Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 314 - 303 - Instant Combustion

Ahmanet could be seen limply walking through the Forest of Surry Hills. She was traveling as fast as she could without releasing Zeel from her Pseudo-Death-Shadow Dimension.

"فقط لفترة أطول قليلا [Just a little longer]" Ahmanet whispered in Ancient Egyptian as her face grimaced in pain.

Trapping a God was no easy feat.

It was getting harder and harder to contain Zeel, and Ahmanet knew that Zeel could exit her dimension any time if he hadn't just made a breakthrough that caused his abilities to become unstable.

Sparks danced around her in the air as Zeel constantly tried and failed to warp his way out of her Pseudo-Death-Shadow Dimension.

Finally, after an hour of walking and expending huge amounts of Death-Energy to keep Zeel contained, Ahmanet arrived at the d.e.s.i.r.ed location.

In front of her was a temple that seemed to have been hand-carved by the greatest artisans of the previous era.

Ahmanet quickly kicked the door of an old monastery and the Ancient feeling of the building gave her a sense of home for a brief moment.

Of course, the ancient feeling in the monastery could not compare to the atmosphere of Egypt but it filled Ahmanet with the hope of one day walking the shores of the Nile River again.

Ahmanet was drawn to a specific object she needed to possess to fulfill the obligation she promised Seth in exchange for power.

A deal made with a God as powerful as Seth was infallible, not that Ahmanet wanted out of the deal anyway, she fell in love with Seth long before the deal was made.

"رُقّم من الأشياء المسروقة من وطني [A reliquary for objects stolen from my homeland]" Ahmanet hissed in anger at the thought of how low her once-great kingdom had fallen.

Something primal was emerging inside her, something angry at the changes that had taken place over her long absence from the world.

"هنا، الرجال يسيرون على الطرق دون الانحناء ظهورهم خوفا من الآلهة [Here, men walk the roads without bending their backs in fear of the Gods]" Ahmanet whispered, her voice echoing across the empty temple.

"أنها تطير في السماء والحديث مسافات طويلة -- مجال فقط للآلهة [They fly in the skies and talk long distances – A Domain meant only for the Gods]" She said, her voice radiating endless anger.

Ahmanet stood at the center of the temple when she felt the sensation of Life-Force hiding behind one of the many chairs that 'loitered' the temple that praised a False God.

Before the priest could react, Ahmanet was already clutching his throat, pressing her slightly decayed lips against his own.

What followed was the swift transfer of Life-Force that finally allowed the sparks dancing in the air to be quelled.

Ahmanet breathes a sigh of relief at finally having the power to contain Zeel fully within her dimension; though she knew this would only extend for another hour at most, that was enough time.

By that time, she should have already made it into the streets of London. One of the many limitations of 'good' Gods was being unable to demonstrate their abilities in front of mortals.

Ahmanet had knowledge of Ancient Egypt – a time when Gods walked amongst their creations. How could she not know the perks and limitations of being a God?

Ahmanet walked to the altar of the temple and felt the tug of the object more vividly than ever before.


With the shattering of a nearby statue head, Ahmanet retrieved a darkened dagger that sent o.r.g.a.s.mic p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e rippling throughout her undead body.

"المجد يكون إلى الإلهة سيث [Glory be to the God Seth!]" Ahmanet said, heaving breaths like she could actually breathe.

However, at the height of her o.r.g.a.s.mic p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, Ahmanet had neglected to pay attention to her surroundings, leaving a fatal gap in her blindside that an unlikely hero took notice of.



Ahmanet was sent flying into the walls of the monastery as rubble covered her body.

Agent Simpson had been limping through the forest, following the trail of fire and decay that highlighted where Zeel and Ahmanet fought their battles.

The moment he noticed a gap in Ahmanet's awareness, he used the grenade launcher slumped over his shoulder to finish the deed with decisiveness.

Agent Simpson wanted to ascend to Heaven and to do that he needed Zeel, and in the absence of Zeel, he simply decided to kill the wench who took away his chance at Heaven.

The moment Ahmanet was blindsided, the grip she had on her Dimension faltered, leaving a gap that Zeel quickly utilized.

With a twist of air and gravity, a warp appeared, and out came Zeel with a trembling Nick. Both men appeared as if they had not slept and eaten in days.

