Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 248 - 237 - Spanking Ella and Alle

Walking away from the flower store, Zeel stored the bouquet of roses in his storage dimension.

He could not alter the roses entirely but he could alter the structure to never age as long as the person to whom the roses were given would always think of him.

He could do this without any consequences because the roses would act as an hourglass of sorts.

Only, this hourglass would be roses that aged along with the thoughts of Zeel fading from the mind of Lara.

As long as Lara always thought of Zeel, the roses would never truly age, instead, they would become more vibrant based on the intensity of the thoughts.

As for the Diamond-Rose given to the shopkeeper, it was of little consequence since there was no punishment for gods giving gifts to those who deserved it.

Feeling a bit itchy inside, transparent lightning flickered across Zeel's body as the surrounding environment slowed down to a crawl.

Zeel waved the lightning flickering on his fingers and ripples were created in the air. Zeel tried several maneuvers, even swirling his fingers as the air twisted in his presence.

It seemed that he could impact the physical world outside his Time Zone without conscious control.

This required him to be careful when touching anyone or anything since they could simply break apart.

The void warped as Zeel's body was pulled into a distortion and exited a couple of feet ahead while still in the same Time Zone.

Zeel heaved breaths heavily, it seemed too early to activate both divinities at once.

Zeel also felt a slight thug to move in several directions at once. Dimensions were still pulling him in different directions, so his Dimensional Shifting should be kept at a minimum.

Zeel tried drawing runes in the air using his energy but found them to have different characteristics entirely.

This was the second time that Zeel had no idea how a system worked, but his best guess was that his divinities were hindering his ability to use runes.

Runes like 'penetration' worked fine, but other runes like 'color' or 'lift' would just turn things into dust by vibration.

Zeel sighed at the issue at hand, this was not something that could be solved immediately with his calculation zone being downgraded by at least five percent.

Not minding his location, Zeel returned to regular time in front of an oncoming car and quickly stepped out of the way.

The car honked its horn several times and continued its journey. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-237---spanking-ella-and-alle_52678500624157674">#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-237---spanking-ella-and-alle_52678500624157674</a> for visiting.

"Asshole, watch where you are going!" The driver yelled.

Zeel snorted in disdain, walking into the gym without concern.

After all, the business revenue he brought the place, a two-month vacation should not be considered a big deal.

The moment Zeel entered the gym, the entire place quieted down as Terry strode forward.

"We thought you were dead and buried in a ditch somewhere," Terry said patting Zeel on the back as the gym returned to its previously noisy state.

"I was just sleeping," Zeel replied making his way to the bas.e.m.e.nt "By the way, where is my money?"

Terry quirked a brow at the question "Your daughters came for it, saying you needed to support the family.

Ella and Alle right? Cute and weird girls but they have your personality. I thought it was weird that such rich-looking daughters would take your money, but I don't judge,"

Zeel no longer asked any more questions, just cursing constantly under his breath about the twin daughters that were so unappreciative of their father.

Did he not need to eat noodles for the first time in months? Did Ella and Alle even enjoy eating like he did?

By the next hour, Zeel was back in the ring training fighters. It was also training for Zeel to control his strength without aid from the nanites.

His Traveller's eyes were also better controlled this time around. Overall, it was a significant improvement in his control and adaptability when using his ability.

After finishing the slight sparring and question session, Zeel asked "Where is Lara, heard from her?"

Terry sighed "You should stay away from her. She searched for you without sleep for a week until your daughters told her you went back to their mothers.

It broke her heart but she bounced back after a month,"

Zeel once again cursed the two devils Ella and Alle in his heart.

Weren't they just talking about being great daughters? Now, they are messing with his pseudo-love life?

"Where does she work?"

"Zeel, I don't think it is a good idea,"

"Just tell me," Zeel said a bit pleadingly.

It was Terry's first time hearing Zeel change his tone about anything in particular so he took it as a sign of Zeel's sincerity.

"His name is Bruce; he is Lara's boss at the Delivering Company. Tomorrow they will be hosting a fox hunt, you can check it out," Terry said sighing tiredly.

"Thanks," Zeel said "This Bruce… is he and Lara a thing now?"

"Lara got even more alluring over the last couple of months. I heard they went out to dinner a couple of times but she is still not eating or sleeping much,"

Zeel nodded in understanding, it was like being weaned off a drug after all. Still, Lara was strong-willed to stop searching only after a week of effort.

Zeel did not ask anything more and sat down in silent contemplation as Terry locked up the shop and left for home.

The moment Terry left, Zeel turned his head to a certain location in the gym.

The lights that were turned off started to sparkle with different colors, signaling the appearance of two twins that stood a couple of feet away from Zeel.

Alle and Ella stared at their father for a distance, Zeel likewise watched the girls with the same intensity.

They would learn the way his mother taught him, through some proper ass-whooping.

Zeel opened his arms for a hug, but both Ella and Alle remained unmoving. Zeel gave both girls a cramped smile and asked "Won't you hug your father?"

Ella and Alle stared at each other and cautiously walked forward with measured steps. They resembled two rabbits ready to jump away at a moment's notice.

Only two feet away from Zeel, both girls stopped when they noticed the transparent lightning gathering around Zeel's body.

Purple and Pink lightning began flickering around Ella and Alle respectively. It quickly became obvious that they were no less skilled than Zeel at controlling their powers.

Apparently, both girls inherited their abilities directly from Zeel, so whatever abilities he possessed, they also possessed.

They both stared at Zeel challengingly, already knowing that he planned to discipline them.

Both their eyes screamed disobedience as if taunting Zeel 'Let's see who will spank who tonight'. Zeel was immediately angry at the gall of the two twelve-year-old girls.

"You don't listen to your father?" Zeel asked threateningly.

Alle snorted at Zeel's remark and smirked "We went to high school last month; we know about the rebellious phase of becoming teenagers.

We don't have to listen to someone as uncool as you,"

Ella was a bit timider with the confrontation but she also backed up her sister "Yeah, you can't even support the family over the past two months.

We called child service and they said you were not a suitable father,"

Alle and Ella wore triumphant looks on their faces, thinking that Zeel would apologize for being a bad parent. Of course, they did not fully understand the human 'responsibilities' of a father.

Both girls just wanted to negotiate to not be spanked for telling Lara nonsense.

Most of what they said was conveyed to them by the internet and the people they interacted with.

Both girls felt as if Zeel was not providing enough for their growth emotionally and physically. They were right from a human standpoint.

And technically that was a crime. Still, both girls had forgotten that neither they nor Zeel was human.

The next moment, three different colored bolts of lightning flickered all over the gym with spanking sounds intermittently mixed with the flashes of light.

There was no telling if Zeel was the one doing the spanking or both the girls were spanking Zeel.

It was bound to be a chaotic night – a chaotic night that nobody outside the gym would witness.

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