vishnu replied keeping a stoic face.

I guess everyone fell to love at one point or another.

"I can relate," said Stanley, he had also been caught because of betrayal by an earth lover.

Well, I didn't really blame the girl, she had a difficult choice to make between love and her family.

"Legacy C.h.e.s.t?" I asked since that was my main concern at the moment, all pleasantries could wait for later.

"With me always," replied Vishnu as with a wave of his hand the c.h.e.s.t suddenly appeared, but it was enough for me to detect a probability field I was all too familiar with – quantum entanglement, Teleportation.

"Teleportation legacy, huh?"

"Yeah, short distances unless Loralite is around," Vishnu said with some pride in his voice, thinking he got the best legacy so far.

"Loralite huh? Yeah, I synthesized a compound similar to it back at the base but we haven't had time to explore it deeply as of yet, well good thing to have you here, my new experi- I mean my new friend," I said quickly correcting myself hoping nobody would notice my momentary slip of the tongue.

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