Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 308 - 297 - Captured!




There were loud explosions all around the Plane and everyone could feel the hot air from the explosion brush across their faces as if they were outside.

The rumbling of the Plane was secondary to the heat.

Yet, there weren't dead yet and that was something to be grateful for at this time.

After all, who didn't have families they would like to see again in the future?

Greenway's face was scrounged unlike his grateful soldiers, but Zeel's mind was somewhat impressed by the rapid response time of the Americans.

It was only picoseconds ago that Zeel gave the missiles the order to destroy the jets that fired them, but someone on the American's side was able to find a loophole to his command immediately.

Zeel could feel the communication that relayed an immediate counter to his instructions.

The order was fairly simple 'Push the jets over the Plane!'.

The person that gave the order was clearly versed in supernatural beings since he or she was able to quickly deduce the correct method to tackle the problem.

Zeel could feel the thought patterns of the person who gave the order because it was similar to his own.

If the jets were going to be destroyed anyway, the initial response would be to ram the jets into the plane so everyone could die together.

Zeel was prepared for such an outcome, he had plenty of time to reach Jenny and Nick and warp away from this metal death trap.

Maybe, he could even kill Greenway before he warped away just for the heck of it. It always left a bitter taste in Zeel's mouth to leave an enemy behind.

Yet, the order replayed, that countered Zeel's plan, was to place the jets above the Plane and allow them to explode.

This caused a shower of Gold-Essence to surround the air for the next couple of miles like a dome. Gold-Essence hindered Zeel's abilities by a certain degree, so that meant that warping was no longer possible.

With his luck, Zeel was sure that he would probably end up in Seth's Death Dimension like a pig fit for the slaughter.

"What the F.U.C.K is happening?!?!" Nick yelled, shaking Chris by the shoulder while looking around wearily.

Of course, Chris didn't budge an inch, he was basically brain dead after being infected with so much death energy.

Nick's mind had yet to adjust to everything that was occurring around him. After all, coming back from death was probably the first experience for him.

He stumbled around the plane, the intense heat from the explosion of jets didn't make his hysteria any calmer.

The rumbling of the Plane came a couple of seconds after the heat and everyone dismissed the hope of survival that had edged its way onto their faces.

The wings of the plane were damaged, and Zeel could already feel the uneven tilt of the plane. It would light up the ground in a fiery blaze in a couple of minutes.

Jenny was the first to reach Nick's side, comforting him in an embrace that caused the lost man to go silent. Sometimes all it took was an embrace to forget about everything else.

Zeel didn't hesitate to launch himself towards Greenway.

'Never leave an enemy alive!' Zeel thought.

It was programmed into him, beaten into him, r.a.p.ed into him, traumatized into him, and Zeel could just not resist the pull of killing all those who would plot against him.

Zeel raised his leg, the ruby-red glint of his slitted eyes intensified as his left foot slammed into Greenway's head that burst like a watermelon.

Still, in his moment of Draconic-Anger indulgence, Zeel had focused too much strength into the kick.

Zeel's foot continued through Greenway's head and into the metal hull of the plane, even then his foot just continued until it was outside the plane.

Subsequently, Zeel's entire body tilted forward as if his entire body was a diamond knife about to cut through the butter that was the hull of the plane.

Such was the toughness of Zeel's skin that the metal hull of the Plane was too little to deter him at full strength.

Luckily, Zeel managed to warp at the last moment, appearing next to Jenny and Nick instead of continuing his journey outside the Plane.

Zeel reappeared exactly behind the frightened Nick and Jenny, clamping his hands on both their shoulder respectively.

The pain of the earlier Heavenly-Lightning had faded from his left hand, allowing him to maneuver it however he liked once more.

"Ready?" Zeel asked, clearly signaling that he was ready to get the hell out of dodge.

Zeel needed to protect Henry's person, Jenny, and he also needed to figure out how Nick ticked, so of course, he would warp them to safety with himself.

After witnessing what Zeel had done earlier, Jenny could vaguely guess what would occur next but had more pressing concerns.

