After securing all the weapons they could from the Armory, Zeel was about to go and check on the engine progress but paused as he listened carefully.

"The movement has increased. These things are about to break through" Alice said as she was more intone with her surroundings than Zeel.

Just as Chris was about to panic, the trio heard the noise of the starting plane – no doubt Bennet had already seated himself inside, ready to fly off all by his lonesome.

Alice wasn't too concerned as she knew the plane couldn't take everyone, and two person leaving was better than none. While Zeel simply smirked and rushed to the top.

On their way to the top of the base, the trio met Claire and Luther also hurriedly climbing. The walls began to shake as swarms of zombies broke out from within.

"Where are the others?" Zeel asked still running with much leisure, unlike the others who were running with all they had.

"Dead. Bennett killed them" Luther replied without any fluctuations in his voice, or maybe he was panting too much to convey the proper emotions through his tone of voice.

"What a predicament" Chris said not caring about anyone besides Claire.

Busting through the last door to get to the roof, the group could see Bennett pressing buttons desperately trying to get the plane to start but to no avail. Zeel watched for a while before he breaks the lock and walks out alongside the group coldly asking "What are you doing?"

Bennett responded by pointing a gun in their direction and firing multiple shots, but all to no avail as the gun was empty.

"What, how?" Bennet questions certain he filled the cartridge before he killed Angel and Kim.

"Well, I only left two bullets in the gun when I stole it from you. It was gamble on my part since I thought you'd only kill Angel – that way you'd have one bullet left to shoot me with, but you exceeded my expectations. You killed Kim as well" Zeel said as he walked towards the trembling Bennet, all the while not stopping his clapping.

After reaching Bennett Zeel grabs him by the neck and knocks him out, then the others come running over, Alice looks at Zeel for a while before turning to Bennet and letting out a deep sigh.

"You didn't give him much of a choice did you?" Alice asked.

"I actually did gamble, but he was a bit worse than I accounted for" Zeel said as he shrugged his shoulders dismissively.

"Could you see it earlier?" Zeel asked as he gestured to the sky.

"Yeah, I can keep up now, though I don't think I could see everything, I think it's because of my nanites and powers creating a kind of field that allowed me to see it, but I could feel it from a couple miles away" Alice replied.

"Yeah, someone is watching us. Someone that chose not to kill us at that moment. To think that Umbrella has such destructive imploding bombs though" Zeel commented as he looked towards the skies. Couple minutes ago as Zeel was walking towards Bennet, he and Alice both saw what seemed to be a faint light flicker past a couple miles above their location. With Zeel's and Alice's ability senses it was easy to pick up what it was – an imploding bomb; even with all their cards on the table, they would have been killed had the aim not shifted last minute.

"What are we going to do now? I hear you required the engine but that is impossible now" Chris said as he pointed to the zombies that were currently stuck trying to make their way through the numerous blockades on the roof.

"I have a plan but it is a crazy one" Zeel replied as he took out his scanner and began typing a string of numbers that looked like coordinates.

"What is that for?" asked Alice curious about what action he would take now that they had come so close to death.

Zeel replied "Just a precaution in case things don't go as planned"

"Things never go as planned" Alice said as she snorted and rolled her eyes at his antics.

"Then this will be plan ABCDE and F" Zeel replied as he looked at his scanner in a fidgety manner.

"So what's the plan" asked Claire.

"First tie Bennett onto a chair and strap him up with some explosives then come over here" Zeel replied and brought Alice to the side so they could talk privately.

Couple minutes later when the zombie horde broke through the obstacles that blocked them; Zeel made Alice and Claire sit inside the plane, as he tossed his guns inside with Alice for safe keeping. Without his guns Zeel always felt n.a.k.e.d even if he had his knives on him at all times.

Zeel then quickly used parachute straps to wrap around Chris and Luther, tying both of their fates to him – both literally and figuratively as the three were now tied together.

"Wait the f.u.c.k. You're not thinking about doing what I think right?" Luther asked staring dazedly at the parachute straps wrapped around him like diapers.

"Where is your sense of adventure. I see no better way to die so enjoy it" Chris said sounding depressed but lacking emotion as always, Zeel could swear this guy is a robot.

Taking out a crystalline rock from his belt, a relatively large chunk, Zeel tossed it into the engine and as If on signal the plane roars to life with renewed vigor. Deep inside Zeel mourned for his Zeelinium crystal, good thing he had learnt the method to synthesize it – though he would need the appropriate human nutrients for an accelerated growth.

"Hang on guys and Let's go Al" Zeel said as Alice pushed the ignition and the plane shot off the building just as the zombies storm the top. At first they were falling, then floating for a brief period as Alice exerted herself so they had a few more moments to gain the proper take off velocity, then the plane began falling again before with a boom the plane engines kicked in and the group was flying through the skies. Chris and Luther were screaming like girls throughout the entire flight and Claire was throwing up in the back, Alice was drowsy but still managed to steer the plane towards the Arcadia.

When the group was a distance away they heard a loud boom as Bennett must have pulled the pin to trigger the explosives.

"See guys, even a useless man can be useful at time, hahahah" Zeel said as he began laughing darkly to himself, everyone felt shivers run down their spines as at that moment he seemed like a true demon king.

"Better not throw up on my f.u.c.k.i.n.g guns" Zeel yelled to Claire who just throws a middle finger at him. Half way to the Arcadia, Chris and Luther begin holding both Zeel's arms as if they're a couple of lollies fighting over which one of them he is going to marry when they're older. This amused Zeel but also weirded him out at the same time, Alice just laughed from inside the plane as she already recovered her previous vigor.

Couple minutes later they were about to land on the arcadia, Zeel carrying Luther and Chris released the wing when they were about a hundred feet in the air landing safely after a couple rolls. Alice and Claire landed almost perfectly with the plane losing a wheel causing loud screeches as the plane body stopped near the end of the ship. The first thing Zeel did after he got up was run to the plane and tearing the engine apart to recover what was left of his Zeelinium Crystal.

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