Kaplan was in a daze wondering where all these unholy being are coming from, until Rain once again puts him down by emphasizing the fact it was his fault for unlocking the doors the Red Queen had kept locked. The infected continued to patrol the underground facility and if the number of employees is any indication it should be expected that what they have seen is just a fraction of the overall infected present underground.

As Alice and Zeel walk around, more like a couple taking a tour than two people running from zombies in an underground Facility.

Coming around the corner Alice pulled two guns from her waist area and aimed at Zeel before firing two shots, Zeel was considering killing her the moment she pointed guns at him but after briefly viewing the trajectory of the bullets he calmed down.

"You see awfully sure I wasn't aiming at you" Alice said as she watched the zombie behind Zeel collapse onto the ground.

"What can I say? I have faith in you" Zeel replied.

"Faith huh?" Alice replied with a smirk playing across her face aware of the fact that people like Zeel would never leave survival up to faith.

As they continued trying to navigate their way through the corridors they came upon some cages that were ripped open, but opted to ignore it completely since it would not help in their survival at the moment. Their steps became ever more cautious as they continued on, a call that was well made as a pack of dogs attacked the duo when they entered a nearby room.

Alice ran in the opposite direction choosing to use the walls to her advantage while also using her gun to make accurate shots, killing the disfigured former dogs where they stood. Zeel took out his daggers and got into a combat stance as he began slowing his perception of time consecutively beheading a dog every time they would hop into the air.

After killing the last of the beast Zeel walked over the Alice "You handle yourself well"

Alice shrugged "Not as well as you did"

The rest of the searching was done in relative silence as the duo met Matt attempting to hug a female zombie. Zeel didn't think twice to pull out his guns and blow her brains out all over Matt's face. Alice on the other hand has a brief flash back as she recognized the woman as they one she had previously had a discussion with in the cemetery.


"Lisa? I can help you get the virus. I have access to security codes, surveillance plans, the works."


"But there's gonna be a price."

"Name it."


"You bastard!" Matt says as he rushes up attempting to punch Zeel only to be bitch slapped half way across the room with a gun pointing to his head.

"You're a useless piece of trash, talk one more time so I could blow your head off, couldn't even protect your own sister. Only an idiot would think they could bring down a corporation like umbrella with publicity." Zeel said as he had heard Matt's earlier discussion with the zombie before it attacked him, at that moment Zeel was glad that Catherine was a mostly perfect sister and was even more grateful for her crazy side which ensured that she ever went down, she would at the very least take half the world with herself.

Matt takes a long time to speak before he says "Corporations like Umbrella think they're above the law. But they're not. There are hundreds of thousands of us who think the same... all over the world. Some of us provide information... others give their support. Some take more direct action. Like you. If your friends had been a little more thorough... they would've seen right through my false I D. Then all the red flags would've gone off-- Quantico, NSA, ViCAP, all the rest. There's no way I could've infiltrated the Hive."

"So you sent your sister." Alice asks with a little scorn in her voice.

"We needed something concrete. Anything to expose Umbrella to the press. Proof of the research that was going on down here." Matt says chocking on his sobs to which Zeel walks out of the room since he is tired of hearing sob stories all the time, but not before leaving a few words behind.

"Your message was going to do nothing since the Umbrella Corporation would silence you one way or another before you even opened your mouth"

"My sister was going to smuggle out... a sample of the virus they were developing." Matt said ignoring Zeel since he genuinely didn't like the guy.

"So how was she going to make it out of here?" Alice asks clearly intrigued at the prospect of someone taking down the Umbrella Corporation.

"She had a contact within the Hive, someone I never met. They had access to security codes, surveillance, everything she needed." Matt says with a little anger in his voice, hate evident for the potential betrayer of his beloved sister.

"So why didn't she make it?" Alice asked since the person was most likely herself and though she didn't view herself as the type to betray, she still had to be sure as you never know yourself until you're truly in a life and death situation.

"Maybe she trusted the wrong person. Maybe they set her up. Kept the virus for themselves. Do you know how much the T-virus would be worth on the open market?" Matt said as he looked around and then at Alice, then at Zeel waiting by the door "It would be worth the world to the right people since literally the world would be at stake if what we are seeing here is any indication"

"He's right" Zeel voiced out from the entrance "This virus is beyond anything I have ever seen, and it seems to have an ancient feel to it while also being enhanced by modern science. If this could kill humans of the past, then it will definitely be able to kill you weaker versions of those humans"

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