Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 113 - 102 - Felians

"You should get all your worshippers out of here before anything else happens," Zeel told Vishnu gesturing to all the men and women surrounding their location.

Zeel felt uncomfortable since he was all too well-aware of the type of energy that would be birthed from worshipping – Faith Energy.

Witnessing all the people kneeling below him and Vishnu, Zeel felt it was only a natural occurrence, but others like John were new to the experience.

Power drives everyone mad eventually unless you had a taste of it and chose to leave it behind.

The entirety of the Homo-Superior race had power beyond most other Universes, but they never had the inclination to use it for much other than the collective benefits of the entire race.

This always puzzled Zeel, why was a race like his own not subjected to the corruption birthed from power for their entire history?

"Hmmm, why would anything happen, the Mogadorians aren't coming. I don't detect anything you wouldn't expect from Indian mountains," Alice replied to which Zeel nodded as if she had made his point for him.

"Exactly, my point is there is nothing out of the ordinary, but we had massive electromagnetic and gravitational interference trying to run scans on this place, but we all assumed it was Vishnu's ability but as you can see, he is on par with Ella who is the weakest here physically speaking. The question remains, where is the interference coming from?"

"Didn't he say something about Loralite? Maybe that's it?" John asked chastising himself for glossing over the proper investigation procedure. That's what made Zeel different from all of them, even if he was smarter, he never stopped suspecting and asking questions.

John knew all too well that what makes someone like himself, someone gifted with abilities, die was not a strong opponent. People like him died from carelessness. John, Elizabeth, and everyone else could not afford to be careless at all.

"No, can't be. We have already made synthetic Loralite, meaning we would have already calibrated our detection systems to the substance. So something else must be interfering with it," Alice stated to which Zeel nodded and everyone else came to a realization.

"So what is it?" Marina asked feeling a bit pumped at the new mystery to solve.

"Gather all your followers Vishnu," Zeel commanded and after everyone was gathered, he gave another order "Tell them to look into my eyes,"

After Vishnu executed his order, with everyone looking into his eyes Zeel said "Your god has ascended back to the heavens, go home and start families, love, and live your life. When you die you will ascend to heaven to be with your god once more, now leave and keep people away from the disturbance that will happen here,"

After Zeel finished his statement, every follower of Vishnu turned around and left the mountain. Their eyes had not lost their light but became much more vibrant.

The idea Zeel instilled in their minds would guide them for the rest of their lives.

"Weren't your instructions too vague?" Ella asked since she understood how his Memory Manipulation legacy worked.

"You would be amazed at what the human mind does when someone is in self-denial and can't process something. Do you think they really like to pray or come here for Vishnu?" Zeel asked, feeling that no matter how much everyone looked like him, they were still less intelligible species.

Elizabeth and Alice could barely keep him engaged socially even with his own memories in their minds. Zeel felt that this was only natural since the two girls were not his true soulmates and hence the relationship was not ideal.

Alice was his first love and accidental imprint; Elizabeth was the result of the resonance of their respective legacies.

Zeel never had a soulmate and it was completely normal given that only one in every thousand Homo-Superiors would find their soulmate/soulmates.

Cindy shrugged her shoulders "What does it matter?"

"Well because they want to leave, but are afraid god would condemn them to hell. So I told them to go home – something they wanted to do a long time ago," Zeel replied as he rubbed his eyes from staring too long.

Thirty minutes later after everyone had left, Alice did a quick check and said "Okay! Everyone besides us, there is no one left. What is this big reveal you want to show us?"

"Well let me start off by making something clear, Alice and I are from very far away," Zeel said slowly as he placed emphasis on each word.

"Yeah, we know but you just said you teleported here, you never mentioned how far away it is," Elizabeth replied curiously about what bullshit explanation Zeel was about to give.

Elizabeth, like Alice, had access to some of his memories while he slept, so she was well aware of 'how far' they were from – an entirely different Universe.

"Think about it as akin to one billion galaxies away, not just light speed even at beyond light speed with combinations of tachyons, exotic matter, strange matter, negative mass, dark matter; you still wouldn't be able to make it halfway here. That's how far 'here' is from where Alice and I came from. Well, unless you had access to a cosmic force which are supposed to be super mega rare," Zeel said making sure everyone understood how difficult Multiversal travel is without openly saying it.

Zeel dropped the Cosmic Force hint to see their reactions but witnessing their loss looks. Zeel realized that they did not know the first thing about space travel and the dangers that lie in deep space.

Everyone had shocked faces after that explanation as they were Loric and had already traveled through space, in what they perceived to be the most technologically advanced ship in the known universe.

"That would take massive energy, I mean world-ending kind, and beyond that, all other variables would be uncertain. It would be a miracle to make it that far without dying," Marina said shocked by the mere probability of such teleportation being successful, it was bordering on insanely-impossible-improbable-never-to-happen-again kind of luck.

Zeel was aware of the improbability of his first Mjump to Alice's Universe, but that was why he specifically used more energy than was necessary. His planet's core was modified to the point of insanity, producing almost as much energy as a Quasar.

