Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 138 - 127 - Energone Royal Family

Zeel, Alice, and Elizabeth stirred awake and found themselves floating in a bed of petals with butterflies circling their location.

The trio did not panic as even during slumber, they could recall what occurred due to their ever-active nanites.

Alice and Elizabeth smartly avoided the subject of the Forceful Nanites Resonance. It was akin to being mind-r.a.p.ed, but they didn't really mind since they had been with Zeel for long enough.

Compared to some of the kinky things they did in the bedroom, **** would seem mild in comparison.

Earlier while they slept, the trio congregated in Zeel's mindscape.

Zeel's mind was akin to a bottomless abyss, and he transferred all the information he glimpsed about this Universe from the Information Dimension.

Alice confirmed the safety of Zeel and Elizabeth before using her telekinetic ability to send out a pulse to familiarize herself with the current environment.

She had not used this ability since The Resident Evil Universe, so it made both her and Zeel smile in reminiscence.

However, the next moment both Alice and Zeel were surprised.

They found their sensing ability to be greatly diminished by the energies in the atmosphere. Zeel tried a little harder and was finally able to determine their location after much probing.

"We're on one of the floating mountains, this one is larger than the others and has the densest energy," Zeel said to Alice and Elizabeth.

"So what do we do? Go out guns blazing," Elizabeth asked as she mimicked a smoking gun with her fingers as lightning ran over her fingers.

Elizabeth was a 'live for the moment' type girl. Something both Zeel and Alice appreciated since it added a bit of perspective to their usually stoic behaviors.

Alice slapped the back of Elizabeth's head.

"Don't be stupid, these people obviously helped us," She chastised.

Zeel sighed as Alice's thinking was still relatively straightforward, while Elizabeth's thinking was a bit on the violent side.

He liked Alice's thinking but still had concerns since 'normal-thinking' in a Multiverse of Madness was akin to being mentally retarded.

Ironic right? But that was the truth!

Just because someone helped you doesn't mean they have kind intentions, but seeing as he was taught to suspect everything, Zeel opted to leave the optimism to Alice and Elizabeth.

Instead, he did some actual investigations through probing. The nanites were much more powerful than Elizabeth and Alice knew, so Zeel had little problem gathering information by surfing the energy-saturated environment.

Finished with preliminary investigations, Zeel watched as Alice and Elizabeth lazed about.

Soon, the trio sensed several approaching energies but was confused by the weak signal emitted by the humanoid Beings.

Three Beings appeared in front of Zeel, Alice, and Elizabeth.

"Nice to meet you friends, we are the Energone people," One of the three men said.

Alice was speechless as the humanoid figures, besides being slightly illusionary in appearance, was just like a regular human from her world.

'You're illusionary and want this girl? Be careful or I'll blow you away,' Elizabeth thought as she inched closer to Zeel and held his hand.

Zeel stared at the Energones before him for a while, after which he introduced their group.

"Alice, Elizabeth, and my name is Zeel. We have come here from very far away… We do not plan to remain for long so we appreciate your hospitality," Zeel said.

At Zeel's mention of their eventual departure, the faces of the Energones appeared slightly panicked and displeased – something noticed by Elizabeth and Alice.

"Please follow me into the Great Cradle to consult with our Leader," One of the Energone said as he began guiding the way.

Unlike the previous Energone who seemed fl.u.s.tered, this Energone was the perfect picture of a calm diplomat.

Zeel, Alice, and Elizabeth followed for a couple of minutes.

They came up upon a glass structure, not unlike their old conference room in the Lorien Universe.

Zeel quickly noticed the difference, where they would use Microglass, the Energones used a thin energy film that gathered the nearby energies to add to its thickness.

Entering the 'Great Cradle', the three immediately noticed the Energone sitting on the highest pillar amongst lower ones. No doubt, a way of distinguishing his status in comparison to the other Energones.

Zeel eyed him for a moment before noticing that there were limited women Energones in the crowd.

With that clue alone, Zeel was able to tell the underlying issue of the Energones – extinction.

"Welcome Travellers from afar, my name is Rakiel – King of The Energones," Rakiel said as his voice echoed throughout the room "This is my wife Reina, daughter Kella, and son Matthew,"

"My name is Zeel, this is my wife Alice, and my next wife Elizabeth," Zeel introduced respectfully, with a peculiar bow as he had seen the other Energones perform the action earlier.

Integration was apart of Zeel's training on The Nameless Planet, so bowing meant nothing to him.

Rakiel was a bit taken aback by the gesture for a moment before smiling approvingly at the respect shown to himself.

"I see you are a fast learner to replicate our customs so readily," he said.

Zeel nodded to his statement.

Zeel never thought himself above anyone unless they proved themselves to be incompetent, and from the moment he laid eyes on Rakiel – he could tell this man was anything but incompetent.

Alice and Elizabeth could see, while Zeel and Rakiel were talking, the son Mikel(Matthew) was becoming more and more restless, as if wanting to hurry the meeting along.

They also noticed the daughter Kella looking at them with envious gazes, but no ill intent was hidden behind her rather innocent blue eyes.

Energones appeared to have no distinct form, but Rakiel and his family all had blue eyes and red hair as their defining characteristics.

Rakiel and Matthew were fairly muscular as if to look intimidating, while Kella and Reina appeared thinner with almost transparent crystal-like skins.

The Royal Family was slightly more solid than all other Energones.

Alice also noticed Zeel found Kella attractive, but knowing Zeel, it was definitely the form of her construct in comparison to a genuine interest in her looks.

Unlike Alice and Elizabeth, Zeel could tell the amount of energy-mastery that went into the construction of those forms.

Rakiel continued "So Zeel tell me, where did you come from? We know of no beings like yourselves in this Universe or at least not in the nearby galaxies,"

Zeel shrugged "Why ask when you already know the answer?"

Rakiel smirked since he indeed knew, as beings made up of energy how could he not be able to distinguish Multiversal energy currents entering his Universe.

"Multiverse jumping are we?" He asked playfully.

Elizabeth, being the hothead she was, jumped right into the important part of the conversation.

"So will you attack or try anything against us?" She asked straightforwardly.

Rakiel was slightly taken aback before he sighed and said "We have no such intention. I am a good enough leader to know that we should not offend someone as monstrous as yourselves. We are keen on energies so we noticed the suppress reserves inside each of your bodies,"

Reina continued in place of her husband "Also we have our own difficulties, currently, we only hope you will not interfere in our matters for as long as you are here?"

Alice thought for a while and nodded "Nobody moves against us; we have no intention to actively search for conflict with your people,"

Most of the Energones had displeased looks upon their faces at the way their king handled the matter.

Zeel shot a questioning look towards Rakiel who nodded and began to explain.

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