After scoping out the place for the better of twenty minutes, Zeel had already memorized the movement of the guards, their patterns, their trainings, their preferences, everything that made them employees of the Umbrella Corporation. With all this new information in mind, Zeel disabled a guard before quickly dragging him away, with none being the wiser. This completed the first part of the plan – disguise.

Earlier, Alice had been singlehandedly combating most of the unique zombies, using her telekinesis and killing techniques. Most of the zombies were beheaded without putting up any resistance whatsoever. Alice didn't enjoy fighting those who had no resistance even if it was a zombie, but she had come to value efficiency over all.

At that moment she felt it, the nanites in her body began acting up, obviously attempting to block the incoming signal from the satellite Umbrella had planned to use to manipulate her with. Alice felt great distaste for this method since it essentially made her feel less human, is it even possible to hack a human? Pretending to freeze up, Alice did exactly as Zeel had reminded her before they left, but at that moment she felt the satellite breach her surface memories which were unprotected.

The nanites blocked incoming signals, but it did not block everything since the hack needed to look authentic. The moment her memories were breached, Alice grew furious in her heart since her most recent memory was of her and Zeel having s.e.x. This was not the issue however, the issue laid in the fact that Zeel enjoyed performing questionable acts in the bedroom.

No longer minding putting up an act, Alice darted towards where Dr Isaacs and his camp were located, she was fully intending to kill everyone there. F.u.c.k the plan, they most likely saw Zeel spanking her since he enjoyed doing that. Even if it was the apocalypse, Alice still had a reputation to uphold.

After wearing the attire of the guard he had killed earlier, Zeel then spotted Alice who seemed to be fuming running up the stair case to the top floor where he was. Alice then proceeded to shoot at the guards of the tent. Using this opportunity, he dashed towards the guard near the helicopter easily killing him with a twist of the neck. In a swift manner that would put all girls across the world to shame, Zeel stripped the guard of anything that would be useful. This turned out to be a good move as the guard was carrying a couple antivirus serums, though Zeel's own was way more potent.

Zeel then jumped into the helicopter after throwing his conspicuous guns to the back seat, luckily the pilot was busy paying attention to the running Isaac who Alice had nearly beheaded in the tent. Zeel extended his hand towards Isaac while gesturing to the coming Alice to settle down causing her to slow her pace a little so it wasn't so obvious she had given up pursuit. Zeel could tell that Alice was truly mad but was confused about why she would be giving him a death glare also.

'Women, such complicated creatures' Zeel thought in his mind, forgetting Alice could also feel his intentions. Zeel had to duck as a bullet flashed passed where his head had previously been.

Extending his hand for Isaac to get in the helicopter that was about to lift off; Zeel managed to pull Isaac inside but not before a stray zombie bit Isaacs' arm, after which Zeel blew its brains out. It would prove difficult to enter the base if Isaac was dead, and killing Isaacs was not the sole purpose of this mission.

"The anti-virus! Get me the anti-virus!" Isaac squealed like the little bitch he is, so Zeel provided the one he took off the dead soldier.

Alice watched as the helicopter lifted off and disappeared into the distance while still holding her aiming gun in the air.

"Why didn't you shoot?" K-Mart asked confused.

"Because my boyfriend was on it. I still wanted to shoot it down thou" Alice said as she ignored K-mart and instead ventured into the tent "Come and help me destroy these computers. Not a single piece should remain"

"Don't we need the computer to know where that helicopter is heading?" K-Mart asked confused at the illogical actions the strongest in the camp was about to take.

"Destroy them now! I'll handle the tracking" Alice said in a gruff voice, scaring K-Mart into obedience.

After landing Isaac along with his body guards and Zeel were escorted into the underground facility via elevator. Apparently Isaac had disobeyed a direct command hence all the verification processes were not implemented as things already seemed a bit hectic. Zeel just attributed this occurrence to his innate luckiness, since all the previous bases would have strict protocols upon re-entry.

Making his way through the corridors, Zeel sneaked away just before Isaac was taken into confinement to await disciplinary actions. Zeel's mission was not all that complicated he just needed to stay in close proximity to a computer long enough for his nanites to get access to the system. Zeel could access doors and basic equipment so nothing was restricted to him. In order to get complete control of the base, Zeel would have to stay in close proximity to a central computer for a couple of hours at least.

For the next hour and a half Zeel was basically just relaxing since he knew Alice would find a way to get in. This period of relaxation was very much needed since being in the fiery temperatures of the desert made his skin slightly irritated.

"Thank God for a/c" Zeel mumbled as he spun around trying to get as much air into every crevice of his guard uniform.

At that moment, Zeel started smelling blood and could hear screaming coming from Isaac's confinement location. Zeel wanted to go and check it out but his logical mind prevented him from doing so since it was likely trouble.

However, unable to satiate his curiosity Zeel still opted to go and take a quick peek at the situation.

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