"Yeah Alice's and I questioned our luckiness many times now, and the mere incredulity of the situation that we would end up here. I have done this twice before and both times should have been impossible to survive, but after coming here I think I understand why we survived," Zeel said as he stared intently at the Felian statues all around the mountain ruins.

Zeel had access to almost all open information that travels through WANs. This meant that he had definitely seen these religious statues before.

This demonstrated another weak point of the nanites, they were unable to find anything that was not specifically focused on.

Even if the information was stored in his nanites database, without Zeel's intentions, the information would be buried in his subconscious forever.

Cindy noticed his gaze and asked, "The statues have similar origins?"

This, in turn, caused Stanley, Ella, Vishnu, Marina, John, and Elizabeth to gasp in surprise. Their surprise was justified since that would mean someone besides Zeel and Alice could invent technology to jump that far.

Once is a miracle but twice? That is a coincidence, and there is no such thing as a coincidence in the multiverse – someone or something is always responsible.

"Yes, they're from my home planet. So-," Zeel said as he was about to drop a major bomb.

"So the reason we have been surviving the 'teleportation' without any coordinates before Mjumping is because we have been following a predetermined jumping path? A path these weird-looking 'gods' took in the past?" Alice asked, not feeling in the mood for Zeel's mysteriousness any longer.

"Exactly, these guys are called Felians. I had a younger sister who loved them, Felians all varied in appearance but had the same characteristics more or less. The species encountered some extinction-level event centuries before my planet started space exploration, when we found them, they were on the verge of extinction.

Humans took advantage of the remaining Felians for experimentation, later I had the surviving Felians work under me for similar experiments but by then I had all the results I needed without having to perform any experiments on them.

They thought of me as a great benefactor but it was really my little sister who convinced me not to cull their numbers," Zeel explained and continued "The Felians power laid in their voices, they had the ability to make weapons that contained the energy of their voices, and their voices itself were weapons of massive destruction,"

"Is there a reason or rhyme to this story?" asked Stanley a bit annoyed at Zeel.

While every member of the Garde didn't exactly like Zeel, Stanley was the only one to openly demonstrate his dislike. Stanley could not tell exactly what, but he had the feeling that Zeel took something from him when they first met.

Even if the mind could no longer remember, Zeel did not think that pain could carve itself into the very soul.

Zeel, himself, never had any emotional turmoil that carved itself into his very soul. Even if he did, Zeel would not be able to feel it.

"See most people thought their voices were so awesome, they overlooked a key part – the language, nobody could ever understand it or study it, it was mistaken for rabble as that's how it sounded," Alice answered in Zeel's place as she was currently resonating her nanites alongside his own. She wanted to get the story a bit faster than everyone else, and what better way to do that than to see the memory directly from Zeel's mind?

"Yeah exactly. Nobody would listen to a dog's bark, and likewise for the prideful Homo-Superiors and weird-looking Felians," Zeel complimented as he didn't think she could also access those memories that were more protected than the others, it just meant her compatibility with him had breached that threshold – Pseudo Psychic Soulmates.

"So after years of taking care of them, they thought me the secret to their language," Zeel said as energy gathered on the tip of his index finger "The secret was they had one tongue, but when they spoke it shifted constantly between one to three tongues through dimensional currents joined together, so no one noticed. Their tongue vibrated in erratic ways so nobody really cared to research too deeply into it,"

Marina was the most confused since she could understand most of what Zeel was saying "I can't understand the science behind it,"

Zeel paused and thought for a couple of minutes before he decided that maybe he had been speaking to them ambiguously.

Maybe, he needed to lessen his intelligence by a couple of notches as if he was talking to Karmatians (very big pigs) "So humans are naturally intuned to different dimensions. This is what causes them to instinctually fear the night and like the day,"

Zeel paused to make sure he was speaking slowly enough "So all these dimensions are with us right now.

The closer ones like the Night Dimension and Light Dimension are very near us. Others like Heaven and Hell are very far away. Felians were intuned to multiple dimensions but were only anchored to one dimension; however, when they spoke, it was through currents of resonance born from multiple dimensions combined,"

Marina nodded as if she finally understood, but the others had confused looks still, so Marina cleared it up, saying in a few words what Zeel could not in a couple of paragraphs "So it's like speaking and the sound travels through water, jelly, and air. The sound later meets together and becomes a complete message right,"

"Yes, exactly," Zeel replied a bit enthusiastically causing Elizabeth and Alice to instantly appear before Marina like she was a girl about to be eaten by a big bad wolf.

Zeel then proceeded to slash his tongue twice making it appear as three separate tongues, blood spilled but not so much as his healing factor had already begun rectifying the injury.

"Huddle up!" Alice commanded as she had a vague idea of what may happen next.

"Rali k aver sauo dji yaneq dhsj yetr izjzz ussuk," Zeel began chanting a passage, each word resonating louder than the other until...




The ruined statues of the Felians suddenly became life-like and began surrounding Zeel and the others.

Stanley was not impressed by whatever Zeel was spouting, so he turned to John and whispered "This guy is clearly talking bullshit,"

John was about to giggle everything seemed to be frozen in time, and before anyone could respond they all went dizzy, with only Zeel and Alice remaining barely awake.

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