They say that history is written by the victors,

This then is the history of the Umbrella Corporation,

Formed by crusading scientist Professor James Marcus.

Marcus had a young daughter, Alicia,

Afflicted with progeria, a progressive, fatal, wasting disease.

Progeria causes premature aging,

By the time she was 25, Alice would have the body of a 90-year-old.

Marcus was driven to save her, but the odds seemed impossible.

And even as he worked desperately to create a cure,

The young girl's father would record his daughter,

Her voice, her likeness, saving her for posterity.

Then a breakthrough came in the form of a virus unlike any other,

Marcus was able to discover the T-virus.

One injected, it would detect and repair damaged cells within the body,

It was a miracle the life of Alicia Marcus was saved,

The T-virus had a myriad of applications, treating a thousand different diseases,

Overnight, it seemed a new era was dawning,

A world without fear of infection, sickness, or decay.

But it was not to be, for the T-virus had certain unforeseen side effects.

The first of the undead was soon born,

The incident was completely covered up.

In the aftermath, James Marcus argued furiously with his business partner, Dr. Alexander Isaacs.

Dr. Isaacs not willing to let go of the opportunity presented by the T-virus killed James Marcus,

Dr. Isaacs became the guardian of his dead partner's child, and her half of the company,

The corporation that had begun with such lofty ideals,

Had been seduced completely by greed and power.

To help him control the now-vast interests of the Umbrella Corporation,

Dr. Isaacs created a powerful artificial intelligence,

Isaacs used the likeness of Alicia Marcus for the computer's interface,

Isaacs called the computer the "Red Queen".

The Red Queen later experienced a fault in her programming,

A mistake that forfeited the lives of everyone in a secret underground facility named "The Hive",

Or was it even a mistake to begin with?

Due to the outbreak of the T-virus in The Hive,

The Red Queen became homicidal killing anyone who entered or was in the lab,

The infection could not be allowed to spread outside of containment,

After a grueling adventure, the sanctity of the Hive was kept intact,

Though friends were lost, we found something more,

We found each other in the deadliest of place,

Though at first, I hated Zeel, we didn't get the chance to revel in our feelings,

We were captured, tortured, and injected with the T-Virus,

Due to the nanites in our system, the problem of integration was kept in check fairly well,

However, by the time we woke up, we could no longer recognize the city.

It had become a desolate, wasteland, a precursor to what the world would later become,

After many battles, we managed to escape Raccoon City before its eventual termination,

We had some friends alongside us, but happy endings were not meant for us,

We were a bit too late to clear the blast radius and crashed as a result,

Both Zeel and I were severely injured in the resulting crash,

Later, I was rescued from an Umbrella Facility after my injures were healed,

But they only wanted me to think I escaped when truly they let me go,

Noticing I may be acting as a mole for the Umbrella Corporation,

I isolated myself from everyone I cared about first, then eventually the entire group,

The night before I planned to leave, I made a decision that would change my life for the best,

I decided to visit Zeel for the night,

It was the decision of a woman who just wanted to vent some frustration,

But after that night together, I knew we had become inseparable,

You would think that relationsh.i.p.s during the apocalypse would be unhealthy,

But we have been together ever since,

Through Umbrell Facility raids, the death of my sisters, the near deaths, and the happy moments,

We had always stuck together, but that changed one day,

The sisters had become our undoing, with Zeel not knowing who to love anymore,

And my envy at the sisters for taking what rightfully belonged to me alone,

We separated when Zeel's emotions were getting out of hand, I knew he did it to not hurt me and the sisters,

Zeel was already a very dangerous person without his emotions dictating his actions,

Over the next couple months, some sisters left, some hid, some went on suicide missions with me,

Some partook in Zeel's secret experiments and left with him,

Eventually, only one sister remained – but one was enough to kill Wesker,

The Umbrella High Command who orc.h.e.s.trated Project Alice and Project Exodus,

Killed countless sisters and made the world into the shit hole it is today,

After today, after I kill him, I can go home back to Zeel.

But all stories don't have fairy-tale endings, I don't think even fairy tale endings are always happy,

Before our subsequent crash, Wesker introduced an agent into my system that was supposed to take away my abilities,

The agent caused my nanites to clash until they became dormant,

With the loss of the nanites, I also lost my way back to Zeel's side,

I spent the rest of the time wondering, after which I chose to follow after Claire and the others,

But I saw no sign of Arcadia, I only saw Claire in a disoriented state,

Just as my longing for Zeel was so strong, it could become tangible,

He once again appeared in the most unusual manner, sky diving without a parachute,

What happened after was a series of coincidences and machinations of faith,

New friends, new life, happy time, broken dreams, uncertainty, fight for survival once more, escape to haven,

But after you are on your last legs and haven is not the heaven you expected,

Instead, it was hell – a well-made Umbrella Hell to capture those who didn't know any better,

My conscience dictated I help those trapped, but somewhere deep inside I had lost hope of ever seeing the beauty in humanity once again,

But I knew I couldn't falter, or Zeel would roll over this world and destroy it – that's all he knows, how to destroy.

After freeing the captured from hell, we really thought we could create a haven for survivors but fate had other plans for us,

Umbrella jets attacked, and somehow we persevered – or so we thought,

Forced to escape with only our friends due to an incoming imploding nuclear missile,

We left everyone else to die, but we couldn't get far enough, fast enough,

We were poisoned by the blast and forced into slumber for years to have a chance at survival,

And now we have awoken, and Umbrella has to pay for the transgressions against us,


My name is Alice, and my husband's name is Zeel.

And this is our story,

The end of our story,














- in this world.

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