Upon reaching and seeing a settlement under attack, Alice watches as someone she is familiar with is about to be killed by a flame thrower, unable to stomach it, she performs an action which she promised Zeel to not do.

Alice unleashes the full might of her powers to shield the two who were about to be burned into smithereens and proceeds to spread the flames over the entire half mile covering the sky in flames. The infected birds circling in the air were being reduced to ash, much to the amazement of everyone in the nearby busses. Alice had to keep her focus on the task at hand since even minor deviations in thought could lead to everyone burning together with the birds; this was also the reason why Zeel banned her from using more than 50% of her power.

After Alice had burnt enough birds, the other infected birds decided to leave and soon disappeared into the skies above the encampment. Feeling a bit dizzy on her feet, Alice was about to collapse on the ground but instead was caught by Carlos.

"Oh shit!" Alice thinks as she can feel Zeel really close, she quickly pushes Carlos away barely standing but with Zeel's eye sight he could see what had occurred.

Luckily he was in his rational state of mind, though at that moment he could feel a new emotion bubbling below the surface that quickly receded back into the recesses of the abyss that is his mind. Zeel speeded over to Alice and held her up before saying "We need a room she is gonna be out for a while"

Alice seeing, she was finally in Zeel's arms decided she no longer needed to support her waning consciousness and fainted.

"Long time no see Zeel" Carlos says patting his back, genuinely happy to meet Zeel and Alice at this moment.

"Well talk later, need a room now." Zeel replies a bit reluctant to greet the handsome Carlos, once again the emotion threatened to resurface but Zeel kept it in check.

Zeel is currently leaning on a roughly made bedding in the back of a bus loaned to him by Carlos. Alice, who was asleep on his l.a.p began to stir awake little by little until she regained consciousness.

"ugh, how long have I been out?" Alice asks knowing Zeel was there.

"Couple hours, by the way now you have killed these people. Satellite was above us; we have to move out" Zeel replies in his usual empathetic manner "Using your powers on a large scale put a target on our backs once again. I am barely managing to obscure this camp so those observing us can't determine our exact numbers"

"Well guess we have to take the fight to them a little earlier but now looks like we have to use these people as bait to draw them out" Alice says albeit a bit reluctantly but since she had already disobeyed Zeel, she needed to make a certain compromise in order to make up for the earlier transgression.

"Yeah, they are dead either way. At least now we can guarantee some survive instead of none" Zeel said as he stopped cloaking the entire camp since his nanites were about to become dormant. Overusing the nanites was an extremely stupid action especially since he had been unable to upgrade it over the past two years.

"I missed you honey!" Alice said as she attempted to act sweetie, an action which succeeded in grabbing Zeel's attention from the task at hand.

"Missed you too! Come here!" Zeel said as he pulled Alice up from his leg and into his arms.

Silence descended in the bus for a short period of time, after which m.o.a.ns and noises could be heard all through the camp signifying the union of Alice and Zeel, unlike the previous sessions of love making this one sounds much milder due to kids being around.

The caravans had been keeping a steady speed throughout the night, on its way to nowhere in particular. After all, where can you go in a desolate world such as this? Zeel and Alice stirred awake, still slightly groggy from the precious night's love making session.

"Get dressed, we need to plan" Zeel said as he tossed Alice's clothing over to her.

Alice grumbled and began to get dressed. Exiting the bus, the duo was given incredulous looks from everyone in the caravan as if condemning them for their shameless actions the previous night. Zeel and Alice didn't particularly mind since they were already use to just being around each other and nobody else.

"So how long you guys staying?" asks Claire with both Carlos and JL looking at them with inquiry. Claire had cornered them not long after they exited the bus, apparently doing damage management for the younger children who also heard the noise and began getting a.d.u.l.t ideas.

"Not long I guess, but you guys need us for now" Zeel replied before he turned his eyes to LJ and begins taking something out of his pocket "As for you JL still a selfish bastard I see, scared to die"

Zeel opened his hand for everyone to see the glistening smaller version of the antivirus serum, after which he presented it to LJ who took it quickly and injected himself.

Much to Claire's and Carlo's surprise "You were infected?"

"Yeah, kind of a little bit." JL replies meekly.

"You motherf.u.c.ker …" Claire said as she was about to start ranting off only to be stopped by Alice.

"We need a plan since saving you might have attracted more trouble than you are able to afford right now" Alice said as she cut into Claire's monologue.

Claire and everyone else who heard Alice were startled before calming down. After which the group started a serious conversation that would determine whether or not they survive the week. Every matter was discussed with Zeel and Alice acting as advisors since it was currently impossible for them to travel in a group setting. In the end it was decided that they had to make their way to Las Vegas before refilling to make their way towards Alaska, it was much colder and the infection was not likely to have progressed that far.

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