After the earlier discussion the trio: Zeel, Alice and Matt began running through the corridors for a while. Not too long later Zeel and the others finally met up with the rest of the group: Spencer, Rain, Kaplan.

"So what's the escape plan? That way or this way?" Zeel asked as he could see Kaplan had gotten his wits about him, he also quickly looked in Rain's direction considering if killing her would save the hassle of doing so a bit later.

"Right behind us." Rain said mockingly even though she was currently leaning on Spencer for support.

"What about this door?" Alice asked stepping forward between Rain and Zeel, since she did not like the look in the latter's eyes.

"They're waiting out there too." Kaplan responded as he began looking for every alternative on his tablet.

"And that way?" Matt asked pointing towards The chamber of The Red Queen.

"It's a dead end. There's no way out of the Queen's chamber." Kaplan replied a bit urgently as he would rather go get eaten by zombies than head back into the lair of that mad AI.

"Best person to ask if there is a way out of the Queen's chamber is the Queen herself right?" Zeel asked since it was the most logical course of action given the current situation, even if he was sure the Red Queen would also attempt to kill them, at least she would do it in a systematic way that would be easily predicted. The Zombies however, are unpredictable, erratic beings, who are just shells of their former human counterparts.

"Yeah and I got word they're gonna lock off this place in an hour or so, we don't have much of a choice other than to either stay here or to make a deal with the devil." Kaplan stated which caused everyone to recoil in shock, though Kaplan stated this mainly to give himself a reason to confront The Red Queen rather than looking for a reaction from his comrades.

"Containing the incident is the only fail-safe plan they had... against possible contamination." Kaplan continued as he explained.

"And you're only telling us this now, when we're trapped... half a mile underground?" Rain said with an elevated voice, staggering as she was too sick to even raise her voice to such a high degree.

"We should turn her back on since she'll know a way out of here" Zeel said as he entered the corridor James body still lays at in pieces of finely cut cross hatches.

"That homicidal bitch killed my team" Rain said as she tiptoed around the cut up corpse of her former captain.

"Your dumb leader killed your team I told him not to go in" Zeel said as he farther elaborated "Everyone here was dead the moment they stepped foot into this facility. Well everyone apart from Alice and I"

Rain coughs out a reply "Isn't condemning us, the same as condemning yourself?"

Zeel completely ignored Rain's comment as he gestured to Kaplan and said "Make sure to keep a failsafe of our own okay Kaplan?"

Kaplan nodded getting the gist of what he meant and began working on the computer core for The Red Queen. After a while of fixing the motherboard and adding the connections necessary for the core of the Red Queen to restart, the computer once again went live as Zeel held his head since the frequency fluctuations caused a mad headache as he was still sifting through the fragmented data contained on the servers.

"All right, circuit breaker is disabled. This time if I hit the switch, she won't be able to shut down. She's gonna fry." Kaplan added still hesitating if this was the best move they could possibly make at a time like this.

"Ah, there you are." Zeel said "Even though you are a bit primitive I would still appreciate your beauty if virtual space had been invented"

"Things, I gather, have gone out of control." The Red Queen states almost as if she is gloating at the groups misfortune, but all the while her eyes didn't leave Zeel.

"Give me that f.u.c.k.i.n.g switch right now. I'm gonna fry your a.s.s." Rain said with her usual short temper after she took the Red Queen's previous statement as a mocking remark.

"I did warn you, didn't I?" The red Queen said finally removing her eyes from the body of Zeel.

"The T-virus was a major medical breakthrough...although it clearly also possessed highly profitable military applications. Even in death, the human body still remains active. Hair and fingernails continue to grow. New cells are produced... and the brain itself holds a small electrical charge... that takes months to dissipate. The T-virus provides a massive jolt... both to cellular growth... and to those trace electrical impulses. Put quite simply... it reanimates the body. It doesn't full bring it back to life. The subjects have the simplest of motor functions. Perhaps a little memory. Virtually no intelligence. They are driven by the basest of impulses... the most basic of needs. The need to feed. Severing the top of the spinal column or massive trauma to the brain... are the most effective methods."

"Why did you kill everybody down here?" Alice asked as the question had been bothering her all along, even if the infection spread it could not affect everyone at the exact same moment so precautions could and should have been taken to preserve those in areas that lacked the infection.

"The T-virus escaped into the air conditioning system... and an uncontrolled pattern of infection began. The virus is protean... changing from liquid to airborne to blood transmission... depending on its environment. It's almost impossible to kill. I couldn't allow it to escape from this facility. Even if it was just a potential infection I had to treat it as a fact since that is what I am programmed to do" The Red Queen answered with upmost certainty in her course of actions.

"So kill everyone in the facility regardless of infected or not since you didn't want to take the risk?" Zeel asked knowing this was not ideal for such an AI, the programming would allow it to take such actions while also preserving samples for recovery later ��� meaning live, uninfected human would be kept for further experimentation without being allowed to leave the facility. This gave him the feeling that this entire matter was likely orc.h.e.s.trated.

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