Chris then took Alice, Zeel, and Crystal to the elevator shaft to get access to the Armory. Alice forced herself to be wherever Zeel was during these times, since she had to control his tendencies to kill the extra baggage. There was a point in time when she disliked this side of Zeel very much, but over the years his need for efficiency had somewhat grown on her. Ever since the nanites upgrade the previous night she has also been seen vague images of what she suspects to be Zeel's memories.

"They had pumps to keep the water out of the foundations. When electricity failed, some of the lower levels start filling up. There are another two floors down there" Chris said looking at the flooded elevator shaft that was their only hope of accessing the flower floors.

"How far down is the Armory?" asked Zeel as he opened his scanner for the first time since meeting Alice.

"All the way" Chris said raising three fingers, that indicated three floors below.

"This isn't gonna work." Zeel said but before he could continue Crystal started stretching and said "Swim team in high school"

"I may have another way so please stop undressing" Zeel said, not because he didn't want to see her n.a.k.e.d but because Alice would kill him if he did – like any normal male, Zeel was inclined towards beautiful females but Alice kept his promiscuous nature in check. At one point in time meaningless s.e.x and survival was all Zeel had to confirm his existence, so he grew a sort of dependency on sleeping with as many princesses as he could.

"Al let's go, we need to find somewhere directly on top of the Armory" Zeel said as he ignored the questioning look of Chris and the redressing of Crystal.

Circling around for a while with Alice sending pulses out using her improved telekinetic abilities since the nanites upgrade "Here, it's directly under here"

"Okay everyone might want to take a couple steps back" Zeel said as he knocked the ground with the tips of his toes looking for a weak point in the infrastructure. He then bends his knees as veins start bulging on his legs inflating them to inhuman sizes before he leaps up into the air reaching the ceiling before using his hands that also bulge to inhuman levels and pushing down as if launching himself. Off a platform.

The motion was swift and before anyone could even refocus on Zeel's figure who had somehow reached the ceiling, his figure once again disappeared from the ceiling. The next thing the group heard was a loud booming noise as a hole the size of an underground drainage cap appeared in the ground spanning three floors directly into the Armory. At the bottom of the crevice you could see Zeel panting as even for him that was a tiring task, Alice then jumped down and said "Sometimes as smart as you are, you're still an idiot, what if you landed on a grenade or something"

"I hadn't thought of that." Zeel replied as he was genuinely surprised at his own impulsive actions, had he made this error in the past, he would have been flagged without any mercy. Thinking about the past few months, Zeel realized his actions could be considered borderline reckless – stomping the ground in an Amazon jungle leading him to fall through into the caving system, triggering vibranium that could have killed him, walking into an Umbrella ambush without proper preparations, and now executing a plan without proper grasp on the consequences.

Then he felt it, a new emotional response he had not taken note of before –it felt like a sense of urgency. Zeel had a theory that his emotional health would start with sub-emotional responses before discovering the true basic emotion – he discovered revenge but only discovered anger when Alice made him mad, he discovered love but have yet to experience true happiness, and now he felt a sense of urgency but have yet to experience what it is like to be surprised.

Not minding Zeel's moment of deep thought, Chris and Crystal came down and the group began packing weapons. Zeel packed mainly knives and bombs, then anything else useful he could carry with him. Chris and Alice took only what they themselves required, while Crystal went to check out the perimeter.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh" All of sudden the group heard a cry as Crystal was dragged outside by zombies that infiltrated from underground, Zeel responded immediately by shutting the entrance to the Armory – though this also had the consequence of shutting off Crystal's only hope of survival.

Alice face palms while Chris only let's out a wry smile as he said "Truly someone who has been surviving since he was 10. You truly don't take any chances"

"Hesitation leads to death, that's what I was thought" Zeel replied as he grabbed Alice and jumped towards the top through the hole he made. The height turned out to be a bit to far as Zeel lost momentum half way through the jump but Alice floated them to the top. Currently the limit of her power had increased, she can now float objects or other people weighing no more than 1000 lbs., possibly more if she really exerts herself. Alice floating herself was a much more complicated matter, it was akin to trying to fly by jumping towards the sky and pulling your own hair. At best she can float for a couple seconds.

After Zeel and Alice settle themselves at the surface floor, Alice also floats Chris and the bags to the top.

At the same time elsewhere after opening the garage the trio of Bennett, Kim, and Angel noticed the engine was indeed not inside the car as Zeel had earlier pointed out.

"What do we do now?" asked Kim.

"Like the guy Zeel said, Take the engine, maybe we can somehow use it to escape" Angel said as only two options was present before him – do nothing and die here, or ignore Zeel's instructions and be killed by him; instead he just did as Zeel said and began lowering the engine for Zeel.

"Why listen to that guy? I know what to do" Said Bennett as he took a gun from his pocket and shoots both Angel and Kim in their backs, he then shoots a couple more times to be absolutely sure of the outcome.

"I am gonna go get a ride out of this place, I am not sure about you" Bennett said to Angel's and Kim's dead bodies, clearly traumatized by all the events since the apocalypse.

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