Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 139 - 128 - The Bane Of My Existence

"Our people are known as Energones because we feed off the cosmic energies of the Universe. We lived in peace consuming the excess energies of our Universe for millions of years, not knowing anything besides happiness and blissful days.

But good things never last, many Energones grew tired of our existence and sought the next step in our evolution; however, there was also an opposing faction that sought to eat all the energies of our Universe and end the bane that was our existence.

With those opposing views, a war commenced that tore the galaxies apart. The more we fought, the more energies we require as replenishment for our existence.

Then one day, the evolution path had a major breakthrough as they created the first bodies that Energones could inhabit.

With that, we could live our lives having children that did not require us to build them ourselves, we could eat, sleep, and do all the things we never before imagined.

We could also still feed on energies to replenish our strengths, making us near-immortal beings.

Of course, our existence would one day come to an end once bonded with a body but this was a small price to pay for such long-lived species like ourselves.

But this breakthrough was not the only one. The opposing faction also had a breakthrough – Multiversal Energies.

It was akin to a drug for us. Just one taste of Multiversal Energies and the outcome of the war was all but decided.

Using it, the opposing faction seduced the majority of the Energones to their sides, eventually, we were no longer shackled to this Universe alone.

Like a Cosmic Devourer, the Energones sought nearby Universes to consume their excess energies, but eventually, we no longer cared for excess energies and started consuming Galactic Nuclei's.

Many Universes were lost due to our greed.

This continued for many millennia until one day we happened upon a Universe unlike any other before it, this Universe was a Prime Universe,"

Elizabeth paused Rakiel at this point.

"Prime Universe?" She asked confused.

Zeel was well aware of Prime, Origin, Subsidiary, and Unknown Universes, but he never shared this knowledge with Elizabeth and Alice.

Zeel nodded in Rakiel's place and decided to explain to Elizabeth and Alice.

"Prime Universe just means a Universe where you have to be invited in to enter or a universe that requires a specific route to enter, but the really bad ones are Origin Universes. You have to pass through several prime Universes to enter an Origin Universe," Zeel explained.

Alice was confused since she knew of Prime Universes but not Origin Universes "What is an Origin Universe?"

"The first Universes ever created, in them are beings beyond explanation. I don't know much about them but all other Universes in the Multiverse are believed to revolve around them – if they are destroyed everything returns to oblivion.

My own Universe, no matter how advanced, had failed to become an Origin Universe," Zeel replied a bit reluctantly.

Alice and Elizabeth s.u.c.k.e.d in a cold breath of air not expecting the Multiverse to be so complex.

"Yes," Rakiel said as he continued "When we stumbled upon the Prime Universe we were just as greedy as ever. We consumed and consumed until the Universe was on the verge of collapse. That's when he appeared,"

"Who?" Zeel asked intrigued.

"We don't know who it was but seeing the destruction we had caused, he cursed us to dissipate the moment we left our Universe.

We fought against him and lost, then as a consequence, he cursed us once again to never leave our planet Viveron until extinction or evolution.

Those of us who remained loyal to the evolutionary path was happy at the fact that we could now implement the body bonding plan in full force, but the Being would not let us off so easily.

He then laid a final curse that would kill all our hopes. He turned everything in the Universe to energy, so all our technology, plants, animals, were turned into energy – the only thing left untouched were the planets.

But should we use our own planet for experiments, we would no doubt go extinct since we were not allowed to leave its boundaries," Rakiel said as his story was coming to an end "I can still recall his last words to us 'Pray, and pray very hard maybe one day a benevolent god will hear you and take pity on your plight'.

So every day since that day we gather together to pray, even as our numbers fell from millions to thousands we prayed when the thousands became a few hundred we still prayed – even now we pray in our minds for a benevolent God to take pity on us,"

Zeel sighed "All the knowledge I know leads me to the conclusion that all the Gods in the nearby Universes have long since passed away. I don't know what caused it but I believe this to be a fact. There is no use praying,"

Kella yelled at Zeel "What do you know? One day a kind god will accept our prayers. I know it,"

Midway through her statement, she began to tear up.

