Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 202 - 191 - Gift For Elizabeth

By the time Zeel returned it was already night. Along with him was Indis, who seemed as docile as a cat, but if anyone looked closely, it would be the last thing they see before they died.

The moment Zeel appeared, Alice and Elizabeth, who were cuddling near the fire, were instantly aware as they walked over to greet him.

"You're late," Alice said while eating a bunch of apples that resembled cherries.

Alice was unconcerned, her attitude was usually laid back, taking things one step at a time.

But Elizabeth was much less restrained "Where have you been? Kidnapping little girls?"

Elizabeth felt like a wronged wife who had caught her husband doing something despicable, and the scared look on Indi's face did nothing.

"Mommy," Indis yelled hopping out of Zeel's hand and darting towards Elizabeth with arms wide open.

However, unlike her expectations of an intimate embrace for an innocent-looking loli, the moment she got close, a multitude of brightly-colored lights blasted out of Elizabeth's body.

It knocked Indis back, and she was instantly stunned.

Suddenly, Indis felt a sense of crisis, Alice appeared in front of her, a fist covered in red flames coming towards her head.

Alice wasted no time and went with the intention to kill. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_%!d(string=17146532905633205)/chapter-191---gift-for-elizabeth_%!d(string=51616933153391150)">#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_%!d(string=17146532905633205)/chapter-191---gift-for-elizabeth_%!d(string=51616933153391150)</a> for visiting.



Alice's fist rammed through the head of Indis, her head blown to bits in an instant but neither Alice nor Elizabeth looked relieved as they looked around wearily.

A moment later, Indis walked out from behind Zeel's shadow, a faint burn mark appeared on her left cheek.

"These guys can't handle a joke?" She complained playfully.

Zeel simply watched Indis for a moment, then Elizabeth and Alice "She is a slave from the Akasha Clan. I picked her up in the Savanah Desert,"

Hank, Sean, Gabato, and Kailani had been coming over earlier, but seeing the tense situation, they all stayed back until the issue was solved.

Hearing the word Akasha, Sean was the first to ask "Akasha, you mean as in the first Vampires?"

"Yeah, they were supposed to be killed off thousands of years ago but some humans saved them to become immortals," Zeel replied walking to Alice and Elizabeth and slowly calming them both down.

Both girls were extremely s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e to ill-intentions, or just evil-beings themselves. Akasha clan was born from demons, and vampires were often innately evil beings.

Alice and Elizabeth both calmed down after receiving Zeel's and kisses.

"Who is she?" Alice asked not liking Indris one bit, the sins she had committed were a bit too heavy for the loli face she wore.

"She is about 5,000 years old and killed a lot of people. She is the most well-behaved of her kind though," Zeel replied while munching small apples from Alice's hands "She will not be coming with us, she will spend her time alternation between here and Herme's Dimension,"

"To protect the Aether?" Alice asked frowning.

His eyes went sharp as he asked "How do you know about that?"

"There are not many secrets you can hide from me if you are not aware all the time. You subconsciously let me into your mind every so often. I only know 'Aether', and not what it is," Alice replied calmly.

Zeel nodded "It is better you don't know until you are strong enough. I have enemies who would kill entire Universes to find Homo-Superior Aether. They were only ever 3 Aether in the entire race. If we are found, you guys would be killed and me tortured, but if you know about the Aether, we will all be tortured,"

Alice and Elizabeth both sighed in relief knowing that Zeel was not hiding it from them willingly but more thinking about their lack of ability to keep the information a secret.

Zeel turned to Indris, Sean, Hank, Gabato, and Kailani before saying one word "Forget!"

The memory drifted from their minds in an instant, moving to short term memory, and then disappearing completely in a burst of electrical signals.

After all, Zeel was the God of Speed, the speed of all things was under his control.

But using his divinity like this came at great cost to Zeel.

He soon began coughing up some more red-golden blood.

Zeel was at his weakest point right now, and his growth had also slowed down with the chains on his soul becoming tighter.

"It's okay, let's go by the fire," Zeel said stumbling forward.

Elizabeth and Alice closely behind like good wives, Hank, and the others caught up as soon as they snapped out of their daze.

Sitting by the fire, Zeel was curious about Elizabeth's smugness so he asked "What did you find?"

