Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 201 - 190 - Rise Of Indis

The moment Zeel left

"So where to? Zeel if off on one of his secret missions again," Alice grumbled, but did not really mind spending the rest of the day with Elizabeth.

"He has been getting more secretive lately," Elizabeth answered, not slowing her speeding towards the active volcano.

"It is out of necessity, I think,"

"So now it is necessary to lie to us? Make us do things we would not do otherwise? Take away our trauma?" Elizabeth yelled back not noticing that she had so many deep grudges bubbling below the surface.

Alice stopped mid-air and stared at Elizabeth, wondering if she should tell Elizabeth of what sins stained her soul or re-enforce their belief in Zeel.

Alice contemplated for a while but decided the latter.

"Zeel needs us, without us there would be nothing holding him back, we make him human,"

"I love Zeel as well, but …" Elizabeth could not finish when Alice intervened.

"But… you love me more," Alice said smiling bitterly at the fact.

It was no secret that Elizabeth and Zeel cared about each other, but Elizabeth truly loved Alice.

Alice could feel the intense feelings bubbling inside Elizabeth when they made love.

Zeel gave both of them the best s.e.x.u.a.l experience, but there were always certain emotions missing from the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e.

Elizabeth completed that missing part for Alice, the way Elizabeth would kiss and praise every inch of her body. Even s.u.c.k.i.n.g her toes while Zeel pounded her from behind.

At this point, Elizabeth was crying "I know what I am thinking is wrong, but I can feel it now,"

"Shut up!" Alice yelled knowing that what Elizabeth was about to say next would ruin them both.

"I believed all this time because I thought we were his first love, but now… now I know that we are not his first love," Elizabeth yelled back "He loved someone before us, what happened to her, huh? Will we end up like her?"


Suddenly, Alice crashed into Elizabeth as they both spiraled out of the air and into the mountainside.

Alice held Elizabeth down, straddling her body beneath and looking her dead in the eyes.

"We were… we were…" Alice choked but still continued "We were his first emotional impetus – strong like-love, call it whatever. What you feel is not him loving someone before us. What you feel is Zeel coming to realize that someone loves him more than we do,"

"You mean…"

"Yes, the red stain on a soul means you murdered someone who loves you deeply – specifically …"

"A soulmate," Elizabeth replied appalled at the discovery.

"But they were sacred in Zeel's Universe. The memories tell us so, and Lorien's memories show how killing a soulmate is like …"

"Killing yourself," Alice replied as she gave Elizabeth an obvious stare "Is he not dying right now?"

"Well that sure explains a lot," Elizabeth answered staring at the blue skies above "Should we leave?"

"We can't," Alice mentioned then stared at Elizabeth "And I know you don't want to. What you want is for me to be safe, and who I want is Zeel by my side. I love him more than I could ever love you. He saved my world, even when he could die. A man like that you don't give up, especially when he is trying to be a better person,"

After finishing her statement, Alice walked away, continuing her journey up the mountain.

A silent tear slid from Elizabeth's eye that she quickly wiped away, then she too continued up the mountain.

This time she enjoyed the walk and did not use her anti-gravity boots.

"I hope we know what we are doing Alice," Elizabeth murmured walking up the mountain "After all, it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all,"

Zeel in Italy

"Is this the place?" Zeel asked while eating the ice-cream.

"Yup! This is where my family lived thousands of years ago," Adallindis replied cheerfully "The humans have truly improved in my 3000 years of imprisonment,"

"Yeah, these guys sure know how to make the good stuff," Zeel nodded then stopped and suddenly smirked while looking in the direction of the ocean.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just two of my pawns arguing about something," Zeel replied dismissively not caring much; however, he lamented how ungrateful people are in his mind.

"By the way, how did you find us? Our location was kept a secret for 3000 years, and even if found. It would have been impossible to dig deep enough to free us from beneath the Earth," Adallindis was genuinely perplexed at the 'seemingly' coincidental way things are.

"The last of the Akasha Clan are buried beneath the Savanah Desert in almost all the Universes they exist. It is the only place suitable enough to dampen the powers of the first vampires. The only problem was reaching you, but the humans took care of it," Zeel replied uncaringly.


"Hmm, Adallindis is too long, let's shorten your name to Indis," Zeel replied throwing the little loli on the ground in front of him.

"This the spot?"

"Yup, this is the spot," Indis replied as she knelt on her knees, and then lied on her stomach. Soon she turned over and closed her eyes.

The next moment, she opened her eyes and they had become entirely black, her white hair also entirely black.

Indis then opened her mouth as Zeel slit his finger "You are now in service of The Crawford Household, under the name of Zeel Crawford, only Catherine Crawford may command you apart from myself,"

The moment Zeel finished his statement as if the world was reacting to the vow, it began to rain and thunder.

Zeel squeezed a drop of blood from his finger, that entered the mouth of Indis.

Powerful energy pulsed from her body, but nothing much happened apart from small red flames lingering on her body.

Then runes began to embed themselves inside her body, crawling on her skin until they seeped under and then disappeared. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_%!d(string=17146532905633205)/chapter-190---rise-of-indis_%!d(string=51591556339138331)">#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_%!d(string=17146532905633205)/chapter-190---rise-of-indis_%!d(string=51591556339138331)</a> for visiting.

Indis was in ecstasy, the drop of blood was too potent, beyond anything she had experienced before.

Indis disliked drinking blood, it was usually an intimate action that could only be done once or twice in an Akasha's life.

Either as a form of submission, or a form of union, this time she was submitting to Zeel's name as an eternal slave.

"Okay, let's go," Zeel commanded as he began walking away, then slowly disappeared into the crowd.

Indis remained at her spot a while longer staring blankly, but in her head, an entirely different conversation was brewing "Be patient brother, we will have our revenge,"

"He burned two of my three souls Indis. A moment later and all my souls would have died," the little boy complained.

"I will learn from him, serve him. And then when it is time, I will kill him," Indis replied in her mindscape.

Then she moved her body in Zeel's direction, disappearing into the crowd after him.

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