Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 302 - 291 - Ring of Candor

While Alice and Elizabeth were caught in a semi-trance, many images flashed across their minds.

It was nothing as vague and profound as the moment of death, but each image that they witnessed held a certain truth.

Everything they saw made them realize a truth they had previously missed.

However, before they could drift deeper into the trance, the Ring Swords on Elizabeth's back flashed and darted around the room in the blink of an eye.

Within a second, the Ring Swords flashed and returned onto Elizabeth's back like it never left.

The Golden walls of the room slowly fell apart and dissolved into motes of light like it was never there.

Elizabeth and Alice returned to their senses and stared at each other with wry smiles on their faces, but they were also happy.

"Good thing we got those things off our c.h.e.s.t," Alice said, happy to have expressed the truth of her feelings.

"Easy to say when you have a bigger c.h.e.s.t," Elizabeth joked and proceeded to investigate the room.

"I can't tell what was here," Elizabeth said after investigating.

Codes flickered within Alice's pupils and she replied "Ella and Alle destroyed everything, but I can extract some images from our subconscious and combine them,"

"Well, you were always better at this stuff than me," Elizabeth complimented.

Neither girls noticed they were still being completely honest to each other just to a lesser degree. This was not unusual due to The Laws of The World, but something was still strange.

Alice accessed both her memories and Elizabeth's, then combined the images in their subconscious to recreate the golden wall that was once inside the room.

"The Ring of Candor can only be possessed by someone who has never lied before… anyone else shall die from the truth!" Alice stated the minor information she could get from the images.

"Ring of Candor?" Elizabeth asked, her eyes flickering to identify the artifact in the Homo-Superior Database.

"There are many artifacts with that name in the Multiverse, and none is either of any threat or could be claimed by us," Alice said, dismissing the matter entirely.


"Because the Ring of Candor cannot be claimed by someone who has not lied before…" Alice replied dismissively.

How could they claim 'The Ring of Candor' when both she and Elizabeth had lied before?

Knowing Alice was speaking the truth, Elizabeth turned around and exited the room, Alice followed swiftly behind.

Unknown to Alice, there was a new emerald green ring that had bonded to her finger without her knowledge.

The ring disappeared the moment it magically appeared on Alice's finger.

Alice had miscalculated her own truthfulness.

Alice was a clone born a month before she met Zeel, and ever since then, she had been with Zeel. How could you lie to someone when your thoughts were always transparent to them?


"Why did you do that?" Alle asked angrily.

Ella shrugged and created a couch in the middle of the endless white space. Ella was currently in her teenage form, which reflected the maturity of her mind.

Every year of sleep made Ella and Alle m.a.t.u.r.e a little more. It was not maturing as much as it was recovering their previous states before they were sent to their father.

Ella's pink-reddish hair had grown to her knees, and her height had increased to about seven feet, taller than the base height of her father.

Alle's sky-blue hair was cut short, and her height was 6"3, like her father. Compared to Ella's girly attitude, Alle seemed much more of a tom-boy who respected their father very much.

As they grew older, the twins wanted to express their individuality through the clothing they wore and the things they did.

Seeing that Ella was not answering, Alle asked once more "Why did you destroy everything?"

Ella grew annoyed and responded "What does that mean? That place was affecting them, it was imbued with the concept of truth and that is too dangerous for them right now!"

"Don't you understand humans enough? The more they don't know, the more curious they will become, such is the nature of lower species," Alle replied.

"You love father so much that you even sound like him, they're our mothers!" Ella yelled back.

"They're the substitute for our mother, and a poor one at that!" Alle shouted back and materialized a wall between them both.

Ella sighed after seeing her sister's rebellious attitude.

'Things were much simpler when we were still trying to be 'Great daughters'…' Ella lamented internally.


Alice and Elizabeth ventured back through the corridor and hopped into the separate dimension.

The moment they entered the space, they laid their eyes upon an enormous gate that pulsed with light, constantly shifting between different states of matter.

"What is it?" Elizabeth asked.

"An Arch Gate… very old Homo-Superior Technology," Alice replied.

Elizabeth shrugged, walked towards the gate until they noticed the Gravitational-Ball that powered it.

"At least we know that he was here," Alice said, shrugging.

"And he must have cried blood when he left that Gravitational-Ball behind," Elizabeth replied laughingly.

If there was one thing Zeel hated – it was wasting resources.

Alice shook her head in disagreement "Zeel leaves a single Gravitational-Ball in every Universe we go to,"

Elizabeth stared at Alice who just shrugged her shoulders indicating that she didn't know why, but could make a vague guess.

"I think it's like a beacon so he could return at any time," Alice said, not discussing the matter anymore.

Alice and Elizabeth held hands and jumped through the gate the moment they saw a fractured temple at the other end of the portal.

If there was one rule to follow when tracing Zeel across the Multiverse, it was to look for anything that was destroyed recently.


The duo appeared in a partially destroyed temple that floated within the void of space. The inscriptions that loitered the temple walls and floor seemed to have lost all their l.u.s.ter recently.

"This place feels dead," Elizabeth said, the [Rainbow Aura] around her body expanding to encompass the entire temple.

Yet, she couldn't find anything of importance, but Alice was keener in her observations.

Alice's eyes activated her [Soul Seeker] ability, which naturally allowed her to have a glimpse at the soul of any mortal being.

Still, Alice's eyes could always find traces of Zeel because he left a trail of darkness everywhere he went.

The next moment, Alice's eyes widened because the entire temple was filled with darkness intertwined with a powerful, radiant purple energy.

"Zeel would never leave this much of a trace behind," Alice whispered.

Truth be told, she was only able to trace Zeel at all times because they were married, and that gave her an unfair advantage in everything Zeel-related.

"What is it?" Elizabeth asked, "Found something?"

"Try red," Alice said, indicating that Elizabeth should focus on the red portion of her Rainbow Divinity.

"Red for what?" Elizabeth inquired "Red for passionate love?"

"Red for Violence and blood,"

Elizabeth shrugged and did as she was told, focusing on blood and violence as her Rainbow Divinity shrouded the entire temple in the color red.

Slowly, Elizabeth held out her palm, and golden-blood gathered within, along with a faint purple color that radiated power.

The purple began to destroy the golden-blood down to its most minuscule components… not even atoms, but more along the lines of photons that became oblivion.

Elizabeth and Alice watched appalled as the purple energy destroyed all traces of Zeel's blood. Suddenly, Alice slapped the energy away from Elizabeth's hand and they both retreated.

"Why did you do that?" Elizabeth asked a bit disgruntled.

"Look at your palm!" Alice replied.

Elizabeth opened her palm and took a look only to discover that it had reddened like a human rash.

"To think that such an energy existed… even after so long it still has such a kick," Elizabeth commented in awe.

"That's not what worries me," Alice mentioned.

"What worries you?"

"How much blood did Zeel lose?" Alice replied, joining hands with Elizabeth as the MBeamers on their wrists burst into a multitude of colors.

The next instant, both girls had disappeared from the temple, gone from The Tomb Raider Universe.

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