Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 249 - 238 - Relationship Problems

Zeel woke up the next morning nursing his b.u.t.t. Ella and Alle had spanked him a couple of times, but he returned the favor with much more intensity.

Safe to say that the girls would be nursing their b.u.t.t.o.c.k.s for at least a year.

Zeel only stopped because the children threatened to tell Alice and Elizabeth about his new flame. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-238---relationship-problems_52720795314615586">#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-238---relationship-problems_52720795314615586</a> for visiting.

It irked Zeel that they would use such a low tactic, but it also made him proud somewhere deep down inside his heart.

He had genuinely grown fond of the two mischievous girls that had now entered the rebellious stages of their development.

Witnessing the light reflect from the outside, Zeel determined that it was morning and time to look for Lara.

The Genetically altered roses materialized in Zeel's hands from his storage dimension, and off he went to confront his second biggest battle of the week.


Lara walked into the Delivery Company Headquarters, it had been difficult to perform her job as well as she used to.

It was not about the injuries sustained from her fight with Zeel last two months, but the mere mental strain of wanting nothing more than to see him again.

Though the marks were still visible, it was nothing too concerning, it wasn't like anyone would see her n.a.k.e.d anytime soon.

Maybe nobody would see her n.a.k.e.d ever again, it was a strange feeling to have an innate disdain for human males.

Lara had some suspicions about her physical and mental condition, all of it would definitely link back to Zeel.

Maybe, Zeel was a geneticist of some kind or someone on the run from the law.

These types of thoughts comforted her because they would explain why Zeel abandoned her. Still, she was willing and ready to run away with him if he just asked.

But Lara knew that Zeel could care less about how she felt, it was just something she could tell from the way he looked at the world.

In Zeel's eyes, you could see everything, but also nothing. Lara could tell that Zeel wanted to do what was right but cared nothing for the world, or anything she could notice for that matter.

Lara knew that Zeel could never be satisfied because he wanted to be what he was not meant to be.

To contribute to the world, you first have to care about the world. Zeel wanted to contribute to the world without caring about anything concerning the world.

'Well, count your blessings first,' Lara thought internally.

It was already a miracle that she could keep her job after missing so many workdays.

Bruce was a nice guy as well, he often made sure she would eat and accompany her when she had her darker days after Zeel's departure.

Every day Lara had to fight the urge of inheriting her father's estate just to squander it away looking for Zeel.

"Morning mates," Lara shouted the moment she entered the company.

Bruce's attention was immediately attracted to Lara at the front "You have grown a couple of centimeters?"

Not only was Bruce confused, but also the nearby Bill and Rog.

Bill was amazed and asked, "What do you eat Lara? You're only getting more beautiful and slightly taller?"

Lara was shocked since she failed to notice the difference in her own height.

It was not much difference and she was still short overall so a couple of centimeters would not affect her negatively.

Lara just dismissed the conversation "Green Beans, Broccoli, and Spinach. You'll look better than me soon enough,"

Everyone just rolled their eyes, Bruce walked over to Lara's side, hoping to ask her out officially.

They had eaten together a couple of times but it was by mere 'coincidence' that he showed up when Lara was there.

Bruce thought it was time for an official date, but Lara was fighting to calm her agitated emotions whenever a male got too close to her.

Just as Bruce was about to begin talking, Rog started "You got that fox hunt sorted right?"

"Yeah, more or less," Bill replied, speaking loud enough for Lara to hear "Got 30 hounds signed up so far,"

"Just gotta find the fox now," Rog said faking a sigh of frustration.

"Yeah," Bill agreed "We need someone quick enough to make it interesting, but dumb enough to think that they can win,"

Lara finally could not reign in her curiosity.

If they were talking about a way to make money, she could finally use this money to put her mind at ease.

"What are you plotting?" Lara asked.

"We are gonna do a fox hunt,"

"A what?"

"It's like a race. Except the fox gets a head start. Leaving a paint trail behind his bike. For the baying hounds to follow.

And if they haven't caught by the time the paint runs out...he wins all the money," Rog replied knowing Lara was already hooked.

"How much money?" Lara asked a bit desperately.

Bruce sighed and answered "600 quid, but I don't think you should participate,"

Lara ignored Bruce and answered Rog "I think you've just found yourself a fox,"

Rog and Bill seemed to have recalled something and seemed reluctant to agree.

Bill asked, "Are you going to use the money to check out the place the twins told you they lived?"

Bill, Rog, Bruce, and Terry were together when Ella and Alle came to collect Zeel's paychecks.

Lara was also there but the girls seemed a bit hateful towards her, but Lara still asked for Zeel's whereabouts.

Everyone was surprised to see Zeel's daughter badmouthing their father after Lara asked the question.

Ella and Alle then proceeded to spout lies about Zeel living in a village on the outskirts, only the village no longer existed.

Still, Lara went there to take a look a couple of times and came back broke every time.

Seeing the concerned look on everyone's face, Lara sighed "This is the last time I am going to take a look around,"

"Are you being serious?" Rog asked a bit irked "The place doesn't even exist on a map Lara, and there is literally nothing there.

He went back to his family and sent his daughters to break up with you,"

Lara just laughed "Doesn't that just mean that I am quick and dumb enough to be your fox?"

Bill and Rog could not argue with that logic but Bruce was an entirely different matter "Lara look, I don't know about what you went through with that trainer but …"

Zeel had been twenty feet away when he heard Lara arguing with three guys so he just entered the company without anyone's authorization.

After all, he was just here to offer flowers as a sign of peace and see if he could let Lara reconsider the relationship.

Of course, Zeel went by her apartment first to drop off the flowers before coming here.

The Red Queen's research showed that surprises were much more welcome in successful relationsh.i.p.s.

"Uhm. So I came looking for Lara," Zeel said awkwardly.

Bruce, Rog, and Bill were busy looking at the designer-clothed, white dazzling hair, tall guy in front of them.

Zeel was attractive but not overly so, yet his presence alone demanded that everyone looks at him enthralled.

Lara robotically walked to Zeel's as if by instinct to submit and not her conscious action, but she started walking slower halfway.

Zeel was pleased with this reaction, it seemed that the girl still had some sense in the end.



Faster than Zeel could comprehend, two fists impacted his cheeks with strength above the average male.

It did not affect Zeel as much but he still felt a pinch nonetheless.

Lara did not seem finished and cranked back once more, but this time Zeel stepped back to doge, causing her to miss.

Lara said nothing and only looked at Zeel with her tearful eyes.

She had longed to see Zeel over the past two months but now that he was here, the feelings of longing had immediately faded.

Lara could see it, that look in his eyes was still the same, the look she had forgotten – the look of pure indifference towards her.

It made her feel like a pity case that he just screwed and wanted to make as happy as possible for her 'loss'.

Zeel obviously did not understand the implications of a woman giving you her v.i.r.g.i.n.i.t.y. Most women would only do that for men they truly loved, especially Croft women.

"Don't talk to me anymore Zeel," Lara said sighing tiredly and exiting.

She could see that he still did not understand what he had done wrong, it was the same look he had taking her to the hospital.

Rog, Bill, and Bruce soon followed, internally pleased that Lara still had some dignity in front of such an attractive male.

Bruce eyed Zeel a bit longer with a smug look on his face, feeling as if Lara chose him instead of Zeel.

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