*Beep* *Beep*

Alarms were blaring in the Crawford's Secret Underground Facility – this was a site that Zeel had privately funded prior to his attending college, hiding his projects from world governments, intergalactic communities and even his very own family. In the facility countless workers were panicking and their movement were erratic: Researchers were attempting to save their life's work, Utility workers were abandoning the maintenance duty to escape home, janitors were stealing computer parts along with anything that seemed to be worth any money. The scene was one of pure pandemonium with only flashes of sanity within the chaos presented when someone fell and would be helped by another employee of the facility.

(5 hours earlier)

"Earlier today a cosmic storm of epic proportions was detected near Planet Alpha in the Andromeda Galaxy and is propagating outwards through countless galaxies, though researchers estimate that it will diminish by the time it encroaches upon the milky way galaxy hence there is no need to panic. Andromeda is the sister Galaxy to the Milkyway galaxy and that leads us to suspect everything the intergalactic government is telling us at this moment. No worries though as your trusted Daily News will definitely get to the bottom of this issue and bring you constant updates during this trying time"

Zeel was feeling dread at the current moment despite his major lack of emotions. In the past years he had been constantly trying to channel his emotions in any possible way to get a response but he came to the conclusion that he would have to train his emotions like a muscle. Zeel found that his emotional tendencies could be erratic so in order to aid with the fluctuations he created new nanites with his own signature in mind coining it 'Self Replicating Nanite Technology' or SRNT. SRNT was made specifically for Zeel but either by accident or happy coincidence the nanites were able to evolve with respect to rare metals used as their replication supplements. This was no doubt the pinnacle of nanites technology of Zeel's world but this also confused him to no end, since as a scientist he was thought to doubt everything. All these thoughts were parading in Zeel's head as he entered his home with panic evident in his facial expressions and voice patterns.

"Leave everything behind we need to go now!" Zeel yelled at his now 20-year-old sister Catherine.

"Why such a buzz kill?" Catherine replied feistily as she was just about to start her daily yoga practice, which was basically just showing off to attract Zeel as Catherine had grown up extremely dependent on Zeel. Her dependency got so bad at one point that she would get panic attacks whenever Zeel was not around, though this was an expected side-effect due to the experiment she had undergone as a child to remove INT from her genetic structure.

Zeel grabbed Catherine by her collar and said with a growl apparent in his panic stricken voice "When I speak you listen! I am not playing." This yell made Catherine's attitude shift 180 degrees, though she liked being spoilt it was key to note that Zeel was a dysfunctional individual due to his time of forced trainings by the Asheborns, something that haunted him to this day. Due to his past experiences he would often treat his sister in a no-nonsense type of way, it was as if every walk she took could be a risk to her own life and the family – of course inclusive of himself. So Catherine's mentality while majority was dependency, her way of thinking was also warped heavily into a 'defend the family by any means necessary'. There were even incidents in the past where Catherine would stalk the ex-girlfriends of Zeel and inevitable some would even go missing. Zeel and his father turned a blind eye to these incidents as they preferred the outer shell Catherine would show them, but they were both knowledgeable of the demon at its core.

"Let's go!" Tom yelled as he grabbed Zeel and Catherine by their collars dragging them out the door and into the helicopter on the lawn. Just before they were about to take off a stasis chamber was fastened to the bottom of the helicopter, Tom personality got out of the helicopter and secured the stasis chamber before jumping back into the pilot seat and taking off. These series of actions confused Catherine who was unaware of who or what was in the stasis chamber that required her father's personal attention.

(30 Minutes Later)

Upon arriving at the facility Zeel could see everything was in absolute chaos, professionals had become rioters, workers had become frantic psychopaths as working in such a facility they could access satellite readings and hence able to determine that a cosmic storm of this magnitude would end all life on any planet in the galaxy unless you were radioactive, shock, climatic and heat proof – basically you had to be a god like being to survive the impending cosmic storm.

Zeel had long expected something to occur, though he underestimated the threat level drastically. After some brief scans and investigations into the cause of the cosmic storm, Zeel was appalled at what he found – it almost seemed as if the cosmic storm was a cleansing operation that wiped out sentient life of humanoid origins but leaving other life completely intact. Where he expected to see chaos, he witnessed organization and vice versa – it was almost as if humans had upset the gods who chose to wipe the slate clean.

