Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 137 - 126 - An Exotic Battle

The momentum had not died down one bit as Alice, Zeel, and Elizabeth exited the mirror dimension.

Zeel was flung into some nearby trenches carving his likeness into the ground with his face.

Alice and Elizabeth were just as unfortunate as Zeel. both girls clung to each other tightly causing them both to be imprinted in a nearby small mountain.

Alice and Elizabeth forced their battered bodies from the indent on the small mountain. Their bones ached as they attempted to extricate themselves from the holes they created.

After freeing themselves, Alice and Elizabeth staggered forward hoping to find Zeel.

Zeel was still slumped over, face down into the ground, he had tried to move but his legs were as thin as noodles. It was a comedic scene to see.

Alice and Elizabeth giggled at the scene for a couple of minutes before helping the ever-serious Zeel out of his plight.

The nanites in their bodies were actively repairing any injures incurred during the Mjump, but injuries like Zeel's would take some time to heal.

At his first chance, Zeel attempted to hack whatever technology he could find, hoping to ascertain the basics of his current Universe.

However, a migraine stopped him immediately as cosmic dissonance assaulted his mind.

zeel gritted his teeth and barely manage to stifle his screams, but Alice and Elizabeth were not so tough. Both girls fell to the ground and began twitching uncontrollably.

Zeel, not letting the pain get the best of him, waited patiently for the cosmic shadow to eclipse.

The eclipse dragged him into the Information Dimension for a slit second – a split second was more than enough for Zeel to acquire the information he needed.

After taking about fifteen minutes to recover, Zeel then inquired about all their findings. Alice and Elizabeth did not enter the Information Dimension due to the intense pain.

"This Universe is Unknown, but it is home to beings called Energones. No tech of any kind is here, so we can't get extra information, but everything seems to be done using different types of energies. That's all I was able to glimpse," Zeel summarized.

Alice grimaced as she massaged her aching head.

"I thought you said there were no living beings in the Universe we would extract the Quasar from?" She asked accusingly.

Unlike Alice and Zeel, Elizabeth was always curious by nature so she was the first to discover the anomaly.

"Depends on what you consider living. The energy in the air is so potent that no organic being can live here," Elizabeth noted.

Despite her lack of higher education, Elizabeth was always able to follow her gut without technical phrases and calculations.

It didn't take a genius to know that biologically, lifeforms would find it challenging to exist in such an energy-rich environment.

Alice felt around for a bit before becoming surprised by what she found "The energy density in the air here is off the charts,"

"Yeah" Zeel replied with a smirk on his face "We should drain this planet dry,"

"NO!" Elizabeth and Alice simultaneously replied knowing his tendency to murder entire races.

Zeel sighed "I was joking; we wouldn't have a big enough vial to store all this energy anyway,"

Alice and Elizabeth were immediately on guard, watching Zeel as if he was a big villain that could pounce at any moment.

Zeel, however, couldn't be less interested in the energy of this planet after encountering a mirrorverse full of Reverse Energy.

Reverse Energy was as the name indicated - energy that could reverse the property of any other energy. Though it would take a substantial amount of Reverse Energy to alter certain Energies.

Elizabeth was the first to realize the significance of this moment.

"So this is what Multiversal Jumping is like huh? Hurts more than I imagined," She said enthused.

Alice giggled "Get used to it, this is the least of the pain right now,"

Elizabeth shrugged "Let's explore, we're not only in a new Universe, but we are also on a new Planet – one that is saturated with energy a couple of times denser than Lorien,"

Zeel disagreed "Lorien was weakened, and the energy on Lorien was way denser than this one. You Garde was just unable to feel all the energies since they were intertwined too closely,"

Zeel was surprised that he defended Lorien so readily, usually, he wouldn't care about anyone else. zeel chalked it up to a momentary brain spasm of some kind.

Alice pulled Zeel off the ground and onto her back. She gestured to Elizabeth so they could move forward, but Elizabeth was a bit preoccupied.

"We should go that way," Elizabeth said as she pointed towards one of the many floating mountains.

Zeel suspected that the green energies were the equivalent of energy-vegetation.

"Look!" Elizabeth said as she waved her hands.

Suddenly, as far as the horizon, all the green energy became multi-colored daisies. Daisies were Elizabeth's favorite flower, so Zeel could understand that she willed them into form by manipulating the energies present.

Alice, wishing to get in on the fun, put Zeel down and manipulated half the daisies to transform into beautiful butterflies.

Soon, the entire field for as far as the eyes could see turned into beautiful butterflies amongst the sea of flowers.

Zeel used his enhanced vision to observe the horizon.

It was also his enhanced vision that allowed him to notice the black energies that flickered within the numerous butterflies and flowers.

The more he concentrated on the black energy, the more he saw it amongst the fields.

"Guys come here!" Zeel yelled as he was finally able to feel exactly what the black energy was – Exotic Matter.

