The magnetic car was pulling up slowly behind an unsuspecting Zeel and his mother Clara. Usually crime was impossible on earth during the 40th century but while EMP strong enough to damage nearby technological functions were rare, they were not unheard of.

Suddenly, Clara held Zeel in her arms as silver balls floated behind her, bending her knees she launched Zeel and herself a couple meters in the air. Clara did several acrobatic movements in the air to avoid ionic beams and with a wave of her hands the several silver balls shot at the nearby magnetic card, the balls turned into disc and sliced cleanly through the car as if dissecting a human skin with a scalpel.

After several back and forth and with the disadvantage of Zeel in her arms Clara dashed towards the remaining attackers intending to break through and give Zeel a chance to escape no matter how small. However, before she could complete the action a high pitched noise rang through the desolate streets as Clara's and Zeel's bodies were instantly paralyzed.

Clara and Zeel's bodies were tossed into a car that came closer as the battle ended, the two were in and out of consciousness for the next couple minutes, or at least that was what Clara wanted the kidnappers to think.

Man 1 "She was a feisty one huh? Just like they warned us about?"

"Are you sure we can kidnap a Crawford without paying the price?" Man 2 asked.

Man 1 shrugged "Nobody would mess with the Crawford without a guarantee and we have a guarantee from the Asheborns"

After that brief conversation that was overheard by Zeel and Clara alike, the car drove for about 15 minutes alternating between making lefts and rights, though any idiot could tell that the two men were just travelling in circle to confuse Clara.

The car came to a stop, Clara and Zeel were dragged out of the car by the two men as another two men were a couple steps ahead, but unlike the two men who kidnapped them, the other two seemed wealthy and extremely refined with one being a bit chubby.

"Asheborns huh?" Clara said aloud for everyone to hear.

"So what you're going to be sold?" Man 1 said as Man 2 smirked rubbing his hands together in anticipation of the upcoming payday.

"You're going to be dead before you can enjoy it" Clara whispered as she pointed out something peculiar "See those transparent earphones? They were made to block out sounds at such high frequencies they could cause internal haemorrhaging. We are useful to them so I'm not scared but can you say the same?"

This statement caused the man to stagger and this was all that Clara needed to disarm the pistol from the waist of Man 1 as Man 2 reached for his own gun, but fumbled as Zeel kicked his knee cap causing it to shatter with his inhuman 'Perfect child' strength. Quickly the situation evolved into a five-way gun pointing scenario.

Jalon Asheborn was the first to lower his gun as he began trash talking Clara with a disgusting l.u.s.ty look on his face "Clara oh baby. Those African roots do you really good. I can't wait to get all up in that"

"shut up!" The Head of the Asheborns house said and then continued "Clara you know you can't escape anywhere. This place is surrounded, and if you do anything untoward then your child will pay for it"

Hearing that Zeel could be implicated if she attempted an escape Clara stopped planning to escape and instead turned the gun towards herself and said in a threatening manner "How important am I to you? Pretty f.u.c.kable right? The nanites have an order to decompose my body upon death. So try to harm me or my son and we can all go together"

"You're bluffing I dare you to fire the gun" The head of the Asheborn's said teasingly as Jalon to the side hesitated but decided not to interrupt his father.

Clara looked towards Zeel and whispered a soft sorry as she was not afraid to die, but she had to kill herself making Zeel the only hostage because at this point one of them was expendable and more than likely the expendable one would be Zeel.

*click* *click*

"The gun is empty" said the Asheborn's head as he walked towards the group that was a couple of feet away from himself. Just as he was about to get near Clara everyone heard a sudden *prrr* and with that Clara fell with a relieved look edged onto her face.

The Asheborn's head turned to see Zeel with a weapon in his hand aiming at his mother as he had taken the gun from Man 2 during the earlier confrontation.

"F.u.c.k, get her body in stasis pods before her body completely loses functions" The Asheborn's head commanded as he proceeded to knock out the frozen Zeel and quickly flee the scene, but not before killing Man 1 and Man 2.

Time Skip 5 years

Zeel woke up in the morning and did his usual routine: bathing, brushing teeth, and washing my hair. Every morning he would look at his reflection in the sink water as he could vividly remember the first time he ever killed. Zeel realized at the moment he shot his mother he felt … nothing… the only thought on his head was 'I don't want to die here. I am expandable. I need to get rid of the competition'

Shaking his head to get rid of the thoughts, Zeel then proceeded to replay the last 5 years in his mind – all the bad things he had done, he had experienced so much that his mentality had warped to an unredeemable point. Even if he lacked emotions at least with his mother he had clearly defined morals but after these 5 years he was unsure of what was right and wrong anymore. The only thing driving him was the will to stay alive – something even INT could not suppress.

