Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 309 - 298 - 'Her'

The first thing Zeel noticed was the hundreds of presences around him.

None talking, none conspiring, just efficient movement like he had rarely seen in humans before.

Zeel laid in the contraption lazily but also curious.

'Who could possibly be so brilliant to have trapped him so easily,' Zeel thought.

Nothing irked Zeel more than a poorly executed plan that succeeded by some miracle.

The person who laid the trap that led to his capture was not thorough but lucky… extremely lucky.

It was the kind of Luck that won entire galaxies in the daily Lottery back in Universe Zero.

Well, either that or they had the ability to peek into the future, but Zeel didn't feel any seer peeking into his future.

After all, he was beyond a 4th Dimensional Being, he would have felt if someone was spying.

Even if a seer could peek into his future, it was more likely they would be blinded by the intense Divine Light that surrounded all Gods.

That was the natural mechanism provided by being protected by the Universal Laws and Restrictions.

"Package Secure… securing the next!" A man whispered into his communicator.

Zeel heard a tinge of Chinese accent mixed into the conversation.

Zeel felt instantly tired since he had theorized that the Americans were the ones who caught him.

'Maybe it was China who caught me?' Zeel mused but felt even more comfortable with that option.

It was a treaty that applied to almost all Earths in the Multiverse.

More than likely the Chinese Cultivators themselves would break him out of wherever he was going to be trapped.

Zeel didn't have time to consider this option however, the next moment a gunshot was heard, and the Chinese man slumped to the ground lifelessly.

'Americans, I knew it!' Zeel thought, pleased with himself once more.

It was at this time that the efficient crowd of people began to speed up, packing electronic equipment into trucks like their lives depended on it.

Zeel even detonated some of the electronic instruments for the heck of it.

Several people lost their fingers just for Zeel's amus.e.m.e.nt, but that didn't deter the people from quickly packaging everything to move on as soon as they possibly could.

Of course, Zeel's nanites extracted and analyzed all data available on the electronic instruments before he destroyed them.

Yet, nothing on the instruments brought him any real meaningful information.

Zeel was getting more uncomfortable by the second, watching Americans move around not minding their weeping comrades who had lost their fingers or hands.

Everyone just simply tossed their electronic instruments on the ground and continued like it was another Sunday.

They began avoiding electronic tech like everyone avoid the Jehovah's Witnesses that knock on their doors in the mornings.

'They were expecting this as well!' Zeel thought with a sinking feeling in his gut.

Something was very wrong and he needed to find out what it was.

There was no more curiosity present in his eyes, only the will to eliminate someone or something that could predict his actions.

It would take Zeel a couple of hours to burn through the Gold-Essence cage that now bound him, but that was fine since he was determined to follow along with this ruse until he found the mastermind.

'F.u.c.k.i.n.g Americans!' Zeel cursed internally.

Actually, Zeel didn't really have intimate knowledge of countries on any Earth, and neither did he care about them, especially America.

Zeel's prejudice against America in any Universe was due to the fact that Jill was born in America back in The Resident Evil Universe.

As far as Zeel was concerned, if any country in any Universe could spawn a woman so weak that she cried with a few strokes, then he hated that country in every way.

Zeel could sometimes feel Alice's mind wandering and thinking about that time often.

For some reason, Zeel found himself thinking about that one-night f.u.c.k a lot in recent days.

It was like he should know something but didn't, as if it was blocked from his vision.

Luckily, Zeel found an easy solution… since he couldn't stop thinking about Jill, he would simply try to hate everything she stood for.

The blonde American male who had just killed the Chinese walked in front of Zeel and eyed him mockingly.

Everyone else was incredibly efficient, unscrewing equipment from the ground, transferring personnel to vehicles, and soon, Zeel was boarded onto the truck with twenty guards.

Truthfully, the guards were thankful that Zeel didn't seem to fight back at all.

Zeel simply laid in the cage and looked curiously at everyone.

Little did they know that Zeel's mind was just placing red X's on the faces of those he absolutely needed to kill before he made his escape.

Everyone worked quickly but carefully, always checking the timer that ticked down on their wrists.

"I'm not impressed that they wanted you so much. You look like nothing special," The Blonde American stated as he got up from his designated seat.

All the other guards tensed after seeing his actions, but he waved them off nonchalantly.

Zeel didn't reply, focusing on finding the person who had orc.h.e.s.trated this entire operation.

"Hey… you f.u.c.k shit!" The blonde American yelled, growing impatient as he walked towards Zeel and stomped down on his head.


Zeel didn't even pay the American any mind, transparent lightning just flickered around his body and before anyone was aware, the heart of the Blonde American had ceased to function.

