"I hope these are useful later on" Zeel said as he finishes burying some c.h.e.s.t at different locations throughout the desert; he refrained from telling Alice the purpose of the c.h.e.s.t and would always build them in secret "I wonder how she is doing right now? Fiesta fella that girl. Probably complaining about training again. Well I should be heading back"

Jumping on his motorbike that seemed a little too pimped out for what the apocalypse had to offer. Zeel had made two motorbikes for himself and Alice, these bikes were meant to be the pinnacle of what he could build given the lack of proper materials. Of course, like all his other inventions the main function of the motorbike was to go 'BOOM'. Zeel began riding in the direction of Alice, he could feel her presence to pinpoint accuracy now after integration with the nanites had improved.

In a secret Umbrella Facility, a group meeting was taking place.

"How good of the science division to join us" Chairman Wesker said with sarcasm lacing his voice, clearly he was not hiding his mocking actions.

"Chairman Wesker. I've been busy." Isaac replies humbly, but everyone in the room was aware of the madman that bubbled just below the surface.

Before Isaacs entered the group had been discussing matters of Biohazards, so Wesker asked "On the subject of the biohazard, what is the science division's report?"

"Well, we now know conclusively that they have no real need for sustenance. They hunger for flesh but do not require it. My research indicates they could remain active for decades" Isaacs said as he began to summarize his findings on the so called 'Zombies'.

"We're to be trapped underground for decades?" The other chairmen ask creating a ruckus, though they lived in comfort unlike any other, they still craved the surface as this was an innate need of all humans.

"What news of Project Alice?" Wesker asks, ignoring the outbursts of those near him.

"Using antibodies from her blood...

...I will develop a serum that will not just combat the effects of the T-virus ...but potentially reverse it...giving back these creatures a measure of their intelligence...their memories, thus curbing their hunger for flesh" Isaac said feeling proud of his research's discovery.

"You're confident you can domesticate them?" asks Wesker.

"They're animals, essentially. We can train them, if we can take away their baser instincts. They'll never be human ...but would provide the basis for a docile workforce. We can return to the surface" Isaacs says with absolute confidence in his idea, though if one were to listen carefully enough they could notice the slight shake in his voice.

"After months of experiments, you have nothing to show. We are left to rot underground." A chairman said in exasperation, earning a glare from Isaacs.

"Without the original Project Alice... progress has been difficult. I've been forced to replicate her using cloned genetic models. It's laborious. The results, unpredictable." Isaacs explains with great justification. It would take a researcher to understand another one, since they are familiar with the difficulties of replicating a successful case consecutively.

"Project Alice and the subject of domestication is of the highest priority. You will concentrate on this to the exclusion of all other research. We expect an updated report in a week." Wesker commands as his tone carries a bit off disappointment in Isaacs.

"Simply demanding results will not guarantee them." Isaac makes a snide comment that does not go unnoticed by Wesker.

"Then perhaps we should place someone else in charge. Someone who can give us

the reassurances we require." Wesker replies curtly, since it is a major no-no to disrespect the boss especially in such a public meeting.

In the middle of the night somewhere in the desert, the ground begins vibrating as if an earth quake is about to happen, but this is no earth quake. This is Alice having another nightmare, every night she dies over and over again in her nightmares. Each time feels so real, almost like an experience she herself is undergoing, and after each death she feels a bit stronger.

Zeel who is a couple kilometers away also looking to sleep seems to sense the instability of her emotions and decides to travel bit through the night. The last thing he needs is an instable Alice, with her telekinesis ability growing every stronger, she was now on par with him in combat.

Alice wakes up feeling groggy only to notice everything around her floating at least a meter off the ground, including her prize motorbike gifted to her by Zeel. After noticing she tries to use her powers to bring it down but given her state she could barely muster up the required energy. This led to everything falling as huge boulders, rocks, rubble and her precious motorbike all collapsed to the ground, making a deafening noise that could be heard for miles on end.

"Ah f.u.c.k!�� Alice complains knowing Zeel would chastise her about her ungrateful nature as a way to make fun of her "That was a gift"

At an Umbrella Facility near the Outskirts of the Sahara Desert, Isaacs was laying lazily on a couch drinking water.

"Sir I have detected a massive surge on alpha and beta particles colleting at a location in the desert that is hard to pinpoint." The White Queen AI reports to him.

"Is it from on the compound?" Isaacs replies with a lazy look and raised eyebrows.

"No Sir"

"Begin replication of voice module for the chain of higher ups, I doubt I will get permission for this excursion so might as well not ask." Isaac commands to The White Queen as he begins plotting how he should investigate this anomaly.

The next morning Alice begins walking towards the outskirts of a satellite zone in order to wait for the approaching Zeel. After about two hours of walking, she had to keep her every growing excitement to see Zeel in check. It had been almost two weeks since they last saw each other, and as a woman she had a lot of pent up emotions that needed encouragement to be released.

Waiting for a while, Alice then begins hearing noise with the aid of her enhanced senses coming from a couple miles in the opposite direction. With her keen intuition she could judge that something is wrong, unable to fight the urge she turns around and begins running in the opposite direction of Zeel.

Zeel notices and begins running in her direction with his inhuman agility.

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