Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 286 - 275 - Useless Abilities

Two Months After Meeting Prodigium







Currently, enormous slabs of metal sheets, thicker than several humans stacked together, could be seen going up and down.

The metal was titanium, and the reason for the metal's strange movement was a man that squatted up and down, no doubt exercising.

"1000… 10001… 10002… 2000!" Zeel said, straining to lift the nearly 60 tons of metals that he carried.

Still, Zeel was not someone to give up before his absolute limits.

"Add another ten tons!" Zeel yelled at the two-sided mirror that acted as a control center for the Facility he built.

"Yes sir!" Abas replied, adding another two metal sheets onto the bunch that Zeel now carried.

The moment the metals were added, Zeel's knees buckled as the ground beneath his feet cracked and chattered.

Still, whether by will or natural strength, Zeel managed to perform several more squats with 70 tons of weight.

The next instant, Zeel's knees buckled and his hands gave in.


With a small spatial distortion, Zeel was already inside the control room, sitting at a table and slouching back on the expensive couch.

The titanium sheets he previously carried smashed into the ground and shook the entire Facility.

Zeel was not worried since Abas was the one that spent all his money to build the Facility. Along with the Facility, Abas had also conducted several tasks over the past two months.

"So, what's the results today?" Zeel asked.

As a Homo-Superior, Zeel just had to imagine it, and he could do it, but as a God, that was no longer the case.

He had come to realize that even if it was within his abilities, he could not perform certain actions without advancing to the next stage.

A key example of this was the fact that Zeel could run fast, but he could not bring someone into another time-zone without killing them.

This made Zeel realize that his current power had many limitations. At first, he thought the Laws of The World was his primary issue, but that did not seem to be the case these days.

Abas titled his head and fixed the glasses on his face. Abas was initially just a rich person who did what Zeel beckoned, but Zeel recently uploaded all sorts of knowledge into his head.

With that knowledge, Abas could be considered one of the top Researchers of everything Metaphysical in the world.

Staring at the report intensely, Abas was finally able to draw the necessary conclusions from the last two months of various tests.

He had Zeel undergo several tests: running, jumping, singing, dancing, exercise, meditation, and much more.

Everything Zeel did, made Abas' insights into his abilities that much more refined.

"Firstly, we know that you have a Divine Body.

This grants several advantages:

Invulnerability: Nothing without special energy can penetrate your skin, but with enough force, a projectile can still evoke incapacitation. However, nuclear material would have to be used to cause lasting damage.

Superhuman Strength: You are able to lift up to 70 tons of weight without a problem. In human standard, you would be able to lift two Presidential Aeroplanes.

Superhuman Speed: You can move faster than the blink of an eye, but you leave after images in the air.

Hyperawareness: With enough focus, you can see everything within your immediate surroundings up to twenty meters.

That is all the abilities you have that pertains to your Divine Body," Abas stated, deleting the information immediately after interpreting it.

Zeel nodded since he had also reached a similar conclusion about his Divine Body.

"Continue with the list!" Zeel ordered, closing his eyes to relax his aching muscles.

"Next is the abilities gained from your SRNT – Self Replicating Nanite Technology," Abas was about to continue but Zeel paused him.

"The nanites are me, and I am the nanites, there is no need to make such distinctions. Just call it TechnoMancy," Zeel stated.

"Okay!" Abas replied and continued "Your TechnoMancy:

It works hand in hand with your Hyperawareness and can map an area in your mind. This allows you to come up with all possible outcomes of a battle before even participating in the battle.

Of course, this is only applicable if you are aware of the abilities of your opponents.

TechnoMancy originally allowed you to hack into any system less complex than your nanites, but due to certain Restrictions, you are now limited to open sources.

Or… contact has to be initiated before you can access the system. For example, you can no longer hack a satellite until the satellite actively looks for your location.

You cannot access private databanks, but you can access public information.

Apart from this, you also have a sort of network with two unidentified individuals, and you can indirectly carve runes into your body with the nanites," Abas concluded.

Zeel nodded since that was indeed the case. Though Abas missed that his nanites could create a walking-EMP, but that was useless to him now.

"Now my divinities?" Zeel asked.