Zeel could feel the other guards trembling in their seats, but nobody moved to assist their fallen comrade.

Eventually, just before the truck departed, some assistants in white coats came into the back of the truck and simply tossed the body of the Blonde American outside like trash.

Despite the tender look of Zeel's skin, his body was a temple denser than steel and just as beautiful as diamonds.

Stomping Zeel was akin to kicking High Carbon Steel.

Zeel felt his eyes getting droopy and his energy draining as someone activated the electromagnetic field that strengthened the bonds between the Gold-Essence atoms.

This just served to temporarily weaken Zeel, but the amount of energy required was astronomical by Earth's standard, so Zeel was sure they couldn't restrain him for long.


When Zeel woke up, not that he was truly ever unconscious, he found himself strapped to the floor within a pure white room that held several reinforced one-way mirrors.

The door on the left wall slowly opened, and in walked someone Zeel was vaguely familiar with.

"Agent Simpson, Code 15-6-Echo-99," Zeel said and then turned to the man frozen by the door "You're the one running this operation?"

"No," Zeel said, answering his own question "You're too stupid and straightforward. You can't even keep your wife happy after that accident in Iraq that left you with one ball,"

Agent Simpson's stiffened body loosened briefly in a defeated manner.

"She warned us that you could see everything," Agent Simpson whispered with a wry smile on his face.

Now all his colleagues knew that the accident a couple of years ago had halved his manhood, but Agent Simpson was more intrigued than offended.

"She warned you?" Zeel asked "I am now intrigued. Tell me about 'her',"

"First, tell me how you knew my name and my classified code,"

"You were at the auction and you spent a lot of time around Aaron and Abas driving them crazy with your low-frequency whisperings.

When Abas would sacrifice people to awaken me, I would notice your presence around him. Unlike Abas's senses, mine is much more refined so I was about to hear things that he wasn't.

And that's how I know your code, your name, where you live, your wife, everyone she has slept with in her life, your kids, your daughter's fetishes… should I go on?" Zeel asked innocently.

Zeel's gaze pierced through the one-way mirrors and could see the frightened faces of several Researchers waving around frantically to extract Agent Simpson from the room.

Agent Simpson was quick to recover and waved to the mirror indicating that they should send nobody else inside.

"Smart move," Zeel complimented.

Zeel could tell that Agent Simpson didn't want to compromise anyone else now that Zeel knew only him.

As far as Agent Simpson knew, he was compromised before he ever even met Zeel officially.

"An answer for an answer," Zeel stated "I already answered your question,"

Agent Simpson took a deep breath and replied "She is someone very special, someone, who is interested in meeting you soon,"

Unknown to Agent Simpson, despite his vague sentence that would usually not provide any meaningful information, Zeel was different.

Zeel could measure everything about Agent Simpson when he spoke about 'her'.

The contraction of his larynx, the speed of his heartbeat, the subconscious movement of his eyes, the electrical discharge that occurred in his brain when he said 'her', and several other tell-signs.

"Your larynx contracted when you talked about her so I can tell you are scared of her, but you are embarrassed to admit it, so I can tell she is somewhat young. Possibly late 20's.

Your heartbeat slowed for an instant when you imagined her just now, so I can tell she is very attractive.

You're obviously a man who has seen many beautiful women, so that means she has very distinctive features that add to her beauty.

You subconsciously glanced at my silver hair when you thought of her, but the expectation in your eyes was slightly dimmed.

That tells me that she has a unique hair color close to silver, so I would guess that she has white hair.

Just now your brain had a faint electrical discharge too weak for anyone to notice, but I can notice.

The electrical signal originated in your cerebellum when you mentioned 'her', and that part of the brain governs equilibrium and muscle coordination.

The electrical signal traveled to your frontal lobe, specifically the part that governs emotions. Once there, it drifted towards the parts of your frontal lobe that governs emotional pain and sympathy.

So the person you're talking about lost something that causes her great pain.

A pain so intense that when you sympathize with her, it causes you physical pain as well…

I understand humans very well, or at least I like to think I do, so I can deduce that the only thing that a human can lose that is that precious is a family member.

In this case, I think it's her children right?" Zeel asked, bringing a conclusion to his speech that should have gotten the attention of 'her'.

There was a vague guess in Zeel's mind about who she was, but the implication of his idea would be disastrous for his Multiversal travels in the future.

The door opened once more and Zeel's eyes grew fierce for an instant before calming down his agitated emotions.

The worst-case scenario had just occurred, and now he was f.u.c.k.e.d…

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