Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 114 - 103 - Temporal Shift

The entire world suddenly became flat as sparks danced around Zeel's and Alice's bodies. Alice began feeling woozy but Zeel tapped her forehead activating their nanites resonance causing her mind to ease slightly.

Alice looked around amazed at this entirely new world she was currently witnessing, and deep down inside she was very scared.

She looked at Zeel looking for answers, and then her gaze alternated between the flat unfamiliar world and Zeel.

Zeel sensing her gaze knew that she was currently straining herself.

Even if he temporarily granted her 4th Dimensional View through the nanites, he could not make it make complete sense to her brain "You are watching it, but I guess you can't see it yet,"

"See what?" Alice asked.

Zeel paused and decided how best to explain "I have temporarily made you a 4th Dimensional Being, but since you did not really undergo and evolution, your brain cannot process all the information it is currently witnessing,"

"What is this?"

"Every time a species undergoes a major evolution, they become higher dimensional beings. What you are currently witnessing is a complete 4th Dimensional World View. But always remember, the better your view, the more you can see, and the more you can see, the more things can see you," Zeel warned sternly since he wanted Alice to fully understand the importance of his statement.

"So every time you evolve, you become a higher dimensional being," Alice mused as she was getting dizzier and dizzier as time passed by.

No, there was no time since she was currently in the 4th Dimension.

Alice then continued speaking after stabilizing her thoughts "Then what level of Dimensional beings are Homo-Superiors?"

Zeel smiled but did not answer directly "It doesn't matter because nobody wants to constantly be above the 4th Dimension. That means that everyone prefers the 3rd Dimension, the higher you go, the less of yourself you become. Only truly amazing Beings have kept it together,"

Seeing that Zeel was unwilling to provide direct answers, Alice drew their attention back to the matter at hand "What is this phenomena?"

"Temporal shift"

"Temporal shift? What is that I can't find it in your memories?" Alice inquired knowing how much of a big deal something has to be for Zeel to hide it from her.

"Because the most dangerous of my memories are guarded by the cube, inside the cube, and made up of the cube. It is the most advanced tech I was able to recreate using materials from my Universe. It guards everything too dangerous for anyone to know – even myself since I met you.

I don't want to ruin us, so I sealed away methods of advancement that could be considered less than humane," Zeel explained as the cube is something more important to him than even his own life. He manifested the cube in his hand and showed it to Alice.

"Why are you telling me this now?" asked Alice knowing Zeel had a reason for everything he does.

"Because I need your agreement to unlock the information on Temporal Engines amongst other things. The cube requires both our permissions to extract information, so just focus on Temporal Engines and I will handle the rest," Zeel said vaguely, something Alice noted but didn't mind.

Zeel always had two or three angles for every problem.

Accessing the cube in his hand, Zeel and Alice both focused on Temporal Engines and extracted the necessary information. But unknown to Alice, Zeel extracted something extra from the cube – something very dangerous they would come to regret later.

"So a Temporal Engine is used to manipulate time on a large scale. Mainly used to fix Temporal Quakes and diverging timelines, but the backfire is huge if not used correctly. Has many minor uses like experiencing another time without truly affecting anything since it eliminates all influences after you leave," Alice said as she recounted the information that popped into her head.

"I know what you're thinking, it's not that big of a deal, spread your senses out and feel it," Zeel told Alice as she did what she was told. This could barely be called a Temporal Engine since it is too weak.

"Yeah, unstable. We could do this too but it's more like a dimension shift with temporal ripples but too weak to do any damage," Alice said noting they could also cause this exact same phenomenon but through a different method.

"Yeah, they're not sending us through time, they're bringing time towards us so they could show us something, I can get it to start but we should wake everyone up first," Zeel told Alice as the once flat world reverted to an illusionary one.

'where are we?' was a sentiment shared by everyone who had awoken, and with Alice there to explain, Zeel did not have to waste his time explaining over and over again.

"So we are in a dimensional shift that had temporal interferences?" John asked, everything was a bit over his head but he could still grasp the b.a.r.e minimum.

"Exactly, now eyes open I am going to finish the temporal link so we could see whatever it is the person who built this wanted us to see, the technology is ancient but fairly advanced. It has degraded over time so don't get your hopes up too much," Zeel said as he waved his hand and everyone heard a click before they were pulled into an image.

The images became videos, then the videos became reality. The group tried to interact with the current reality they were experiencing but was stopped by Alice.

"Don't talk, they can't hear you, think of us as time ghosts watching a video," Alice said.

The empty void of space is shown with flickering stars in the background. Then the void warps and a myriad of lights shone as thousands of Felians were ejected from the gate that opened in the void of space.

The Felians were without sh.i.p.s or any means of transportation, though the Felians were a tenacious race. Even as tenacious as they were, they were unable to survive the vacuum of space for extended periods of time. The group died one by one until three were left.

Just on the brink of true extinction, another warp appeared in the void – it was a vague image of a girl? It was too vague to really tell anything other than humanoid in shape.

The reality then shifted as the Felians reached for the void and light wrapped the thousands of Felians both dead and alive – then the humanoid girl-shaped Being, warped away; taking all the Felians with her.


Reality shifted once again showing a peaceful time, thriving society, abundant resources, a planet that looked a lot like-

"Lorien," John said with amazement as everyone including Zeel also had shock written on their faces.

Reality shifted once again, it showed a war but not on any known planets. A war stemming across several planets and through the void of space; the thousands of Felian descendants participated and once again started dying out to the point of extinction.

It was an absolute slaughter, even the stronger Felians who had abilities of voice unmatched, wielding weapons forged in the sound waves of their most sacred words, fell in that war.

Zeel and the others couldn't see who the war was against or who won the war for that matter, but the next statement in the Felians language solved that issue for Zeel "sadi ral ji llal rel lie qwe ekl dla duo erwen irl fkal fis,"

"Zeel?" Alice said prompting him to translate. Even if she had his memories, Felians language could not be understood without personal lessons.

"We have to leave; Leave the kids behind so they can grow to be better than us. Suppress their heritage to make them weaker so they never shine brighter than is noticeable.

Create a sister planet to suppress Lorien, we can never have it grow too strong and be noticed again. If you see this just know we died so our children could live," Zeel translated leaving out some of the more important pieces of information he may find useful for himself.

"So they're our ancestors?" Marina and Cindy asked simultaneously.

Vishnu was speechless since he had always felt himself growing stronger the more he stayed in the mountains.

"They're 25% of your ancestors even considering their suppressed heritage. That means the 75% came from elsewhere maybe even some human genome sequences in there. Weird how you guys call the dog a 'chimera' when you are more 'chimera' than he'll ever be with all those mixes in your DNA," Zeel said feeling the current situation is a bit amusing.

Alice was surprised that Zeel did not find the suppressed Felian DNA within the Lorien. To Alice, Zeel knew everything and was infallible.

Seeing her confusion, Zeel answered the question for her "I am extremely brilliant and cautious, but not all-knowing,"


After a small dizzy bout, the group found themselves in a temple.

"Where is this?" Stanley asked still a bit disoriented by the whole ordeal.

"If that message is to be believed then, an inheritance temple – bit contradictory though,�� Alice said as everyone grew quiet but still a bit expectant at having the opportunity to grow stronger.

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