'What the f.u.c.k is exotic matter doing here?' Zeel cursed inwardly since he was now able to detect the energy previously.

Alice and Elizabeth turned into blurs as they appeared next to Zeel in a combat-ready stance.

The nano-suit had already covered their bodies as they awaited the oncoming horde of Exotic Matter.

The Exotic Matter darted in their direction, turning into black four-legged beasts that had mouths for heads.

Elizabeth was the first to attack, manipulating lightning in the surrounding environment to scatter the Exotic Beasts.

Her attack didn't phase the incoming beast at all.

Alice floated the nearby rubble and shot them at the oncoming horde like bullets.

Alice's action proved more effective than Elizabeth's but Zeel was disappointed in both women.

Zeel, seeing that neither attack of the girls worked, went for a sure-kill method.

However, he could not find the intermolecular forces present within the Exotic Matter.

This made Zeel incredibly surprised, everything in Universes were usually held together by Intermolecular forces.

The creatures flew by as they once again turned into a huge storm of Exotic matter. The black creatures swept by Alice and Elizabeth, in an instant, both of them had lost their left hands.

Had they not been as quick, then their heads would have been lost instead.

Zeel was astonished since the Exotic Matter was able to not only phase through their shielding but also remove their hands instantaneously through decomposition.

This time the Exotic Matter shot towards Zeel, but he quickly resolved himself to target a deeper bond with the beast – the intramolecular forces.

Zeel's nose bled as he attempted to manipulate the intramolecular forces within the Exotic Matter.

This attack bore fruit for an instant before also becoming useless.

The Exotic Matter flashed by Zeel, consuming both his noodle-thin legs. Zeel was comforted by the fact that his legs would regenerate eventually.

The Exotic matter shifted once more, this time forming a blanket, no doubt intent on covering Elizabeth, Alice, and Zeel altogether.

Alice formed a dense telekinetic cocoon around the three of them, but Zeel knew it would be no use.

Zeel clenches his fist as he targeted a deeper bond within the beast - Ionic Forces.

With a great bellow from Zeel, the Exotic Matter turned into gray sand that fell from the air. He had successfully defeated the beast, but Zeel had to be double sure.

Zeel used the last of his energy to convert the gray sand into Bo Einstein Condensate, and disperse it into the environment.

The trio fell to the ground exhausted, not expecting to encounter such a strong opponent so soon after arriving at a new Universe.

Zeel was genuinely exhausted while Elizabeth and Alice were only mentally fatigued from the urgency of the situation.

"What was that?" Alice asked through gasping breaths.

"Exotic Matter, not any kind I have seen before though," Zeel replied before saying "You panicked. Your telekinesis was the perfect thing for containment of unknown enemies,"

Alice knew this also since she and Zeel shared the same memories and could, of course, come up with the same methods.

"I know; I'll do better next time,"

Zeel simply nodded knowing that she actually trains really hard to make full use of her telekinetic abilities, but so far she can only barely use it on a macroscopic level.

Zeel then turned to Elizabeth "You could have also created a makeshift Faraday Cage with your lightning that would isolate you from the attack. You also panicked,"

Elizabeth gritted her teeth, knowing that Zeel was right – she had done worse than Alice by assuming a couple of lightning was enough to solve everything since it had been enough before now.

"I'll train harder," She said.

Elizabeth knew that she could not afford to mess up like Alice since she was not as beloved as Alice.

However, she also knew the method to get back in Zeel's good graces – that was to cuddle up to Alice until she notices Zeel's mistreatment of herself.

It worked every time.

Zeel was about to speak again but his face turned grim as black energy began to swirl around their location.

"F.u.c.k!" Zeel yelled.

He knew his power would prove insufficient to stop this tenacious beast, so he also forced the resonance between Alice's and Elizabeth's nanites.

Zeel knew the nature of Forceful Nanites Resonance was a bit ins.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e, but since when had he ever cared about the opinion of others in an emergency situation?

Regular nanites resonance was akin to Alice and Elizabeth giving themselves willingly to Zeel, but Forceful Nanite Resonance was basically Zeel taking everything that belonged to Alice and Elizabeth.

Zeel would not have done this if he had better options.

Even if he had trump cards to preserve his life, Zeel could still die at a moment's notice if he did not have time to activate his trump cards.

Following Zeel's attack using resonance, the Exotic Matter dissipated but not entirely as a few tendrils crawled towards the exhausted and dizzy trio.

On the verge of passing out, Zeel saw white beams shot from afar eliminating the remaining Exotic Matter.

As his eyes closed, Zeel could see incoming humanoid Beings walking towards them with great caution.

Zeel knew they were being observed so he limited the amount of strength the girls showed.

This was apparent by the fact that he never once released their limiters. Showing too much strength in hostile territories could turn potential allies into instant enemies.

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