Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 260 - 249 - Don't Answer If You're Dead

Lara stirred awake inside a cave she had found late last night.

She spent about an hour following the blue streak of light, but never found Zeel along the path.

Considering Zeel was not someone to just sit still, Lara surmised that he was either dragged off by an animal or just left on his own.

Lara snatched the berries next to her and gobbled them down. Berries were the only edible food she found, so she waited until she was absolutely hungry before eating them.

That way she could go longer periods of time without eating.

She knew that there were probably people scouring the jungle to find her and Zeel. It was obvious because someone had to fire the missiles that destroyed the helicopter.

She was comforted by the fact that not many men would show up because the leader probably assumed that both she and Zeel were dead.

After all, they fell nearly two hundred feet without any parachute.

Both scenarios were not appealing. Spur of the moment launch meant that the island was heavily protected and monitored.

If the aggressor were notified of her arrival that meant that someone had possibly betrayed her and Zeel.

After eating, Lara pulled the dagger from her waist and slowly exited the cave.

She had enough training to be considered proficient in hand-to-hand combat, but she was not exactly certain of how to survive in a jungle for an extended period of time.

About five minutes later, Lara encountered footprints in the soil.

This was obviously not Zeel, he wouldn't leave a trail behind when he walked, so this had to be the people that were sent out to investigate the crash site.

Lara heard constant rustling nearby.

Lara ducked behind some shrubs and looked around cautiously.

She was not a killer and she could not exactly outrun guns, so the best option was to stay hidden until whoever was looking gave up the search.

She didn't think she had to wait very long, but reality proved different from her expectations. One hour had passed but she could still hear human voices close by.

Feeling her legs cramped, Lara readjusted her position but finally felt something amiss. She felt as if she was being watched; Zeel always taught her to trust her instincts more than anything.

'It is a primitive human survival tool, but that doesn't mean it is antiquated – just unevolved,' he would say.

Closing her eyes, Lara entered a zone of extreme focus, and then she could hear it. Slow, steady steps creeping a couple of feet behind her.

The feline scent of the animal was all she recognized before bolting away.

There was no need to figure out what kind of animal it was. If someone was coming to kill you, would you ask 'Is it Freddy or Jason?'.

No! Running would be the wisest choice.

Her movement was so sudden that even the encroaching Jaguar was startled for a moment.

Yet, Lara's quickness afforded her little advantage over the ensuing chase.

Ducking, jumping, swerving, and swinging, Lara did anything she could to lose the Jaguar chasing her to no avail.

They had obviously picked up on the noise from the chase and planned to ambush her.

Now she had to deal with a Jaguar at her back, and the two men in the front.

Lara dashed forward with a grateful smile as the two men fiddled with their guns, hesitant to shoot such a beautiful woman.

It was obvious at a glance that women were scarce on the Island, something that made Lara both thankful and disgusted.

Why the smile? Well, Zeel taught Lara several things, including what he coined 'Suitable Techniques for The Weak'.

Zeel said 'When someone wants to shoot at you, just smile at them in a friendly way. It would make them less likely to shoot you. After all, nobody wants to kill a friendly face... except me,'

Lara was thankful for the advice since it came in handy the closer she got to the men.

Both men didn't take Lara seriously at first, but the Jaguar behind her warranted their immediate action.

Lara sliced at the gun of one man using her dagger. Unsurprisingly, the dagger slid straight through the metal causing Lara to curse herself infinitely.




The other man started firing at the incoming Jaguar causing Lara to switch her attention briefly.

Using this opportunity, the man without a gun, elbowed Lara in the jaw, causing her to stagger backward in dizziness.

Stabilizing herself, Lara rolled onto the ground, the Jaguar missing her head and instead, falling onto the body of the man shooting his gun.

What happened next need not be described, it was full of blood and gore.

While the first man tried to help his friend, Lara stabbed him in the shoulder from behind.

She was reluctant to kill anyone if she didn't have to. However, not killing was time-consuming, and that was time she didn't have.


Lara grabbed her leg in pain as she rolled out of the way. Several bullets were fired from deeper into the forest, clearly, the two men were only scouts.

One bullet managed to graze her leg so Lara decided to escape.

She bolted away limping as gunshots rang out from behind.

She could hear the dying whimper of the Jaguar as the men filled it with bullets, but she was not in a better situation herself, there was no time to mourn the animal that had bought her vital time to run away.

Lara pushed her running speed to the maximum, and surprisingly, she was able to create some distance with the chasing group of men.

She didn't know how many men were chasing her, but the bullets randomly shot in her direction didn't make her eager to find out.

Yet, it seemed like the world wasn't on her side. Lara came to the edge of a cliff, with only a log connecting one cliff's edge to the other.

Several more bullets whistled past her face so Lara made a bitter decision.

The group of men exited the jungle in time to see Lara jump down, but none of them dared to jump.

They lingered on the edge of the cliff and prepared to fire at Lara below.

However, the chance never came.





Four heads were instantly vaporized before the men could even react. The remaining six men froze in shock as Zeel exited the nearby bushes, firing twice more with his Ionic-Beamer.

Earlier Zeel heard the sounds of gunshots and arrived in time to see Lara jump off the cliff.

Sadly, like the logical person he is, Zeel waited for the perfect opportunity to ambush the men.

Two more heads were instantly vaporized, and when Zeel wanted to fire once more, the Ionic-Beamer in his hand turned red.

This reflected a null-energy state, basically, Zeel had no more energy to power the Homo-Superior Weapon.

Seeing this, the remaining four men regained their wits and began firing back.

A Gravitational-Ball instantly appeared from Zeel's storage dimension, turning into a huge silver shield that protected him from the incoming bullets.

It pained Zeel to use his Gravitational-Balls in this situation since he didn't have that many remaining.

Still, the Gravitational-Balls were the only weapons he now possessed that could act as both defense and offense without energy infusion from himself.

The bullets embedded into the silver shield of Zeel, clearly not doing any damage whatsoever. The four men continued to fire until they were out of bullets.

Seeing the opportunity, Zeel's shield flickered with red electricity – the acc.u.mulation of kinetic energy stored by the vibranium within his nanites.

The four men couldn't even react as the bullets were launched back at them with twice the velocity.

Their bodies fell to the floor, bloody and unrecognizable from the chunks of flesh carved from their bodies by their own bullets.

A poetic end to 'He who lives by the gun, will die by the bullets,'.

Still, Zeel could not celebrate, he had to locate Lara in the rapid currents of water below.

"Maybe, she's dead," Zeel said.

"Lara! Lara! Don't answer if you are dead!" Zeel shouted and waited a couple of seconds "Yup! She is dead,"

The moment Zeel was about to call off his search, an irritated voice shouted back from the bottom of the cliff.

"F.u.c.k you Zeel," Lara yelled with anger saturating her voice.

Zeel paused, walked near the edge of the cliff, and peered over in a mechanical fashion.

There, near the bottom, holding onto a protruding rock was Lara.

Zeel cursed his loud mouth for writing her off so soon, then he turned the gravitational-ball into a silver rope that he threw down.

Zeel considered having the silver rope accidentally slip through his hands many times but ultimately decided against it.

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