Abas furrowed his brows as he looked at the data gathered from testing Zeel's divinities.

"This is the most perplexing because the data says that every time you use your divinities, you are straining yourself,"

"Yes, I am," Zeel replied sighing.

Even if he didn't feel it, Zeel knew that every time he used his divinities, he was straining his Divine-Cloud.

Divine-Cloud is the center of his Divinities. Originally, he would have preferred to wait until his Divine-Cloud solidified but trouble was always following him.

Basically, Abas had stated that Zeel should not be using his divinities at all.

It was like giving a child a gun and telling them to shoot forward, which the child will probably be able to do.

But the child cannot aim, cannot shift positions, cannot identify friend from foe, and so forth. So, while everything seemed fine, Zeel knew his divinities were under a lot of strain.

Knowing that Zeel was already aware of this, Abas continued.

"Omnidirectional: You are able to vaguely know where everything you want is, but only very vaguely. A specific direction, but not a specific position.

Draconic Eyes: Your slitted eyes can see everything that is weaker than you are.

Travelers Eyes: You are able to see the defining moments of a person's life. Some people are harder to see than others. This is only effective on regular humans. Supernatural Beings will damage your eyes.

Time-Zone Manipulation: You can enter different Time-Zones. This grants you the ability to live faster than everyone else around you. However, the deeper you go, the greater the energy expenditure.

I have been able to classify four separate Time Zones you can currently enter:

· Shallow Time-Zone: In this Time-Zone, one second becomes ten seconds and everyone moves in slow motion.

· Early Time-Zone: In this Time-Zone, one second becomes thirty seconds. Also known as Time-Zone of the fruit fly. At this level, you can affect the physical world outside your time-zone.

· Mid Time-Zone: In this Time-Zone, one second becomes one minute. This Time-Zone is when everyone appears frozen in time. At this stage, your divinity becomes hyperactive. This means, touching anyone or anything can severely damage or destroy it.

· Deep Time-Zone: In this Time-Zone, one second becomes three minutes. At this point, everyone might as well be frozen in time. At this stage, everything you touch is guaranteed to be damaged. You cannot restrain your divinity, and anything within a meter of your body will be destroyed unless it is incredibly durable.

Speed Manipulation: You can alter the speed of any object you touch, including your body, but you cannot cancel out the force. You can stop a bullet in place, but you still feel the impact of the bullet.

Dimensional Shift: You are able to enter different dimensions, but this is at random. You cannot control this ability at all.

Warping: This is a by-product of your Dimensional Shift Divinity. You can effectively connect two areas of space for an instant, but the distance cannot exceed three miles. If it does, the ability directly sends you into a random dimension.

Lightning Manipulation: This is a by-product of your Time-Zone Manipulation and Speed Manipulation. The transparent Divine Lightning you emit when using your divinities can be used to strike or zap objects for a limited distance."

Seeing there was no more to read, Abas once again deleted the data and waited for Zeel's input. However, Zeel's race already had a deep grimace.

Everything might have sounded like a lot, but the truth was, Zeel expected more. All Zeel could see were downsides to his divinities at this point.

Zeel knew that Divine Actualization Realm could be considered weak, but he could not imagine it would be this weak.

Basically, Zeel was super strong with a Divine Body, but it was only effective against Humans at this point. Likewise, he could see important moments in only human lives.

When he tried it on Henry, Zeel was only able to see a brief flash of a woman. That showed how weak his ability actually is.

Time-Zone manipulation took too much energy the deeper the Time-Zone he accessed.

It made him faster, but also more conspicuous because it would damage everything near him.

He couldn't even enter a different Time-Zone with someone else next to him. Ameera is a prime example of what happens when he does.

Speed manipulation was the weakest of his abilities. He could stop a bullet, but the force would directly be transmitted into his body. That was not an issue, but what if it was a missile or a nuke instead?

Warping was too short-distanced, and he couldn't do it consecutively unless absolutely necessary. So far, Lightning Manipulation was the only thing Zeel had going for him.

Still, Lightning Manipulation did not have much versatility. He could not curve the lightning, or adjust the output.

Just as Zeel was about to curse the world for his misfortune, he felt Henry trying to reach out to him using the Perdition Rune.

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