Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 334 - 322 - Where is The Child?

"Hahahahaha!" Aurora started laughing with an Angelic-voice that instantly dissipated Aurolana's anger.

"What is it?" Aurolana asked, backing away and creating some distance for the battle to come.

"Are you sure the story you know is the truth?" Aurora asked sadly, happily, and indifferently "Or is that story something Zeel told you instead?"

The moment Zeel was mentioned, Aurolana's mood turned sour and her eyes became slightly slitted at the implications made.

Seeing her sister riled up, Aurora did not stop but pressed further "I have been there too. The things he can convince you to do are endless…

The sweet words he never whispers into your ear but he can still somehow make your heart flutter with a slight kiss on the neck.

The way he looks into your eyes with indifference but somewhere in those lost eyes, you see your own admiration reflected back at you as if it was him.

And most of all… the way he makes love to you like you're the only version of yourself in the Multiverse.

But he never tells you he loves you… No! He tells you a story and you believe that story so much that you go out and kill just to make him recognize you-"

"SHUT UP!" Aurolana yelled, a spear made of brilliant light materializing in her right hand while her left hand materialized a spear of absolute darkness.

[Balance: Light – Darkness]

"See, you do get it," Aurora said, creating a spear of ice in her hands "Being with Zeel leaves you wondering if you truly know what you think you know,"

[Cryokinetic Construct: Ice VI]

Aurolana sighed, took up a battle stance, and gazed at her sister longingly one last time as if to confirm her resolve.

"Revenge is petty, and so unlike you sister," Aurolana said, trying to understand the reason why Aurora would come to Purgatory knowing Zeel's personality.

"You still love Zeel… I know you do and now he can finally love you back with some effort… why would you come to murder his soulmate and ruin that chance?" Aurolana asked helplessly.

Truth be told, Aurolana was the one that pushed Zeel to become romantically involved with Aurora in the hopes that they both would be able to love the same person one day.

"I know what you have done for me sister," Aurora whispered, a sincere feeling of thankfulness saturating the environment "I know that when Zeel left me for dead, you were the one that intervened…

I know that when I was dying, my soul tearing apart from killing my soulmate… you were the one who had a plan to save me all along.

You made a deal with the Planet of Eviternal Ice to preserve my life as long as I remained on the planet…"

Aurolana nodded with a reluctant smile "To be honest with you, I am regretting stopping Zeel from killing you on Pandora right now…

Despite what you may now believe, I loved you as more than a sister. You were my love before Zeel became my soulmate…

Especially with Zeel's lack of emotions, I knew we could be together and he wouldn't mind since we would both love him.

After all, you liked Zeel the first time you heard about him. Our parents used to tell us stories about the vicious Homo-Superior spawn, but your eyes glistened when you heard it…

I made Zeel reform you, love you, build you, and eventually, I sent you to train at the only Planet in the Universe Zero to have all types of Ice in the Multiverse…

I knew that Zeel was growing into his emotions…

I knew he would soon leave the Universe, I needed you to be strong enough to impress him. Together, you guys would resurrect me and we'd be a family…

I didn't know the Universe would be destroyed but that didn't change the plan. Even now, I can tell that you love him and you don't hate me for what I did…

I don't understand what reason you have to kill me other than revenge…"

"You really don't know, huh?" Aurora asked Aurolana with slight disbelief edged onto her face.

"Know what?" Aurolana replied, a sudden sinking feeling in her gut.

"You planned all of that but you forgot to account for the enigma known as Zeel Crawford," Aurora said a bit sorrowfully.

Aurora didn't like that she was here to murder her own sister, she didn't like that she would also be killing the man she once loved as well, but revenge was long overdue.

"Do you recall that night I prayed to you for guidance? The night before I murdered my soulmate and our parents? I cried the entire night because they wanted me to stay away from Zeel.

They didn't understand that I loved him too much, but I knew I would get through things with my soulmate.

That was how powerful a soulmate's bond was… I just knew that we would work it out and I would forget about Zeel eventually.