The past 5 years was constant hell for Zeel as he struggled for survival on a daily basis, receiving training at the behest of the Asheborns so that one day he could be sent back to his family to murder his father and younger sister. The Asheborn head quickly realized that Zeel was a blank slate and would do anything to survive as it was the only instinct he had remaining, how lucky was the Asheborns to find such a diamond in the rough?

Though with his rational mind Zeel found it easy to cope with the trauma, but some memories were so gruesome and unwanted that he found himself constantly supressing them. The most painful of the memories were him being forced to kill his friends at training camps, eating human meat to survive, and finally the murder of his mother by his own hand.


"Yes Teacher?"

"You know you're burning?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're on fire Zeel and when you find out what I mean, I just hope you'll have someone to hold you through the burning flames like my wife did for me so long ago."

"I don't understand but thanks teacher!" Zeel said with a 90-degree bow.

"Okay I am ready now!"


The graduation ceremony, murdering of the teacher who has been with you for the past 5 years, the father figure, the caretaker, the only person you were allowed to form a strong attachment with in the past 5 years.

Zeel put a bullet through his skull with no fluctuation of emotions, but somehow he knew something in him was broken that day, as he felt a little sick in his stomach for the first time despite having killed a lot of people over the past 5 years – guilty, innocent, children, wives, entire families but for some reason this time felt a bit different, a bit less tasteful?

Unaware to Zeel the INT in his system over the years had slowly began to phase out of proper integration with his body structure – no doubt the side-effect or side-benefit of Tom and Clara repeated experiments during his early years.

Later that day- Asheborn Family House

"How is the boy?" asked the family head Greg Asheborn, who over the years trusted Zeel enough to know his name.

"He is currently outside. Cuffed and ready to be transported on the inside" the secretary replied.

"The boy is nothing if not rational I suspect he would kill his own family without blinking an eye now and in the past just like he did with his mother. Un-cuff him and bring him in"

"Okay Sir. Bring him in!" yelled the Secretary to the outside.

"Yes!" the soldier near the door replied.

Zeel walked in with his keen intuition blaring up, telling him that today everything would change for some reason. After taking a quick glance around Zeel then focuses his attention on the Asheborn family head.

"Welcome Zeel! Today I wanna gift you something that was passed down in each generation of my family." He says as he proceeds to get up and retrieve a case and place it in front of Zeel while looking at him expectantly.

Zeel opens the case to see G18 hand gun with gold plating with bullets that glow and eerie red. Picking up the gun Zeel proceeds to familiarize himself with the gun. Then he touched the bullets but the moment he did something deep within him snapped. Within Zeel's body the INT that had integrated with him was rejected by his body like an infection almost immediately, then for a moment a weak emotion skittered through his subconscious – Revenge. To Zeel who had not experienced emotions for his entire life, having suddenly felt revenge was akin to the gospel. It was something Zeel felt he had to follow and indulge in for the rest of his life, maybe now was his time to become whole for the first time?

"This is the gun you're going to use to go after your family, just like you did with your mother right Zeel. The bullets are made from an old, extremely rare meteorite called 'God Syphon' since it was believed to take the power away from evil gods in the past" Greg says expectantly.

However, the next event left both Greg and the secretary completely shocked, Zeel loaded the cartridge and aimed straight at the Asheborn's family head and fired. What proceeded this shot was an absolute massacre.

Zeel held the gun at a 90-degree angle shooting Greg between the brows while simultaneously kicking back hitting the knee of the secretary with a deep *crunch* sound. He then jumps towards the secretary performing an overarm throw that guided both of them towards the ground with the secretary landing on top.

Almost on cue the door opens and guards rush in firing ionic beams towards Zeel and the downed Secretary, using the Secretary's body as cover Zeel used this opportunity Zeel to fire continuously with upmost precision until all guards are slumped down with blood spurting from their c.h.e.s.t or head.

Discarding the roasted secretary, Zeel proceeds to explore the house one layer at a time killing anything that moves from humans to the dogs and even the chickens that wonder into his path. At one point he met a 5-year-old hiding in the closet alongside his mother. For some reason he felt his hand refuse to point the gun at the pair allowing the mother and child to rush for the exit door, but yet again rationality won with his unconscious action of shooting both in the back of their heads.

Feeling his hand a bit Zeel muttered "Weird, my hand almost stopped itself" before continuing his massacre journey in the secret Asheborn mansion.

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