Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 313 - 302 - Brawl With The Mummy

Zeel's started to slightly panic; he swiftly grabbed Agent Simpson by the shoulder and asked "Is there anyone else in this facility?"

Agent Simpson was in pain from Zeel's slightly excessive grip but still answered the question confusedly "We can't be found; we are located at the base of a mountain in Surry Hills which is dozens of miles outside of London,"

"Just answer if there is anyone else here," Zeel stated, strengthening his grip on Agent Simpson's shoulder.

Agent Simpson thought hard, suddenly remembered something, and pointed at the left wall.

"We recovered the guy you saved… he's in the next room," Agent Simpson replied while grimacing in pain.

Agent Simpson didn't mind the pain; he was more desperate to sacrifice himself for Zeel. He had lost everything when his family was murdered and he had long since gotten revenge on those responsible.

His only concern was the fact that he had shed so much blood in the process that dying within Zeel's graces was the only way to make it into Heaven.

Zeel tossed Agent Simpson's body away and walked towards the wall with urgency in his every step.

However, what was supposed to be a casual walk caused transparent lightning to flicker around his body.

The next thing Zeel knew was colliding with the wall, the wall breaking and then he was standing in a new white room with a frightened Nick looking up at him.

Codes flickered through Zeel's pupil as he automatically started nanite-calibration to adjust his body to its newfound strength.

"Zeel?" Nick asked confused like he wasn't sure what to believe anymore "I thought this was Heaven,"

Zeel paid the heavily drugged Nick no mind and instead sensed his surroundings and there it was.

And here the energy was in Nick's room, the sacrificial energy was being converted into Death Energy and being unconsciously absorbed by the confused Nick.

'Now this is shitty,' Zeel thought, wearing his best amiable smile as he walked over to Nick.

"Listen this is not a dream…" Zeel said calmingly "I need you to concentrate and tell me what you remember,"

"What I remember?" Nick mumbled under his breath until his eyes widened in realization.

"You killed me?" Nick asked unsurely, but his voice rose a couple octaves as he repeated the statement with surety "You killed me!"

Nick immediately threw a fist at Zeel's face which surprisingly stung Zeel's cheek even if his face didn't budge an inch.

Nick had unconsciously concentrated a small portion of the Death-Energy from the air onto his fist.

Zeel nodded approvingly at Nick's swing.

'He has talent indeed,' Zeel thought.

Zeel rubbed his jaw and said "I didn't kill you. How would you be alive if I did?"

"But I remember," Nick said, becoming unsure again.

Zeel sighed and said "I just made you sleep" then he murmured "eternally" under his breath since he still couldn't technically lie.

"You made me sleep with a hand through my c.h.e.s.t?" Nick asked, finally reigning in his emotions and standing onto his feet with clarity.

"I wanted to see what the heart of a good man looked like," Zeel said, patting Nick's shoulders and smiling like they had been buddies for decades.

Nick brushed Zeel's hands off his shoulder and wanted to inquire about the situation, but a strange tingling sensation caught his attention first.

Slowly, a black mist began to gather around his fingers and Nick had no idea what it was, all he knew was the fact that it felt comfortable.

"Nick!" Zeel said with a stern voice "I need you to visualize the room full of black mists and pull it into your body,"

"What?" Nick said startled "You want me to pull this smoke into my body? Are you crazy?"

Zeel was thinking about Nick absorbing the Death-Energy, but Nick thought that Zeel meant he should inhale the black poison in the air.

Nick's intention to reject the smoke was instantly answered as the black mist pulled away from his body and continued to linger inside the white room.

Zeel was getting more anxious by the second since he couldn't absorb the sacrificial energy that had already been converted to Death-Energy.

Zeel knew that Zeela was not able to recover the sarcophagus after the crash, so that meant that all this Death-Energy lingering in the air would attract death-attuned Beings like a very grumpy mummy – Ahmanet.

Zeel grabbed Nick by the throat and said "You need to absorb the energy before-"

Sadly, Zeel didn't get to finish his statement; both he and Nick watched as the black mists in the room began to swirl and flow outside the room.

One Second!

Two Seconds!

Three Seconds!

It took three seconds for both Nick and Zeel to confirm their eyes were not playing tricks on them.

Those three seconds was enough time for Ahmanet to absorb the Death-Energy, open the door, and walk into the room, setting eyes on both Nick and Zeel.

Previously, Ahmanet was a mummified corpse but she was now a walking woman wrapped in ritualistic mummy cloth.

She could even be considered a bit s.e.xy if the revealing peeks of exposed areas were to be judged objectively.

