After getting settled on deck the team proceeded to explore the ship one level at a time.

"Let's check inside" Chris suggested.

"Find anyone?" Claire asked after Chris returned with a confused look on his face.


Luther came back after heading down the corridor "I checked the crew quarters.. They're all gone. Looks like they left in hurry"

Just as they were about to move on, Zeel and Alice heard a sound and guided the group towards it "This is Arcadia, broadcasting on the emergency frequency. There is no infection. We offer safety and security, food and shelter. Fuel...power...Everything's Running normally."

Zeel watched the equipment as his nanites extracted all data, before voicing his conclusion "This was set on a loop, and has been running for a couple years now. This signal started broadcasting the day of the T-virus outbreak"

"That would be impossible, since you would have to know the specifics of the T-virus before broadcasting" Chris said as he realized the problem.

Claire held her head for a moment before adding "Unless you're the Umbrella Corporation"

"Hey, let's not jump to conclusion carelessly guys. Maybe another country set this up with knowledge bought from somewhere?" Luther added trying to be optimistic, he would have a mental breakdown if he escaped the frying pan and jumped straight into the fire.

"Look at this. It's the sh.i.p.s log. Crew launched the life boats three days ago. Exactly when the transmission stopped. But it says that all the passengers are still here. We have to search every inch of the ship." Alice said after pulling up the ship log and inspecting it up and down.

Zeel's intuition had been blaring ever since they touched down on the ship, but he had to wait for certain arrangements to be made that were still far from completion. Constantly checking his scanner, Zeel for the first time was overcome with panic completely, though you would never be able to tell from the stoic expression on his face.

After walking around for a while, the group of four finally found a part of the ship that they could not access.

"Umbrella...of course it is" said Claire though a little reluctant to admit that Zeel was right the entire time even with her recovered memory as substantiation.

"They were never coming to get us. This whole thing... The beacon...Was a lie. And that's not the worst part. It's a trap! That means that everyone who came before us is probably …" Luther started stammering the more he talked, unwilling to believe everything he had placed his hopes on is now a lie.

"Wait! Where is everybody? The ship logs said that there are currently 2000 passengers on board" Chris asked.

"I don't understand either" Luther seconded.

"I think we do; Al send out a pulse" Zeel said.

After a couple seconds Zeel opened his eyes and said "They're below our feet, Claire, Chris wake them up. Luther I have a separate task for you"

"They're holding survivors to experiment on them." Alice said "Look...It's K-Mart... she's here. And LJ, Carlos and all the other survivors"

"Bring them up. All of them." Alice commanded as the stasis pods began to rise up from below the floor, everyone inside was asleep and hooked up with wires and a beetle on their c.h.e.s.t.

"I'll get that thing off her. Go let everyone else out" Claire ordered Chris.

Alice and Zeel continued forward coming up on some chambers that had no one inside, only blood and disgusting greenish liquids that they chose not to identify.

Zeel sighed as he said "Just when you think you've seen it all, shit always gets worst"

"At least after seeing all this, nothing you do could disgust me as much" Alice said with a shrug "Makes the relationship more resilient"

"Good thing you woke me up through our connection or I would be the one in these chambers right now, and you would be a widow morning my death since nobody would want your stubborn ass" Zeel said to Alice laughing at his own joke.

"I am still young and pretty, I bet I could find a good sugar daddy amongst the survivors" Alice replied slyly making the smile on Zeel's face freeze as if hell had frozen over, for a brief moment he was contemplating killing all the 'sugar daddy' type guys left on Earth.

"You don't mean that right? Right? Right?" Zeel asked as he chased after Alice who was getting too much ahead of herself with the precious joke.

Further up Zeel and Alice entered a secluded part of the ship, as they walked they looked around seeing the dried up corpses of what was once survivors. Zeel shuddered at the thought of being s.u.c.k.e.d dried like those bodies were.

Alice and Zeel continue to move forward until a monitor that was in front of them lifts up revealing Wesker in all his gory glory – pun intended.

"Why am I not surprised?" Alice asked not sure if it was to herself or Wesker.

"And you call me a c.o.c.kroach, but this guy here is tardigrade" Zeel said in disdain since he was also sure Alice definitely killed Wesker.

"You were quite difficult to find. Our satellite system is still fully operational, but it still had a hard time tracking you, especially after he showed up. Tell me Alice are you sure you can trust this husband of yours, has he told you who he really is?" Wesker asked trying to plant a seed of doubt between the couple.

"Me?" Zeel asks pointing to himself "I am not sure what you mean, I don't even know if you guys will ever know who I am in this Universe"

"This universe?" asked Alice not missing the opportunity to question Zeel's slip of tongue.

"Nothing but semantics Al" Zeel hurriedly comments not letting the sweat drop from his face.

"Besides, I always knew. You'd be drawn to your friends. Loyalty... Highly overrated. I thought especially if I captured your husband you would come to save him" Wesker said interrupting the questioning Alice.

As they're talking Zeel has tried to slow his perception of time numerous times to kill Wesker as soon as possible but each time he almost feels like Wesker's eyes are still following him when he was about to make a move. Alice seems to have noticed the same thing as she became extra cautious about making a move. Zeel and Alice have been slowly inching themselves towards Wesker, getting close enough to their target would guarantee at least on shot.

"Stop!" Wesker shouted to the dogs that showed up behind him, all the while never removing his eyes from either Zeel or Alice; he knew that given the slightest opportunity they would behead him on the spot "Down! Wouldn't want you Harming my pets. Drop your guns. Good...kick them to me. Your hands up"

After picking up the guns that had been discarded by Zeel and Alice, Wesker felt secure enough to do what all other supervillains do during this time – explain his evil plan for absolutely no benefit to himself "You're probably wondering how I'm here Alice?"

"The T-virus brought me back. But it's so strong. It fights for full control. And I thought that if I ingested fresh human DNA I could redress the balance."

"No wonder your crew abandoned ship." Alice said as she once again looked at the dried up corpses loitering the room.

"But finding your husband I came up with a new plan. It has recently come to my attention that you two were the only ones who successfully bonded with the T-virus. Your DNA is stronger than the others.

I ingest you two... I gain control. Easy as that" Wesker said slowly and powerfully, as he rose from his seat.

"There is only one problem with that, I am not on the menu. You can eat Zeel thou" Alice said attempting to distract Wesker.

Zeel, however had the perfect counter "I was only able to bond with the T-virus after constant tweaking with the genome sequence. Alice is more tender and bonded right from the beginning"

Zeel and Alice didn't even flinch for a moment as they suggested the other to be eaten first.

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