Alice and Elizabeth could only sigh since the Energones brought this disaster upon themselves, even if they could help them, Zeel would not allow them to.

Besides a restriction placed by a God could only be undone by another God or Devil – at least that's what Lorien's memories told them.

"We do not seek pity child," Reina said as she floated down and c.a.r.e.s.sed the heads of Alice and Elizabeth "We only hope that if one day you encounter such a god, that you will tell them of our plight and beg on our part for freedom,"

Alice and Elizabeth both promised instantly but Zeel only shook his head at their naivety. How can any story be so one-sided? How can beings that consumed entire Universes go down without a fight? How can the punishment bestowed onto them be as little as isolation?

Zeel would also like to help them through their plight, but the only way to ensure their race's survival was to take away their ability to consume energy altogether.

They were lucky that God did not destroy them entirely, something which was more out of necessity than actual pity.

Obviously, Rakiel had watered down the details of the battle, Zeel didn't mind, however, as Rakiel knew that he could figure it out but said it anyway.

Rakiel had no ill will towards them, Zeel had been monitoring the environment at all times.

After a lengthy meeting, Zeel, Alice, and Elizabeth were allowed back to their quarters. Though it was just a private open area on the mountain.

When everyone was inside, Zeel pulled Alice, and Elizabeth towards himself as he kissed them both intensely by turns.

After a while of kissing, they both felt significantly lighter. It was as if something inside their heads broke, allowing them to see clearly once again.

Cold sweat ran down their backs after what Zeel said next "Stupid... When Reina touched you she manipulated energy directly into your brains. You would have died after a week,"

Alice and Elizabeth were both frightened by this fact, they were told never to let their guards down with anyone in the Multiverse but they did just that today after hearing a little sob story.

Luckily, Zeel was s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e to higher forms of energy and noticed the anomaly. If Reina had used a primitive form of energy, chances are Elizabeth and Alice would die one week later.

"We should kill them," Elizabeth said with anger in her voice.

Alice knocked her on the head.

"We can't provoke a war with them, and Zeel has already found the issue so no need to push it. We were too naïve. But I know your personality – why didn't you kill them?" Alice asked.

Zeel looked into the sky for a while carefully thinking over his answer. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/the-crawford&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-128---the-bane-of-my-existence_50918875876884060">/book/the-crawford&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-128---the-bane-of-my-existence_50918875876884060</a> for visiting.

"Because depending on which one of you died first, the other would be set free. You always asked me to be understanding of the circ.u.mstance of others.

What Reina did was with no other choice – her daughter Kella longs for a body and is slowly losing her energetic plasticity. This is likely the last generation before the Energones become an extinct species.

As a mother, Reina simply wanted to fulfill the wish of her child. If you want me to kill them I will do so, but if you ask me to understand their circ.u.mstance then I will not kill them at all.

Instead, I wish to help them ease their burdens,"

Elizabeth's eyes widened at Zeel's explanation, this meant that he was growing and always took the things they taught him to heart.

"You really pay attention don't you?" Alice asked a bit touched.

She thought that he was still the heartless man she met in The Resident Evil Universe, and in some ways he was. However, he held consideration for her words more than he did previously.

"Of course, the fact that I can��t experience many emotions are the bane of my existence. But I believe even if I can never feel, I can learn to understand through actions. I like both of you but I cannot experience happiness.

I know what wanting revenge is like but I just recently started to hate.

I know it would hurt me to lose both of you but I don't feel fear. You can say the clarity at which I view cases like Kella's is my only upside," Zeel said as he sighed, mimicking what others would do after a long emotional speech – once again demonstrating his understanding of emotions.

Alice hugged him as she whispered into his ear "You have done enough for today. Let's go to bed!"

Elizabeth joined on the next side as they floated into the air cuddling amongst themselves, though for the entire night they did anything but sleep.

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