After entering the lower floors Alice and Zeel begin to look around the place only to be greeted to the sight of a n.a.k.e.d version of Alice in what seems to be an incubation chamber. Many thoughts raced through their minds at the time.

"So should I accept her too or not? Since she is basically just you" Zeel said feeling a bit excited at the prospect of boning two Alices.

"She is just a clone" Alice said "You can bone all the Alices you want, just not this one"

Zeel laughed it off but after seeing Alice not smiling even a bit he said "I was joking"

Zeel took note of the irony of the situation, since Alice too was a clone but because of him she was also a special variant amongst the clones.

Alice and Zeel continued to bicker unaware that something was lurking in the dark behind them. The duo continued to examine the clone until something hit the chamber in which she was being held. Alice retaliated with a knife throw almost piercing the heart position of the creature, while Zeel accelerated next to the creature and sent it flying with a punch. Zeel then slowed his perception of time as he sent three more knives towards the creature that was about to escape into obscurity.

Alice not paying attention to the battle turned around catching the clone that was falling out the draining chamber only for the clone to suffocate before dying.

"So was that what Isaacs became?" Alice asked with the rage inside her burning more violently.

"Yeah pretty scary thing you know? Guess your blood hides all the ugly deep within" Zeel said using the opportunity to rile up Alice more.

"You want me to do the heavy lifting huh?" asked Alice as she had always known Zeel never liked touching beings that were infected with the T-virus.

The answer to which Zeel just smirked before they both made their way down the corridor into Isaac home away from home. Entering the door, they were greeted by an old school office, not what one would expect from someone as deranged as Isaac.

��This house looks sane for someone so crazy" Zeel said wondering if he also qualified as a crazy person since he preferred the same type of designs as Isaacs.

"Well at least he has some style" Alice said trying to cheer him up "But to be fair, you are crazy. Your kind of crazy is cute thou"

"According to your poor standard? I don't think you are the best judge of who is crazy miss 'I can beat a bear with my fist'" Zeel mocked in return.

As Zeel and Alice were bickering, Isaacs slowly crawled up from behind them thinking the duo were unaware of their surroundings. Zeel and Alice simultaneously kicked to the side inflicting heavy damaged to a mutated, deformed Isaac; Isaac was thrown half way across the room with clear feet indent apparent on his body, or should it be carapace?

"For so long, I thought you were the future. I was wrong. I'm the future." Isaac said to Alice before turning to Zeel and saying "You look just like an old friend of mine"

"No" Zeel said "I am one of a kind. Well unless you take into consideration Multiversal recurrence"

"And You're just...another asshole." Alice added sending a full blast of her telekinetic power shooting Isaac through the wall, all while Zeel was contemplating the possibility of there being another Zeel in this universe.

Not long later Isaac came back through the wall and sent a blast of his own telekinetic power, though much more unstable. Zeel grabbed Alice and backwards towards the wall punching it, going along with the momentum instead of against it so they both received little to no injury. The duo ended up in a corridor similar to the one at The Hive that would use powerful laser beams as a defense mechanism. Being intimately familiar with the corridor Alice waited for Zeel to hack into the electrical grid so he could start the lasers in the structure. With Zeel under control, there was no way they couldn't predict the pattern, which gave them a sort of advantage.

Alice then said "We're all gonna die down here."

"Hey don't lump me in with you." Zeel complains from the back trying to figure out why the lasers came on without his authorization.

As pattern after pattern was displayed, Zeel noticed that Isaacs would just regenerate whenever he was ripped apart. Finally having total control over the patterns, Zeel pulled Alice to his side as they both jumped back almost to the wall. Zeel then inputted a new pattern into the computer with the use of his nanites.

The laser beam concentrated at a particular point in the air and slowly began to expand. Isaacs was unconcerned at first but very soon grew worried as the beam didn't stop acc.u.mulating, by the time Isaacs raised his head to look at Zeel and Alice they were already gone.

While Isaacs was distracted by the growing laser beam, Zeel grabbed Alice as he jumped into the vent above and scurried through the vent like his life depended on it – which it did at that moment.


That was all Alice and Zeel heard as Alice wrapped them both in a telekinetic barrier; though they were still blasted out of the vents through several walls before coming to a stop, of course Zeel took majority of the impact given his physical prowess.

Zeel and Alice hacked into the camera and viewed Isaacs last moments as confirmation of his death. The duo watched as the laser beam grew in size and intensity, eventually exploding and vaporizing the panic stricken Dr Isaacs who was trying to escape.

In a secret underground Umbrella facility, a meeting to decide the future of the corrupted Umbrella Corporation was taking place.

"All attempts to contact the North American facility continue to fail" Director One said.

"How long have they been off the air?" Wesker asks.

"Seventeen hours" Director Two replies.

"We must consider them lost. But our plans remain unchanged. All data will be transferred to this facility...and the research will continue under my personal supervision. I expect results within one month" Wesker said as he was about to sign off the hologram.

All of a sudden The North American hologram lights up revealing Alice and a tired looking Zeel.

"You won't have to wait that long, boys. Because I'm coming for you. And...

...I'm gonna be bringing a few of my friends" Alice said with her eyes burning with hatred, while Zeel was memorizing the face and profile of everyone in the projected room. All he required was a connection, and it was granted the moment they allowed Alice to continue speaking instead of cutting her off right away.

Wesker seemingly catching up with the fact they were being hacked quickly shut down Alice's communication but not before Zeel had enough intel to find certain things that aligned with his own interests.

After hanging up Alice looked at her clone which had miraculously survived, and then looked towards Zeel who seemed as surprised as she was. Then the trio walked to an open room behind the incubation chamber that was destroyed and gazed towards the piles and piles of clones all wearing Alice's face.

"I don't know about you but this is basically heaven for me." Zeel said to which Alice raised a brow before looking angrily at him, then she put on a contemplative face.

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