"I'll let you know if you give me a kiss,"

Zeel moved forward, but Elizabeth constantly drifted back a bit playfully, only now and again nibbling on his lips for fun.

Alice grew annoyed and grabbed Zeel before kissing him fiercely and intimately.

Moving away from Zeel, Alice hurriedly tried to control her flaming heart.

"Okay, no more playing around," Alice remarked wiping the sweet aftertaste from her lips.

Sean, who had gotten over Alexander's death, only mouthed the words "Role-Model,"

Zeel liked the kiss but he was even more curious to see what good stuff the girls found using Elizabeth's memories stolen from Poseidon.

"Firstly, this right here," Alice said placing a weird crystal-oval stone on the ground.

It was transparent with small whirlpools circling inside.

"What is it?" Zeel asked Elizabeth curiously to see if she had been keeping up with her studies.

"The Heart of The Sea," Sean said appalled from near Hank.

"Nope, The Heart of The Crystal Lake," Elizabeth answered "It was once an Ancient Lake that showed everyone who came, the person they most wanted to see. But over time it got corrupted by humans since they would use it to spy on cheating husband and wives,"

Zeel slowly nodded in agreement "Hmm, what else did you find? I think I can make something from this for Elizabeth,"

Elizabeth excitedly pulled out the next thing they found "It's a small golden horn,"

Zeel stared at it interestingly and asked Alice "What is it?"

Alice did not even hesitate to answer "It is an Oceanic Summoner. It calls the fiercest and mightiest beast in the Ocean to come to fight for you,"

Hank surprisingly knew about this one "They were used in battles by kingdoms of the past, or at least that's what stories say,"

Zeel nodded "Some humans got their hands on it and called forth Ancient Oceanic Beats to fight the Gods. Ironically, it was the Gods that gave it to the humans to demonstrate their power over the lands,"

Kailani whispered "That was probably really unproductive,"

Zeel also agreed, took it from Alice, and asked her to continue.

Alice took out a small token that glistened with golden light, but Zeel was at a loss.

"I don't know this one," he said plainly.

Everyone gasped, since when has Zeel not known something.

Elizabeth and Alice were on the verge of celebration since Zeel seemed to always have all the answers previously.

"I don't know everything," Zeel reminded smiling bitterly "My race was extremely knowledgeable but we could not research everything, only the most beneficial to us,"

Zeel picked up the token and passed it around to see if anyone could identify it, but nobody could.

Then he simply gave it to Alice "My intuition is my most dependable ability, and it is telling me to give it to you,"

Alice's intuition was likewise telling her that she would one day need the token so she took it without any scruples or 'Thankyous'.

Was there a need to say such petty things between husband and wife?

Finally, Elizabeth took out the last thing they found using Poseidon memories "I think this was his weapon,"

A trident that could not have looked any plainer, it had only one jewel embedded within the body, but the moment everyone looked at the spikes, they were frozen in admiration.

Zeel was even more surprised "Turns out you found exactly what I needed to make your gift – Rainbow Crystals,"

Brilliant shining crystals that constantly changed colors, and invoked a calming feeling throughout your body.

Alice thought hard and seemed to remember Rainbow Crystals "Made in an area where the purest sunlight shines. An unpolluted environment that men can never set foot and a thousand rainbows need to pass over the crystal before it becomes a Rainbow Crystal,"

Elizabeth felt drawn to the crystal but Zeel quickly snatched it away before she could reach for it.

"Don't let the name fool you, a rainbow crystal is like a unicorn. Beautiful but only v.i.r.g.i.ns can touch them, or they call Karmatians to mess with your karma. I know someone who had bad luck for a thousand years for touching one of these," Zeel said placing the crystal on the ground.

"But you were touching it and god knows how many women you slept with," Alice reminded.

"Karmatians are essentially big pigs to me. If they come, they will be lunch. They know that so they won't come, they can only bully mortals," Zeel said hoping to have Karmatian meat once more.

He was genuinely unperturbed by Karmatians, but if more than one showed up, he too would be forced to Mjump asap.

Still, a bit of bragging in front of his wives couldn't hurt, right? After all, Elizabeth and Alice were clueless without him.

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