I also felt your kiss on my cheek as you blessed me… so I knew that you had a plan but I would survive and probably be happy in the end…

That morning when I woke up, I felt an ache in my w.o.m.b and noticed I was pregnant… the father of the child was Zeel Crawford,"

"Impossible! Once you find your soulmate, you can't have s.e.x or a child with anyone else," Aurolana shouted in anger "I would have known…"

"You should have known but you clearly didn't... maybe because we are sisters or something to that effect…

I think in your absence, due to our bond, I became your proxy or temporary replacement soulmate when it came to Zeel…

I didn't know if the child in my w.o.m.b was a miracle or an abomination but for the first time in my life, I experienced what it was like to genuinely love something…

I knew that it was impossible and that the child would be treated as an abomination. My soulmate could also feel the child in my w.o.m.b the moment it happened.

He didn't even once suspect that Zeel had found a way to f.u.c.k me… let alone i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.e me also.

Having s.e.x with Zeel should have been impossible, but we still f.u.c.k.e.d a lot in many ways that I know you watched…

Having a child should have also been impossible but there I stood with my little girl giggling in my w.o.m.b, looking at the world through my eyes with innocent curiosity…

Our parents and my soulmate attempted to restrain me to kill the child… I was defenseless and hopeless but my child was not…

I felt power radiate through my body and I used that power to kill all Apollonians with just a thought…

It was in that moment after my parents died that I realized, Zeel made sure I didn't realize I was pregnant until the last moment.

He was sure that I would kill anyone or anything for my child.

He hid my pregnancy by shrouding the child in his power to make sure his plan would work…" Aurora said, tears leaking from her eyes like a waterfall.

Aurolana's face went rigid and anger rippled throughout her body as she asked the million-dollar question.

"Where is the child?" Aurolana asked, a bit scared of hearing the answer.

Aurolana didn't believe for a second that Zeel could hide something from her. Soulmates could hide things from each other but the secrets would have to be hidden in plain sight.

"When you saved me from death… I woke up on planet Archy and my child was gouged out of my w.o.m.b… The last thing I recalled was Zeel standing over me with a sword," Aurora answered.

"I am not here for revenge… I am here to kill the sister that allowed my child to be taken from me… the useless father dying along with you is just a side benefit!" Aurora yelled, disappearing from her spot as a spear of ice spiraled through the air.

[Balance: Frozen World – Beyond Speed]

However, Aurolana quickly displayed why she was the older sister. The world froze around Aurolana but her movements only got faster.

Before Aurora could even steady her attack, Aurolana had already decapitated her sister. Everything was over the moment it begun.

"If Zeel had a child… He would know and I would know… that is one thing I am sure of… someone messed with your memories sister…

I hope you find the truth in Heaven," Aurolana stated, her voice filled with sadness at having to kill her only sister.



Just as Aurolana was about to let her guard down after a successful kill, Zeel's paranoia kicked into high gear causing her to teleport just as frost filled the landscape of Purgatory.

[World of Frost]

Aurora had reappeared with both hands on the ground, frost spreading across the entire Purgatory Dimension.

"How are you still alive?" Aurolana blurted out since she was certain about her earlier kill.

Aurora did not directly reply to Aurolana's inquiry but still made a small gesture by c.a.r.e.s.sing the snowflake that hung around her neck.

That small action was enough for Aurolana to connect the dots, but the dots were as vast as the Multiverse.

"The Multiversal Lake from Planet of Eviternal Ice…" Aurolana mumbled and then asked unsurely "The Lake waters was the only thing that can freely traverse the Multiverse before Zeel's invention,"

"Let me get this straight… You're using all the Auroras from across the Multiverse to sustain your life by making them die in your place an infinite number of times?" Aurolana asked surprised.

"Is that a bit of disappointment I sense in your tone sister?" Aurora asked happily "You and Zeel have done far worse things…"

Even though Aurora just meant that statement as a tease, Aurolana instantly took up an aggressive expression, wondering what Aurora knew of what she and Zeel had done.

A fierce battle between sisters commenced.

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