Nick was just plain hysterical, but Zeel was suffering from fending off so much Death-Energy. Luckily, Ahmanet's dimension had granted him the much-needed time to solidify his Divinities some more.

Zeel appeared and instantly threw Nick towards Agent Simpson. The moment Nick's and Simpson's bodies touched, both men were engulfed by a warp that sent them a couple of miles away from the devastating battle waiting to happen.

Ahmanet slowly stood from the rubble caused by the detonated grenade.

"Why do you work against me, God?" Ahmanet asked, already mastering the English language "You have no ties to this Plane, and you are making an enemy of the Egyptian Pantheon,"

Zeel's eyes concentrated as he smiled good-naturedly "I stand in the way of all those who stray from the path of righteousness. That is the strength of my will!"

Ahmanet wasn't sure why but she even puked in her mouth a little when she heard that statement from Zeel.

Puking should have been impossible for her undead body, but somehow Zeel managed to bring forth her disgust effortlessly.

'If this God is righteous, then my actions do no evil to this world,' Ahmanet thought, already judging the type of person Zeel was – selfish, conniving, and cunning.

Ahmanet wasted no more words with the fraud, she dashed forward at super-speed, her fist inches away from colliding with Zeel's face.

[Shallow Time-Zone]

Zeel ducked under Ahmanet's punch, grabbed her hand, and tossed her over his shoulder into the ground with an over-the-shoulder throw.


The foundations of the monastery shook as fractures spread out from Ahmanet's collision with the aged stones of the monastery.

Ahmanet felt slightly dizzy from the impact but her ferocity was not to be outshined by Zeel.

As she laid on her back, Ahmanet's hands darted towards the closest thing within arm's length – the precious jewels of Zeel who stood over her body.

Zeel was a bit peeved by Ahmanet's dirty way of fighting and his body moved, causing him to speed up his movement unconsciously, sending himself tripping over the nearby rubble.

Zeel's nanites were rapidly calibrating to his newfound strength but physical application was needed for true calibration to be completed.

Hence, Zeel was having a difficult time adjusting his abilities to fighting Ahmanet.

Ahmanet used this opportunity of Zeel's unfamiliarity with his power to jump to her feet, darting over to Zeel, balling her fists, and slamming them into Zeel's defenseless stomach.


With another fissure of cracks and shaking of the temple, Zeel was now the one with dizzying sensations.

Ahmanet was about to deliver another powerful blow, but the fissures caused the ground to shatter, plunging both Zeel and Ahmanet into the flooded, hidden bas.e.m.e.nt of the old reliquary.

Zeel tried to enter a new Time-Zone while in the air, but his abilities acted up once more, speeding up his perception instead of the outside world.

The next thing Zeel felt was the splashing of water and Ahmanet's hands around his neck, hoping to drown him within the bas.e.m.e.nt that over time had become filled with dirty black water.

Similar to Ahmanet, Zeel didn't truly require air to breathe but he soon found an opportunity in this moment of being beaten into submission by a female mummy.

Zeel closed his eyes and when they reopened, transparent lightning was dancing within his pupils.

[Lightning Manipulation]

A surge of transparent lightning erupted from Zeel's body and electrified the water to the point of instant combustion.

Zeel's lightning flashed over the water within a nanosecond and then steam burned against both his and Ahmanet's skins.


Instantly, the darkened water of the bas.e.m.e.nt was converted to steam that expanded outwards with a rage that shot both Ahmanet and Zeel through the temple walls, through the bas.e.m.e.nt dirt, and onto the surface of the Earth.


Agent Simpson and Nick were darting through the forest when suddenly, a huge explosion followed by a column of steam shot into the air from the location they were venturing to.

Agent Simpson paused and cautiously asked Nick "Aren't we supposed to be going away from the battle? You say you know where you're going but I doubt that,"

"I know where we are going," Nick said with confidence "I'm telling you that this direction is away from the battle, I can feel it,"

Nick darted off once more and Agent Simpson brushed his fingers across his holster, he wondered if killing Nick would return some of his mental faculties.

Still, he continued towards the location of the battle because he wanted to assist Zeel as Zeela had wished for all those she rescued.

Nick's life and death had nothing to with him, especially since Nick already seemed to have gone brain dead on his own.

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