Luckily, Zeel's enhanced senses were not fooled by Ahmanet's attractive outward appearance. He could smell that her insides were rotten both literally and figuratively.

However, the few spots that existed in her rotting flesh were quickly being filled with pristine skin as the newly provided Death-Energy returned Ahmanet to the prime for a limited time.

Zeel shuddered at the thought of how many life forces Ahmanet had absorbed to regain her youth.

'She probably had a buffet of soldiers before she came here,' Zeel thought.

Before transparent lightning could begin to flicker around Zeel's body, Ahmanet had already disappeared from the door and reappeared beside Zeel in absolute silence.


Ahmanet's fist connected with Zeel's face, sending his body flying through the air, through the wall, into the rocky layer of the mountainside, and through the rocky layer into the expanse of forest trees.

Even if it was a little late, lightning flickered around Zeel's body as the world froze mid-air.

[Early Time-Zone]

One second became thirty, Zeel's body froze in the air, twisting his head to witness Ahmanet's slowly moving hands attempting to grip Nick around the neck.

[Speed Manipulation]

Zeel transferred the momentum from Ahmanet's powerful punch from his jaw and dispersed it throughout his body in an attempt to maneuver his body more easily mid-air.

With the force of the attack dispersed, Zeel spun his body around mid-air and landed onto his two feet amid the many rubbles floating in the air from his collision with the mountain bedrock.

Zeel pushed all the larger rocks towards Ahmanet as he re-entered the white room through the hole his body had created.

Zeel walked over to Nick who stood frozen in front of Ahmanet and picked him up in a bridal carry. This would have severely injured a normal human, but Nick was no longer human.

Zeel could feel Ahmanet's eyes watching him as he carried Nick away, and he knew it wasn't long until she adjusted to his Time-Zone.

In a flash of transparent lightning, Zeel was gone and Ahmanet felt the collision of the several rocks he had pushed in her direction.

Ahmanet's flesh was not exactly alive so she didn't feel the pain of the rubble penetrating her skin.

"خائن [Traitor!]" Ahmanet yelled angrily, knowing Zeel was long gone.

The black mist started to gather around Ahmanet's hands and with a glimpse of abyssal darkness, she had sunk into the darkness of her own shadow.

Though, anyone observing Ahmanet would be able to tell how energy-draining her abilities were.

Zeel was already three miles away when he felt his intuition spike for the first time. Zeel easily started running in an erratic manner to make his location that much more difficult to pin down.

Nick's skin was becoming increasingly red the more Zeel ran. Zeel's speed was beginning to burn Nick's skin, but Zeel was comfortable with any suffering Nick had to endure aside from death.

With a stirring of sand, Ahmanet appeared within a couple meters ahead of Zeel.

She was still moving relatively slow compared to Zeel but getting faster and faster as she adjusted to the Time-Zone.

Zeel wanted to run in a different direction, but he knew that London City could provide him some recourse since Henry would be there if Jenny had successfully escaped.

Not willing to overuse his Divine-Energy when his 1st Stage Godhood had not yet stabilized, Zeel increased his speed and brushed right past the slow-moving Ahmanet.

Even now, Zeel could feel the strain of exerting his divinity after it had just entered 1st Stage Godhood.

The moment Zeel was next to her, Ahmanet pushed her Death-Energy to create a barrier that temporarily excluded her from Zeel's Speed Domain.

Zeel threw Nick's body over his shoulder and Nick's body flew a couple meters ahead and then froze in the air like everything else.

Punch! Kick! Knee! Punch! Punch! Tiger Claw! Round House Kick!

The ground cracked only after Zeel and Ahmanet had completed three moves. A delayed reaction from their swift movements in a different Time-Zone.

Zeel and Ahmanet fought at super-speed within his Time-Zone, sometimes they would disappear and reappear and sometimes their movements would slow to a crawl, almost entering Normal-Time.

With one more knee to the face by Zeel, Ahmanet had exhausted the Death-Energy excluding her from Zeel's domain and her body instantly entered Normal-Time once more.

Zeel grabbed Nick from the air and started running once more, but alas he was not meant to make it very far.

A dark glint flashed in Ahmanet's eyes as a small smile graced her face. Truly, the only reason she was not able to put up a fight for longer was that she was re-directing her Death-Energy somewhere else.

Zeel didn't even get to take three steps before Nick's shadow transformed into a huge mouth that consumed them both.

Zeel only saw the sun disappear as both he and Nick were thrust into a pseudo-Death-Shadow Dimension Ahamnet had exhausted her energy to create.

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