Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 333 - 321 - A Sisterly Conversation

"Why do you feel guilty sister?" Aurora asked mockingly "Did the weight of your sins only dawn on you now?"

Aurolana tried to speak several times but she couldn't even manage a word, only gritting her teeth in frustration at witnessing her sister's state.

Beauty was good but certain types of beauty could also be toxic for Apollonians.

Aurora used to have the most brilliant white wings in all of Heaven but now her wings were almost entirely pink, which despite its aesthetic appearance, was not good for an Apollonian.

"Y – Yo - Your wings?" Aurolana stuttered as her soul quivered.

"Oh!" Aurora answered as if coming to a realization "What do you think happens when you lose a soulmate?"

Aurolana shuddered at the thought of what it felt like when her physical body died in Zeel's arms.

The pain was so intense for both her and Zeel that they even made a deal with an entity to save her soul from passing away.

A deal that came with a steep price that had already been repaid, but you could never be certain with such complicated matters.

"Do not patronize me, sister, you know I have experience with such things…" Aurolana replied after stabilizing her emotions.

Witnessing Aurora's skeptical gaze, Aurolana felt it was time for the big reveal.

Aurolana proceeded to show off her numerous wings that had faintly visible cyber-lines running through them.

Aurora had not seen Aurolana since they were children… since Aurolana saved her Aurora from being abducted by those working for the Nameless Planet, and ended up being abducted instead.

"I guessed that you were his soulmate but I never had proof," Aurora whispered bitterly, tightening her fist until frost covered her hands.

"I guess it was pretty stupid of me to not notice that you were the only one he cared about when he had me wear all your dresses…

He even brushed my hair slightly to the left as you did… he made me talk like you did and sing myself to death until my Angelic-voice resembled yours.

Every single day I had to dress a certain way to impress him but I was naïve at that time and thought he only wanted me to look appealing to his eyes.

Homo-Superiors cared nothing about beauty but I thought he was different and that just made me love him more…

I should have noticed that he was grooming me to look, behave, and become my perfect sister who passed away on the NAMELESS PLANET!" Aurora started with a whisper but ended with a shout.

"Eventually, I learned to become you, sister," Aurora said with a bitter smile "I learned to become anyone I needed at any time," she continued, gesturing to the smile on her face that resembled Gabriella's usually crazy smile.

Apollonians were naturally emotion-s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e beings so Aurora could tell that her sister didn't have any particular reaction to her story.

The distant feeling between the sisters only made them that much bitter. It seemed that they both carried demons because of Zeel Crawford.

"When Zeel killed me, a part of himself was fractured off along with me… the cyber-lines that made him a Homo-Superior was permanently engraved into my wings…

It was ripped out of his body and now he can only use nanites to manipulate technology, unlike a normal Homo-Superior…

But it also hurt me to have those cyber-lines, drill themselves into my wings like parasites…" Aurolana explained, remembering a time when she actually contemplated soul suicide.

An Apollonian having their wings altered, even by a soulmate, was a naturally beyond-painful ordeal.

"I see we all have our battles…" Aurora muttered dismissively, her mocking smile returning once more.

It was as if everything Aurora was watching was just a very complicated act of some kind.

"Murdering my soulmate was different in some ways…" Aurora admitted with a brief frown "It was tingly and hurtful… I barely survived but my wings were forever tainted,"

"To be honest… the love I felt for Zeel was more than my own soulmate," Aurora stated and noticed a slight twitch in Aurolana's face.

"It should have been impossible for me to love anyone more than my soulmate but I did with Zeel…" Aurora whispered, continuing before Aurolana could change the subject.

"Even when I tried to hide my feelings from my soulmate, he knew and accepted it anyway. He knew I would eventually end up with him, and he couldn't compete with my 'Zeel phase'.

Every girl, when they are young, wants someone as cool and famous as Zeel Crawford. Zeel was the non-celestial dream man of all Angels in Heaven...

But a soulmate is different – it is absolute, so I couldn't figure why I would choose Zeel over my own soulmate…

Looking at you, I think I know why now," Aurora said pointing at Aurolana accusingly "It was you wasn't it?" she asked.

