Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 287 - 276 - Bug In The Throat

Zeel closed his eyes as his mind drifted to Henry's location. Zeel knew that Henry was a cunning old fox, so he made sure to scan the area before appearing in front of Henry.

One of the benefits of being a God was the ability to spiritually appear wherever a follower prayed to you.

Of course, Henry was not aware that he was praying by just speaking to the Rune on his hand, and Zeel would not tell him either.

It had been months since Zeel and Henry initially agreed to cooperate, but neither men were particularly fl.u.s.tered after a prolonged period of silence.

The mere fact that Zeel's location was given to Henry by The Book Of Fates meant that their goals were similar.

Truly, Zeel had the thoughts to burn the book more than once, but that could inadvertently lead to him having a connection with the power of Fate.

Henry was also equally untrusting of Zeel.

Henry made sure to contact Zeel from a crowded location. Henry was not naïve; he knew better than to trust someone he knew little to nothing about.

He had tried to inquire the answers from The Book Of Fates, but it seemed that either Zeel was bigger than Fate itself, or the price to know about Zeel was very steep.

Henry hoped it was the latter. After all, if Zeel was bigger than Fate itself, then Henry would be forced to go to war without this unknown person.

Henry opened his eyes in a park, and Zeel sat next to him as if he was there since the beginning of time. Henry was slightly startled but did not reveal it.

Usually, Henry would be fearless due to his alter-ego, but Zeel helped him deal with his alter-ego, so Henry was back to being a God-fearing man.

"Don't talk directly to me, I am not really here. People will think you've gone senile," Zeel started the talk with a small joke.

"Fascinating," Henry admired, not minding the joke at all "To think that you could project your consciousness such a vast distance,"

However, Henry said 'such a vast distance'. This proved that Henry was somewhat capable since he knew that Zeel was at least in another country.

But it was better for Henry to be mystified by it all. After all, nobody would pick trouble with someone they didn't fully understand.

At least, Zeel wouldn't… not willingly.

Henry could not figure out where Zeel's abilities started and ended. Though, Henry could somewhat judge that Zeel was far stronger than he seemed.

Zeel gave the vibe of someone you could fight if you tried really hard, but some part of you knew that he was unbeatable.

"Back to the matter at hand… my men have recently discovered something very interesting below the streets of London. We believe it to be the tomb of Crusader Knights from the year 1127 AD," Henry stated while gazing at Zeel's face for a hint of some kind.

"Not interested," Zeel said, ready to disperse his spiritual presence and return to training with Abas.

His time was better spent finding the limits of his divinity than entertaining the errands of Mortals.

"It tells of an Egyptian Princess wiped from the annals of history… A woman named Ahmanet," Henry said quickly.

Zeel's eyes flickered for a moment, suddenly becoming sharp and focused.

"Continue!" Zeel stated with authority in his voice.

Henry smiled widely and stated "I have my people in Baghdad working on the location we deduced from the crypt below London,"

Zeel raised his hand to pause Henry's ramblings and simply asked "Who?"

"Her name is Dr. Jennifer Halsey and she is an archaeologist. She has the location and is currently en route to the tomb. I want you to accompany her on this perilous journey to unearth hidden truths," Henry Jekyll stated.

Despite Henry's righteous words, Zeel could tell that Henry was a curious person by nature. While Henry's character was overall good, Zeel knew that Henry would rather create threats than let sleeping dogs lie.

To state it bluntly, Henry was an adventure fanatic.

"Where?" Zeel asked, his eyes already flickering with codes to determine who Dr. Jeniffer Halsey was.

"Baghdad, Terestra Hotel…," Henry could not continue the explanation.

"Got it! I'll be there in three days," Zeel said, already finding the woman in question.

Though, he didn't get much information about the woman since Henry's organization covered her tracks relatively well.

With the information in hand, Zeel opened his eyes in the Facility. It was located in Saudi, below Abas' village.

Zeel suspected that it held sentimental value for Abas, but he didn't even have the time to pretend to care anymore.

"Is there no more training?" Abas inquired "Time to work?"

Zeel stared at Abas for a moment and slowly nodded.

Sighing to himself, Zeel internally cursed himself for being so heartless. After all, without Alice and Elizabeth here, he had begun to revert to old habits.

"Abas do me a favor?" Zeel asked, trying to sound as kind as possible.

"Yes my lord?" Abas stated firmly.

"Slit your throat for me," Zeel said, already walking to the computers to self-destruct the base.

"Yes, Lord!" Abas yelled, pulling a pen from his pocket and stabbing his throat twice.

Zeel was slightly disappointed since Abas did not follow instructions. After all, Zeel told him to slit his throat, not stab it twice with a pen.

"I hate stupid people," Zeel mumbled.

Zeel felt nothing from Abas' demise, but he convinced himself that it was for the best. After all, Abas killed his own brother, and Zeel was only getting justice for someone who died.

'Is that not kind?' Zeel thought, internally congratulating himself for being such a thoughtful person.

Sadly, Zeel had chosen to forget that Abas killed his sibling under Zeel's instigation.

Zeel began rapidly typing lines of codes on the computer.

"Confirm?" A voice on the computer asked.

"Yes," Zeel stated and started walking to the exit.

"3…. 2…. 1!"

The moment the countdown touched one, Zeel's body warped and appeared three miles away in the deserts of Saudi Arabia.

Over the past two months, Zeel had his fair share of women, luxury, and just plain old fun. At this time, Zeel was convinced that he was ready to be a married man once more.


A massive explosion tossed dust into the air, covering everything within a ten-mile radius. Zeel was extremely cautious, so he always made sure that nothing remained from any location he inhabited.

The nanites inside Zeel's body morphed and covered his body with new clothing. Zeel noted that men in Baghdad dressed similarly to Saudi, just a bit more colorful, so that's exactly what he wore.

Plain but slightly colorful clothing.




Slowly, transparent lightning began to flicker on Zeel's body, crawling from his feet to his head, then snaking its way to his arms.

With the sound of wind cutting, Zeel was gone from the deserts of Saudi Arabia. All that was left in his wake was a trail of glass from the sand that had solidified under the intense heat generated from his Divine Lightning.


50 Miles Away

Transparent lightning streaked across an area of sparse trees, but suddenly, the lightning spiraled out of control, shattering trees and rocks in its wake.

Then with a loud thump, the lightning came to a stop in a crater not far from a river.

In the crater, Zeel was sprawled out, holding his throat as if he was trying to cough something up.

After a couple seconds of struggling, Zeel finally coughed up a bug that he had accidentally swallowed during his run.

Zeel tossed the bug away, stood up from the crater, and stared intently at his surroundings to make sure that nobody witnessed such an unsightly display.

With another transparent flicker, Zeel was once again gone from his location.

Sadly, Zeel could not detect the Apollonian that was currently laughing her a.s.s off in Purgatory.

Aurolana did not have much else to do besides watching Zeel all the time, so she caught the incident from beginning to end.

"Hehe… I have to show this to everyone someday," Aurolana said gleefully.

It wasn't every day you got to see Zeel make a fool of himself.

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