Zeel hopped out of the helicopter before it could land, followed closely by his sister Catherine and his father Tom; though they were at a loss for the exact details of the nature of their visit to the facility, the urgency displayed by Zeel left little chances to question his motives. Not long after Zeel, Catherine and Tom reached the lowest floor of the Secret Facility as the floor began to rise to the surface in a smooth manner that dictated Zeel had long since planned to perform, whatever it was he would be doing, out in the open for everyone to witness.

Zeel's sister was panicking as when coming down her father had to fight a couple workers that went completely insane from the pressure of their impending doom. Zeel was performing a complex sequence of actions in order to start the machine in the underground facility that looked like 3 gates, surrounded by a film of plasma that flickered in and out of existence – almost as if the world itself was struggling to supply power to the enormous gates, which ironically was the case.

Catherine could see her father's face going pale for a moment before Tom asked "How would you power something of that magnitude?"

Tom asked fearing the answer he would receive from Zeel, as even though he wasn't a genius like his son and late wife, he could still dabble a bit in the physics of space time.

"The planets core" Zeel answered without any hesitation turning on the 3 warp gates of varying sizes.

"The big one has a 10% chance of success, middle one 5% chance and small one 3% chance of success. The big one is for me and middle for sister and small one for you and mom. I know this is selfish but I still lack the emotional response to actually care so… let's make it work" Zeel says pointing to the stasis chamber that held his mother Clara who was frozen at the moment of her last breath.

"Let's go!" Zeel says as he led his family towards the gates as quickly as possible as each gate would only remain stable for a brief period of time and if disturbed slightly would immediately implode.

"There! There! Once you go through you can survive!" A worker shouted leading all other workers to turn towards the gate with hungry eyes.

"Please Mr. Zeel I have a family!"

"Take my wife!"

"My daughter please!"

The noise became more prominent as many workers dashed towards the warp gates, but Zeel couldn't take the risk as even if a pin dropped into the warp gates they would destabilize almost immediately. Hence much to the chagrin of his family Zeel pulled out a knife and without any prior warning began cutting down the employees left and right. Employees rushing towards him and his were falling after one critical slash to vital organs, but still as if beasts without a sense of danger those who could not walk crawled and those who could walk frantically climbed over those who crawled.

Catherine looked at the desperate crowd, barely stifling a vomit at the blood and gore. She managed to hold it in end, as she feared being seen as weak by Zeel more than all the blood in the world.

Not paying attention to the blood bath left in his wake, Zeel orders his family towards their own warp gates before giving the stasis pod to his father saying "Mother is inside and she is technically dead, but the bullet is lodged in a less necessary part of the brain, if you survive depending on where you end up, maybe you can help her. Though you already know this, your watch acts as a beacon so use it when it is safe though I doubt it would work!"

"Over the years you have been consuming something I made so if you survive remember to take off your watch but don't lose it as it is important for later on. This may be the last time we see each other, get stronger and if we survive I will try and find you guys. But if you are about to die, destroy the watch before it self-destructs we can't have anyone knowing our travelling method and frequency!" Zeel says as clear as possible before pushing his father into the gates and watching as his body spaghettifies and disappears into the gate along with his mother in the stasis pod.

After warning his sister of the same thing, he proceeds to push her into the warp gate as well after a long hug and a teary goodbye from Catherine. Zeel then proceeds to his own warp gate as he pushed a nearby button to amply his voice "After I leave another gate will activate at this location and remain for 3 hours so you have 3 hours to get your family and bring them here, the chances of dying are very high for those who are not employees or family of the employees. I don't care about any of you but in the end I still did this since I will be s.u.c.k.i.n.g this planet dry anyway. Good luck!"

Zeel then proceeds to jump into the warp gate, not bothering to pay attention to the negative comments that were yelled at him before his departure. Though nobody was aware, Zeel's body seemed to glitch for a moment before he entered the cosmic wormhole which would be historically known as his first Multiversal Jump. Zeel's view then distorts and he felt as if his body and soul was being pulled apart – which is a clear indication of how far gone his consciousness was, since he didn't believe in anything metaphysical due to lack of proof. It continued like this for what seemed to be an instant, eternality, ephemerality, and every other mess his brain was thinking at that moment of eternity. With a loud plop Zeel exited the cosmic wormhole on a huge trash heap in an unknown junkyard.

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