"Combine the foolish euphoria of a young girl in love and you have a stupid lover who will try everything for Zeel but…

Take the foolish euphoria of a young girl in love and combine it with the schemes of a sister she admired as a child…

A sister who knew everything that made her tick – how she liked to be complemented, how she liked to the attention, how she always wanted to rebel against her parents…

Then you have a lost girl who would kill her own soulmate and unintentionally murder her own parents out of desperation," Aurora said, finally causing a small smile to grace Aurolana's face.

Aurolana's face now held a smile without sympathy, without remorse; the feeling of guilt had all but dissipated from the air of purgatory as if it was never there.

"Do you know the effects of bonding with someone as emotionless as Zeel Crawford?" Aurolana asked, walking around the garden and brushing the Mind Flowers with her outstretched hands.

"Soulmates are a two-way street… as much as Zeel could feel me, I would also gain his empathetic nature even more.

It was like my beliefs were crushed under the weight of his indifference.

My values were shifted and he became the reason for my existence and I become his reason for logic, but that also came with a downside.

Homo-Superiors bring with them the gift of technology and strong minds. Zeel's mind was so strong that I could even analyze the process of my birth…"

Seeing the confusion on Aurora's face, Aurolana paused and said "Feel the energy in Purgatory and tell me what you sense?"

Aurora felt around for a bit with her energy-s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e wings and the smile immediately faded from her face. What she sensed was too disbelieving.

"This energy is Grace… not any type of Grace either… the Grace of our parents and my soulmate," Aurora stated, all semblance of emotions gone from her face.

"Exactly!" Aurolana giggled and applauded her stupid sister "You didn't just kill the Apollonians in Universe Zero… you sacrificed our parents and your soulmate to make this place,"

Aurolana twirled around as she walked, highlighting the beauty of the Purgatory Zeel had created for her.

"Zeel cut off this section of Purgatory for me by using the only thing that could stop billions of souls from reaching Heaven – The Grace of Apollonians!" Aurolana said a twisted smile on her face.

Aurora responded with a nearly inaudible voice "You helped Zeel sacrifice our parents by manipulating me?"

"I told you I analyzed my birth didn't I?" Aurolana replied nonchalantly, walking to her sister's side without a hint of caution "You won't believe what I found,"

"There were two ways for an Apollonian to be born… one way is natural birth through the Royal Family of Angels… as long as both parents are Apollonians, then the child will be an Apollonian.

The second way is through arc angels or normal angels… they are not allowed to commit sin or they fall from Heaven and their wings become black…

However, there is a way two angels can have s.e.x and give birth to a child… they must have s.e.x without a hint of l.u.s.t. Just by pure love can the child be conceived.

There is a one in a million chance that, should the love be pure enough, the child will be born an Apollonian and recruited into The Royal Family of Apollonians.

The parents are also promoted to Arch Angels," Aurolana said, this time her mouth was directly next to Aurora's ear.

"And?" Aurora asked nonchalantly, her muscles tense for the battle she knew would erupt at any moment.

"There is a third way that should not have been possible… You see, the creatures of the Nameless Planet were stealing Royal Lineages but I stopped them from taking you.

They only abducted me out of reluctance like a secondary goal. That begged the question: Aren't I a member of Apollonian Royalty as well?

Why didn't they want me as their first priority since I was older?" Aurolana asked rhetorically but a realization spawned in Aurora's mind.

"Your unique talent of Nothingness…" Aurora said in surprise "It is not Heaven-like to possess such a dark gift,"

"Yes!" Aurolana replied, a genuine hint of sadness apparent on her face for the first time "I was born as a product of pure love and l.u.s.t by the union of two regular fallen angels…

It was only natural that my talent be aligned to something as dark as returning everything to a state of oblivion…

However, the thought of an Apollonian born from the union of Fallen Angels terrified The Royal Family so much that my parents were murdered.

Even if my parents were l.u.s.tful towards each other, they were also kind, loving, and faithful to one another. They lived like humans but your parents couldn't allow Heaven to change.

They couldn't allow a Heaven where Angels with Dark wings could live in harmony with the infinite pure souls of Heaven,"

"So you're saying -"

"I am not saying!" Aurolana hissed "I am telling you that I didn't kill your parents, I simply avenged my own!"

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