Alice, Carlos, Claire and LJ located the base a couple hours ago but were now struggling with a different predicament.

"How do we get in?" LJ asked as he watched the base surrounded by thousands of zombies.

"Leave that to me" Alice said as she stood up to get a better look at the base "Just get to the helicopter when I give the signal"

Alice hopped down the desert slope as she came towards the parked bus the group would use to travel.

Looking at Claire who followed her down, Alice asked "Can I have it?"

"Sure, we won't need it anyway" Claire said as she shrugged.

Nodding Alice began gathering different parts of explosive materials, Claire assisted her with a couple dynamite sticks. Stacking every explosive or flammable in the bus, Alice nodded in approval as she slit her finger and dripped a couple drops of blood on the explosives.

"What's that for?" asked Carlos who had been watching the entire time.

"Everything Zeel makes can go 'BOOM'" Alice explained in the exact same way Zeel explained to her.

"You might want to hide" Alice said as she aimed her hands at the bus. Soon the bus turned on and began a one track acceleration towards the zombie horde in the distance.


Alice helped everyone get boarded onto the helicopter she nearly destroyed due to using too much explosives. After finishing her goodbyes Alice searched for a while until she had finally found a way to get into the base. Walking towards the wooden shack, Alice was just about to push the door open when her head jerked left to a ridge she had not previously seen, but something told her she needed to see what was on the inside.

Making her way to the ridge what she saw gave her goose bumps, for years now she has recalled having several nightmares all ending with her death. Now she could finally see the reason why, she really was dying all these years, just not her specifically but her clones. They all seemed connected somehow and it broke her heart so see all the suffering their faces portrayed. Some were cut in half, some burnt beyond recognition and some were even n.a.k.e.d, she did not dare to think about what those ones experienced.

Now a fire was burning within her, she vowed to make them pay, not just Isaac but the Umbrella Corporation as a whole. It no longer became about surviving, family, or even Zeel; now she only wanted one thing – to bring umbrella down no matter what. How could they be allowed to do this without any consequences? Who will do the punishing? Who will grant her retribution? For a brief moment Alice could feel herself aligning with Zeel, but quickly snapped out of it; if she was to fall into the same thinking pattern as Zeel, they would become enemies no doubt.

Turning her head away Alice stepped into the wooden hut only to see the ground open up and an elevator to rise from the bottom of the abyss, Alice didn't even hesitate to enter and down below she went with a battle hardened will to do her worst to all of the Umbrella Corporation.

Entering what use to be Dr Isaac's office Alice was greeted with a familiar sight. The sight of a projected version of an AI not dissimilar to The Red Queen.

"I am the artificial intelligence..."

"I know what you are." Alice replied disinterested "I knew your sister. She was a homicidal bitch."

"My sister computer was merely following the most logical path...for the preservation of human life. I bet your boyfriend would agree as well" The White Queen answered as she gestured to a nearby wall that had a massive indent in it.

"Yeah. Kill a few, save a lot. And don't talk about Zeel. So, what happened here?" Alice asked as she walked over to the wall and fished out an unconscious Zeel, obviously he couldn't keep that scientific curiosity in check and had to fight a fierce battle.

"Dr Isaacs returned in an infected state. He was bitten by a creature...that had been treated with a newly developed serum. A serum derived from your blood. The resulting infection has caused massive mutation." The White Queen answered as Alice dusted off the now conscious but dizzy Zeel.

"My blood?" Alice asked confused, not that she wasn't aware her blood was considered special, but to which degree she was unsure of.

"Your blood has bonded with the T-virus. Dr Isaacs correctly deduced... that it could be used to destroy the biohazard for good." The White Queen replied.

"You mean my blood is the cure for all this?" Alice asked as Zeel stood up nursing his head, after which he began cursing in languages Alice had never heard before.


"So why are you helping me? And why did Zeel end up in a wall?" Alice asked knowing full well the strength of Zeel.

"Your blood is pure, and this facility contains...all of the equipment you will require to synthesize a cure. Also I regret to inform you that your boyfriend's situation is entirely of his own doing" The White Queen replied.

Zeel unable to take the mocking look Alice was giving him decided to say his peace "I came in to see a mutated Dr Isaacs killing everyone so we fought"

Pausing Zeel, Alice asked a bit surprised "You fought to protect the remaining survivors?"

"Of course not!" Zeel replied "That idiot was also destroying the equipment"

"Figures" Alice replied with a sigh as she gestured for Zeel to continue.

"While we were fighting he almost speared me with a disgusting tentacle so I got angry and kicked him into a different sector. But the kick I used in my angered state was too strong, the counterforce sent me straight into the opposite wall and then I passed out" Zeel said not even seeming a bit embarrassed at his lack of restraint.

"Haha." Alice laughed gingerly before stopping.

"I fail to understand how the near death of a loved one could illicit such a reaction from you." The Whit Queen said sounding slightly intrigued.

"Well, it's simple, because c.o.c.kroaches are the hardest thing to kill, and my boyfriend is the god of c.o.c.kroaches" Alice said as she led the conversation towards its ending "So you're saying all this could end?"

"Correct" The White Queen replied "The small problem of the mutated Dr Isaacs should still be handled though"

Alice and Zeel simply nodded as they readied their respective equipment for the upcoming battle, for Zeel especially since this was a battle to regain his self-respect – not that he was ever aware of losing it.

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