Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 250 - 239 - Killer's Instinct

Zeel sighed and followed behind the departing trio. By the time he made it outside, the trio had already ridden away on their bikes.

It would be a trivial matter for Zeel to catch up with them, but he decided to give up on understanding the female species entirely.

Alice and Elizabeth were difficult to understand; he did not need another unknown variable in his group at the moment.

Besides, he was only meeting Lara to apologize and bring closure to their relationship.

Sadly, Zeel missed the opportunity to run after a heartbroken woman(Lara) who wanted nothing more than her lover to chase her down.

The only four females he could understand in this lifetime were Catherine, Aurolana, Alle, and Ella.

He practically made Catherine in his image so, of course, Zeel could understand her.

Aurolana was his soulmate and understanding was never a problem between the two of them. It was often quite the opposite, Aurolana understood him a bit too much.

Zeel walked along the random streets, not paying any mind to the constant l.u.s.tful remarks from passing men and women.

It was not long before he found an outdoor restaurant that was selling something visually appetizing.

He still had the seventy quid from the beggar since he did not pay for the flowers at Lara's apartment.

"Give me the best food you can for 70 quid," Zeel ordered sitting at the outdoor restaurant.

The dish was served after a couple of minutes and Zeel ate with gusto.

It had been two months since he last stimulated his gustatory senses, Zeel was admittedly a bit eager to try the burger on his table.

Zeel lamented the fact that he could only afford a single burger, and his duplication rune would no longer duplicate matter.

It would just turn the burger to dust. Zeel internally complained as he ate, it was turning out to be a pretty shitty day.

It wasn't long before three women sat at Zeel's table without any decorum.

Still, Zeel negotiated to get a couple more burgers from the obviously wealthy women.


Start of Fox Hunt

Lara, Bill, Bruce, and Rog arrived at the destination of the fox hunt. Around forty people were present at the site, obviously showing that a lot more than 600 quid was at stake.

Lara glanced at Rog and Bill suspiciously but both men averted their eyes on cue.

Usually, Lara would complain about not getting her fair share but thoughts of Zeel currently occupied her mind.

Was she happy to see Zeel? Of course, she was, it was a huge relief. But she also knew that taking a guy back immediately was not the way to go.

It would give Zeel the impression that pleasing her was easy.

Lara was smug about her 'play hard to get' plan.

That was the best reaction she managed to get out of him yet, so Lara was hopeful for the future even if he did not chase after her like she initially wanted.

"5…4…3…2….1… Go!"

A honk was heard and Lara snapped back to reality, peddling her bike like a madwoman in a dash to get as far away from the group as possible.

Even if Zeel was found, the money could still be used to pay for a date with Zeel's enormous appetite.

The hounds soon chased after Lara was a reasonable distance away.

A mad chase took place all over town. Every time they were close to Lara, she would just do something completely unexpected.

Lara even rode on walls using her momentum sometimes. She liked the sensations of doing things she could not previously do.

Her mind was ultra-focused after using the 'Zone' technique Zeel taught her during training.

Everyone else seemed slow in comparison, the money was as good as hers at this point.

As Lara rode past, she glanced at the group of females surrounding a male that was wolfing down food like there was no tomorrow.

She recognized her old friends; however, the person they were fawning about came as a surprise – Zeel.

"That f.u.c.k.i.n.g bastard," Lara cursed eyeing Zeel intensely instead of paying attention to the stoplight in front of her.

Zeel felt that someone was watching him intensely and directed his gaze at the glaring Lara.

This immediately annoyed Zeel, did she not tell him to piss away and now she was stalking him?

He understood the underlying psychological influences of such an action, but it still annoyed him that he could not understand her actions without Asheborn's training.

It was just like The Red Queen told him, Zeel was simply doing and recognizing what he was trained to.

To Zeel, his understanding was like a soldier fighting for his country.

The soldier was trained to shoot and knew who to shoot, but Zeel had never once shot at someone because it was his own choice – a choice free of the country's best interest.

He already understood the ugliness of the Races, but he also wanted to know about the beauty as well.

Zeel and Lara eyed each other until …


Lara ran into an oncoming police car, transparent lightning immediately flickered around Zeel but the action seemed unnecessary as Lara adjusted mid-air and landed on her feet.

The many racers chasing Lara stopped when they saw her crash into a police car.

Zeel was already annoyed by Lara, but now it seemed he could not leave her alone without her getting hurt. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-239---killer&apos;s-instinct_52743295037659668">#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-239---killer&apos;s-instinct_52743295037659668</a> for visiting.

Zeel stopped eating and walked over to the area of the incident, grabbing Lara by the arm and attempting to drag her away.

"Let me go! You sc.u.m motherf.u.c.ker," Lara struggled in vain to loosen Zeel's grip.

She felt hurt that he would flirt with other women immediately after coming to see her.

Seeing Lara's reluctance to leave with Zeel, Bruce rode up next to the fighting duo and grabbed Zeel's arm that held Lara.

Bruce was also interested in Lara; he would be a coward if he did not stand up for the woman he liked.

"Calm down pal, this is not the place for this," Bruce threatened, putting more weight behind his grip.

The moment Zeel was touched, he simply reacted without thinking, once again doing what was drilled into him since he was just five years old.

Lara's intuition warned her of an upcoming incident, she immediately attempted to push Bruce away but she was still too late.

Zeel grabbed Bruce's hand and twisted his wrist.

The policemen started to exit their car to put an end to the situation. At first, the police wanted to ignore the situation but things seemed to be getting out of hand.


The moment Lara heard the crack, she threw a fist at Zeel, hoping to stop whatever was about to happen.

Zeel twisted Bruce's hand and locked it onto his back, while simultaneously kicking back, hitting Lara in the gut.

Lara flew back, clutching her aching stomach.

Zeel kneeled onto Bruce's back, slamming the man hard onto the flat pavement.

Then Zeel grabbed Bruce's neck with both hands, one hand on the larynx and another on the right cheek – a special maneuver to break someone's neck without making any noise.

Seeing that things had become this way, the police quickly reached for their guns but they were too close to Zeel.

With his left hand still on Bruce's neck, Zeel flipped and wrapped his leg around one officer, while he grabbed the other by the neck with his right hand and slammed them both onto the ground.

The guns in the hands of the officers flew in different directions. The mere speed of Zeel's movement was a blur.

Zeel now had one hand around the neck of Bruce, one hand around the officer's neck, and the final officer was between Zeel's legs as he kneeled onto the ground for better positioning to break all three men's necks at once.

Zeel was prepared to snap two necks with his b.a.r.e hands and twist his legs to snap another neck. All three men would be killed in one efficient, simple twisting technique.

The videoing audience watched the scene in awe. One moment, the police were approaching, the next moment they were on the ground with their bodies in peculiar positions.

The situation was so movie-like that everyone just watched appalled and did not choose to help due to the mere incredulity of the situation.

At least the footage on their phones and camera could serve as evidence had The Red Queen not already been deleting them.

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