Looking at the dead bodies of the mother and child pair, Zeel felt as if he had done something wrong but was unaware of exactly what it was. Zeel proceeded with his extermination plan anyway, meeting more children and shooting without the same hesitation as before – with practice eased and perfection like the 15-year-old veteran he was.

"Seems I experienced a muscle cramp before" Zeel mutters to himself not believing for a second that he actually hesitated to shoot the previous mother and child.

After a couple rounds in the Mansion and ensuring there was no one left in the secluded mansion, Zeel knew that it would take several more hours for any back up to come since the mansion was akin to a black site of the Asheborn family – lucky for him. Zeel managed to find the main hub of the mansion and use magnets to destroy any kind of memory storage device that could identify him alongside this massacre.

After exploring a bit more and finding a huge chunk of the God Syphon meteorite the bullets were made from that he used to kill the Asheborn's head, Zeel escaped into the nearby forest. All the while holding the eerier glowing red bullets in his hand, Zeel had correctly surmised that if he let the bullet go his emotional restraints would still be in effect, though maybe they had weakened somewhat. The entire matter required more studies to be done just to be very sure of what had occurred in the mansion, as up until he held the bullet in his hand Zeel was all but a puppet with just the will to survive.

"Today on news! Zeel the 'perfect human' who alongside his mother Clara Crawford was kidnapped 5 years ago has now returned home!"

"It has been reported that one month ago he was seen exiting the amazon forest in a backwater Brazilian village. Our sources are told that his mother was killed 5 years ago upon his kidnapping and his body is riddled with scars. I can only fear to imagine what it was that the nation's prodigy experienced by the hands of his captors."

An excited new reporter said on live television as the world was appalled and impressed by the return of a long faded genius.

At a rented apartment in New Genesis Country.

After exiting the shower Zeel proceeded to shut off the television. Couple minutes later the door to his temporary apartment was opened and his father alongside his sister walked in.

Zeel was temporary kept from contacting his family over the last month after his subsequent 'rescue' due to check-ups for lasting psychological and physical damage. After which it was deemed safe to see his family for a couple hours each day as the doctors were still searching for possible brain washing elements.

Sitting opposite his father with his sister on his l.a.p giggling like the naïve girl she was.

"Did she suffer?" Zeel's father Tom asked after about 5 minutes of silence.

"No. I killed her before they could torture or **** her." Zeel replied with a partial truth since he did something that could be considered much worst to his mother.

"Okay. Thank you for returning!" was all his father replied before getting up and leaving along with a teary eyed Catherine – Zeel's younger sister. By now Catherine was 9 years old as she was born in the year 2061.

2070 was known as the year of Zeel's return which was a great boon to the declining genetic modification era. After Zeel's return for the next year and a half he was paraded around for the Crawford industries to lure in investors – a task he did happily as his father promised he would get beyond sufficient funds for his upcoming independent projects.

The next two years Zeel spent the time finishing mandatory school, army work and through those processes he made a lot of connections that he judged would be useful in the future. During the two years Zeel grew notorious for his playboy attitude as he dated one girl after another; though most of the girls were Princesses of their respective kingdoms, hence why he became notorious. Zeel with the INT purged from his system had begun to experience minor emotional responses – mostly revenge, so in order to trigger other emotional responses he sought out other stimulus, such as relationsh.i.p.s with princess as he read in antiquated books like 'Shrek' and 'Snow White'.

The following five years Zeel spent attempting to reconnect with his estranged father and sister, Tom had grown distant with Zeel which was understandable as Zeel had murdered his mother and Tom's wife. Tom however, could be seen trying really hard to move on from the incident and one day when he and Zeel were alone, Zeel showed him something that changed Tom's attitude drastically towards himself. Most of the five years was spent studying the rock fragment he got from Asheborn's mansion, and pursuing a World's Recognition Degree from Harvard university (level above a PhD). During this time, he also founded a secret research facility with the help of his father specializing in the study of worm holes or cosmic holes to be specific as Zeel discovered worm holes of space and time could be classified further, though this research was never shared. The cosmic wormholes were so rare that Zeel suspected that no one could ever find them, even Zeel only managed to find one by a series of coincidences along with the tilt of the Earth being just perfect for a single instant.

During this time Zeel had also made constant breakthroughs with the rock fragment retrieved from the Asheborn's Mansion; however, after a year of prolonged exposure Zeel realized that he had gained somewhat of a sixth sense as he could imagine his intuition as an extension of his body itself. Zeel's intuition evolved to such a scary degree to the point he could guess the lottery numbers for the next day by just counting from 1 to 99 consecutively until he figured out all the numbers.

After some research Zeel realized that the God's Syphon could alter genetic structures at microscopic levels so he proceeded to give trace amounts to his father and younger sister in secret without their knowledge and also laced the pipes that led to an underground facility below his apartment. Overtime Zeel noticed his sister's aging slowing down to a crawl as she looked 14 but was truly 18, leading him to discover her near immortal healing factor and his father's generating a barely noticeable electromagnetic field around his body that seemed to fluctuate along with his emotions.

Zeel spent some time creating a dampener in the form of a watch he gifted to both family members as though their civilization were advanced, humans had only recently started to once again experiment with genetics since up until a couple years ago everyone thought that INT would be everything in the future.

People had come to realize that Immortal Nanite Technology was having more and more side effects but at this time it was already too late to address the matter. Being immortal was excellent but becoming immortal without working for it yourself would lead to a problematic outcome even if you had a universe of empty space at your beck and call. In the past year Zeel had been feeling extremely dreadful towards nothing in particular, his intuition was blaring from morning until night the only moment of peace he could preserve was when he worked with locating a cosmic wormhole. Zeel's actions became erratic – working on one project and immediately dropping it and working with another project, something Zeel would never do if he could help it. Zeel's father and sister had become extremely agitated at his behavior which led him to calm down quite a bit on the surface, though Zeel would always express worry on his usually stoic face whenever something could threaten his survival.

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