Nick was still too confused to realize what was happening, but Jenny knew the main priority had to be the Sarcophagus tied down at the center of the Plane.

"What about the Sarcophagus?" Jenny asked hesitantly.

'Did Zeel plan to release it onto the world? Was he plotting something nefarious against my organization? Is Zeel that evil and crazy to do something so absurd?' Jenny thought inside her mind.

And the answer was YES! Zeel was that evil and crazy to do something so absurd, but in this particular case, NO!

Zeel wanted to keep Ahmanet dead as much as Jenny did, but he couldn't warp the Sarcophagus saturated with Death Energy away with him.

Maybe, if he was a 1st Stage God then he would somehow manage that, but as of now, he was too weak to take even three people along with him.

Jenny and Nick were his current limits, and it didn't help that Nick also now had some Death Energy lingering around his body.

"Lucky for us the humans are stupid. They created a dust storm of Gold-Essence above us, but there is nothing below us as yet. The dust hasn't fallen that far so I'll just warp us down," Zeel stated, feeling Jenny's body tense up while Nick relaxed.

It seemed Nick was finally beginning to regain his mental faculties.

"We will wait on the ground for the plane to crash and then we recover the Sarcophagus quickly. I already sent a distress signal to Henry," Zeel whispered in Jenny's ear, feeling her body finally relax as well.

Zeel took a deep breath, spread his senses, and suddenly remembered something unique lodged into the hull of the plane.

He clenched his teeth and warped the object into his mouth for safekeeping.

Then Zeel slowly visualized where he wanted the warp to appear in space, making sure to push more energy into the warp to compensate for Nick's presence.

Using his warp ability was strange for Zeel, his divinities were like an automatic program that just ran specific patterns when given the commands.

Had it been in battle Zeel was using his warp, he would take full control of the ability to run calculations and do exactly what he wanted.

However, without any feeling of threat, Zeel only needed to urge his divinity downwards and everything else would take care of itself.

Zeel warped Jenny and Nick one mile downwards but still didn't detect any ground which was strange.

Jenny and Nick squealed as the warping sensation settled and what took its place was a falling sensation.

The sensations were two very distinct but similar experiences. It was like eating pizza from America and then Italy, the better pizza was fairly obvious but it was pizza nonetheless.

Zeel could have sworn that he felt a solid object somewhere nearby, but he had no time to think as he warped once more, this time another mile downwards.

Sadly, it seemed that Zeel's game was a bit off today because he was still falling in their air, though he took a quick glance down and identified that the ground was only a couple hundred feet below.

Feeling relief at escaping the plane, Zeel prepared to warp once more but this time his intuition warned him of incoming danger.

Zeel always had the feeling of encroaching danger since his intuition was so always active, and this time the strength of his foreboding was only slightly greater than normal.

Zeel's intuition did not particularly react to anything that wasn't life-threatening, so he wasn't concerned about anything coming for his life at this time.

Still, Zeel could not have expected what happened next, or maybe he could if he had thought about everything a little more carefully.

A metallic object cut through the air above Zeel's head, latching onto his body like a maiden would to the pillows in preparation for the stinging pain that came with losing her v.i.r.g.i.n.i.t.y

Zeel didn't stop mid-warp and instead transferred the warp only to Nick's and Jenny's bodies, immediately sending them in different directions onto the ground below.

After the metallic object thoroughly wrapped his body, Zeel felt restrained and contained.

His body was swiftly tugged towards the ground, towards something else with an intense attraction like the north and south poles of a magnet.




Before Zeel could even muster up the strength to resist, he collided hard with a metal contraption on the ground.

The metallic object that wrapped around his body clicked into place with a larger component and Zeel felt any and all traces of resistance he could muster gone.

With a couple more clicks, Zeel could identify the ins-and-outs of the scheme and found everything admirable.

Still, Zeel was not very concerned about it being enemies who he truly feared. The technology they used just earned his disdain if nothing else.

It was rough around the edges, clumsy, and most of all CHEAP!

The mechanic cage to which his body was now confined was simply Gold-Essence with an electromagnetic field added for mobility purposes.

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