Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 261 - 250 - The 'Clean' Operation

"So quick to kill me off?" Lara asked the moment she crossed the threshold of the cliff's edge.

There were several times she felt as if Zeel would just release the rope and send her spiraling downwards into the streaming waters.

Zeel simply ignored her question, he was slightly at fault but did not want to admit it. Zeel noticed that he has recently begun to make several errors… Human Errors.

Still, there were several questions left unanswered.

Even if Lara had been enhanced somewhat by having s.e.x with him, Zeel doubted that it would be enough to survive falling down a cliff's edge.

At the speed she fell, Lara shouldn't have had the time or opportunity to clutch onto the cliff's edge. It was a mathematical mystery, but he was on an Island of mystery anyway.

Sadly, Zeel had underestimated Lara's survivability factor and luck. She obviously had many hidden talents that he had yet to discover.

Not minding the panting Lara, Zeel observed the surroundings and began scouring the location of the men he had vaporized.

"Here!" Zeel said, tossing a gun over.

Lara caught the weapon unintentionally but strangely found that the weapon's fall seemed to slow for a moment before arriving in her hands.

However, Lara quickly dismissed the phenomena as exhaustion from the upwards climb.

There were many weapons loitering the edge of the cliff, Zeel made sure to vaporize only the men.

Stumbling briefly, Zeel quickly resumed picking up the guns once more. It was not a stretch to say that Zeel was currently the human equivalent of starving.

The energy inside his body was usually abundant, but now his remaining energy was being used to suppress the Draconic Energy ever-present within his body.

Usually, he could easily suppress the Draconic Energy by keeping a calm mind, but now it only weakened him due to his energy deficiency.

Still, this was not yet a major issue, so Zeel continued with the collection of guns.

His Gravitational-Balls were limited, and without the gravitonium from Tom, Zeel would not be able to replenish the depleted balls.

His best alternative were guns, and whatever other weapons the men had donated before their demise.

Lara stared at the gun in her hands weirdly. It felt extremely out of place in her hands.

"What?" Zeel asked noticing the look of confusion on her face.

"I am not sure how to use it. I have fired a gun before but that was only as a sport," Lara admitted feeling a bit embarrassed.

Lara knew that firing a gun with the intention to kill someone, and sporting were two entirely different things. Truly, she was reluctant to even hold the gun, but also thought it was necessary.

"Okay! First things first, you always choose small guns. Your hands are small, so a .22 would be good for you. Then you always aim the gun downward, never at someone unless you are prepared to kill them.

Always keep the safety off,"

"Wait, shouldn't the safety be on to avoid accidents?" Lara interrupted.

Zeel rolled his eyes "At this level, if you are stupid enough to allow an accident to happen, then you should be dead anyway,"

Lara was now questioning Zeel's reliability when it came to guns. All the lessons he was spouting were in direct contradiction to the safety guidelines of holding a gun.

"Always make sure the gun is loaded. Keep your finger on the trigger at all times. You shoot with your dominant hand and steady the gun with your other hand.

Guns are primitive weapons that lack accuracy, so you'd want to flick your wrist a bit upward when you shoot to counteract displacement from the recoil,"

"How do you know so much about guns? You don't seem to like them?" Lara asked curiously but immediately regretted the question.

Most former soldiers suffered from PTSD so they hated the weapons that contributed to that. Still, Zeel's dislike for a gun seemed more fundamental than any other cases Lara had seen.

Even an idiot could tell that Zeel's tone of voice was slightly disdainful when speaking about guns.

Zeel thought for a moment "All weapons have a similar design: point, aim and shoot. That is the basic theory behind every weapon, so I can manipulate guns using the same concept. However, guns are just a bit more complex,"

Lara could guess that Zeel's 'complex' probably meant 'for idiots'. Lara felt irritated at having to constantly alter the logic of Zeel's existence inside the confines of her mind.

Right now, the only thing Lara could tell for sure was that Zeel was once a soldier of some kind.

She could be considered a 'good amateur' for someone who just picked up a gun, but she was by no means suitable to guard his back.

In the past, Zeel would directly kill anyone who could not pull their weight, but now, he had come to feel sort of responsible for the young woman in front of him.

Zeel, Alice, and Elizabeth were over 120-years-old, so Zeel was justified in calling Lara a 'young woman'.

Zeel sighed in frustration, he wasn't sure how many times he had done that since arriving in this Universe.

Zeel held out his hand, an image appearing within his mind. The dimensions of the image in his mind quickly shifted to form a 3rd Dimensional Diagram.

Turning his body away from Lara's view, a goggle began to take shape within his outstretched hand. He was using his nanites to create a Ballistic Spectacle for Lara.

After he finished, Zeel turned around and tossed the spectacle to Lara.

She caught it a bit surprised.

"What is it?" She asked examining the spectacle from glass frame to screw and back.

"You hold the gun, and that spectacle will then you how, when, and where to shoot. It comes with a program installed, so you just need to trust it," Zeel explained not delving into the finer details.

He could already feel an emerging headache for sharing too much information with Lara. The situation would have been worst had his divinity not been sealed.

Lara wore the spectacle and gasped in amazement. Everything became so clear, she could see arc trajectories, rotation speed, and even frictional forces associated with each bullet she would shoot.

"This is really good stuff," Lara said pointing to a nearby tree and shooting with pinpoint accuracy through three leaves.

Lara directed a pointed stare at Zeel as if asking 'You had this the entire time and didn't consider using it?'

Zeel scoffed "That is training wheels for idiots. My enemies would be invisible to such a basic tool,"

Lara didn't mind Zeel's disdain, he was practically that way with everyone. The only difference being, he wouldn't make this apparatus for just anyone. It was obvious to Lara that Zeel cared very much for her survival.

It was a remarkable relationship improvement from his previous action of sleeping with her while not wanting to take any responsibility. Feeling slightly pleased with his care, Lara decided it was fine to offer Zeel a small reward.

Lara giggled, walked over to Zeel, and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you!" She said.

Zeel traced his hand down Lara's back and onto her h.i.p.s, all the while kissing her neck sensually. However, he soon paused and retracted his hands at the behest of Lara.

Zeel stared at Lara quizzically for a while, he wasn't sure if his indulgence in Lara was a result of his Draconic Energy, or if it was because of something unique about Lara, herself.

Lara wanted to continue but she knew it was not the right time. Zeel had a way of dominating her mind entirely with a single touch, so s.e.x with him at any time would only make her more emotionally unstable.

Right now she needed all the stability she could muster to find her father.

"We should go. We have already been here too long," Zeel said.

Lara agreed immediately, even if she had a gun and cool new goggles. She still didn't want to experience taking someone's life anytime soon.

It comforted her that Zeel came along to get his hand dirty in her place.

Sadly, if she only knew that compared to the types of atrocities Zeel would normally commit, this operation could be considered clean instead.

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