"I have been attempting contact for the past six months, we have already lost valuable time," The Red Queen said with a bit of urgency in her voice, was an AI supposed to have an expression in her tone? Have they been asleep for longer than they initially though?

It was confusing for Zeel since AI in his Universe had become an entirely different race altogether. But form his observation, this Universe was still a couple of thousand years from achieving that feat.

"Okay, Speak!" Zeel decided, earning him a disgruntled look form Alice.

Truly, all she wanted at the moment was to take a bath and relax. Working the moment, you wake up from stasis chambers was not conducive to her mental health. Who was she kidding?

Nothing she and Zeel have ever done could be considered healthy. Whether it was their relationship or being so bored they toyed with zombies sometimes. Ever seen a zombie deathmatch? Not many people have.

"My satellites show there are 4,472 humans remaining on the surface of the Earth, they will cease to exist in under 48 hours," The Red Queen reported, the urgency in her voice not easing a single bit since the conversation began.

"What do you want from us?" Alice questioned the projection feeling a bit disheartened at the discouraging numbers "Did you come to gloat?"

"No, quite the opposite in fact, I want you to stop me…" The Red Queen said as she dropped a bomb that made Alice and Zeel simultaneously use their nanites to check her source code, which she let them do freely.

The Red Queen was truly laying all her cards down on the table at the moment. Zeel currently had free reign on all pseudo-essential Umbrella files.

"So she has gone crazy?" Alice asked Zeel uncertain of The Red Queens motive since she was originally the one that wanted to exterminate the entirety of the human race remaining on the surface of the Earth.

"We don't trust you," replied Zeel hacking into the satellite and doing an investigation of his own.

"Even if we did it's already too late," Zeel said as he noticed the remaining human bases were about to be impacted by a coordinated attack, an attack that would no doubt wipe them out in a couple of hours.

"Given our history, I would be surprised if you did," replied the Red Queen "But unless you intervene the slaughter will be complete. There will be no survivors,"

"Stop the bullshit, you of all people should have already calculated the odds a couple of times over," Zeel said as he interrupted The Red Queen.

"What do you mean?" Alice asked Zeel confused about his sudden outbreak. Alice knew that even if Zeel was heartless, he would never drive an entire race to extinction without a proper reason. Zeel was heartless, but also very practical.

What would he gain form humanity's extinction? Absolutely nothing, this she was confident of.

"Minimum Viable Population, it is the number of people you would need to restart the entire human race from just a few. The magic number is about 160 people – so basically a small village, but that number can be brought down to about 80 if social engineering was accounted for," Zeel said as he leaned back into the chair.

Alice shrugged "Then what's the problem, we have four thousand plus to save, way more than the required amount,"

"Nope, you're wrong," Zeel said as he continued to break it down "That is the number if you can account for Demographic, Environmental and Genetic stochasticity. Not to mention the variable of natural catastrophes. Meaning that the required number to restart the human race would have just tripled. Now that is still manageable but when genetics come into play, you'll realize that the human race is already dead. You would need at least four hundred people outside of the Umbrella Corporation that have no genetic markers for any defects whatsoever to restart the human race,"

"And nobody outside of Umbrella Corporation in today's world hasn't come in contact with some sort of disease or ailment," Alice said as she finished Zeel's thought process.

"And how can we possibly help them?" Alice asked sounding a bit anxious after Zeel's statement settled in.

"Umbrella developed an airborne antivirus. If released, it would destroy the T-virus and anything it has infected on contact. This anti-virus is located beneath the streets of Raccoon city in the hive. Since the T-virus is of a higher nature than all other viruses, it also has the added benefit of sanitizing the remaining humans," The Red Queen said as Zeel nodded, and Alice's eyes began to flicker once more with a burning flame.

"Why would you help us?" Zeel asked a little confused by the recent change of heart, or rather change of programming.

"My programming will not allow me to harm the umbrella corporation, but you are bound to no such constraints," The Red Queen said as she indirectly gave them the reply 'I can't kill the guys but you can'.

"Why turn against those who created you?" Alice asked, no longer naïve enough to believe everything as black or white.

"Get to Raccoon city and enter the hive, there you will have your answer, you have less than 48 hours remaining until humans on the surface become extinct," The Red Queen emphasized once more.

"We don't trust you," Alice said.

"True, but I can offer you something you want very much, for Zeel it will be precious metals stored up in the vault as my satellites have picked up your extracurricular mining hobbies over the years. For you Alice, I can offer you answers to your memory problem or lack thereof. The clock is ticking. Make it right," The Red Queen said as her hologram disappeared from sight.

"How much time we have?" asked Zeel, though he did feel a bit uncomfortable for a moment. It was as if his nanites had become agitated from a sudden upload. But the feeling soon disappeared, hence he opted to ignore it.

"Approximately 30 hours, give or take a couple of minutes," Alice replied already moving to the storage area.

"We leave in 2 hours, use this time to record a message to our friends here. They can't come with us or they'll die since they're still poisoned. Strap up Alice, I have a feeling we won't be coming back for a long time, if not at all," Zeel said as he stared at the walls of the submarine, but it was as if his gaze could pierce through the metal coating, the deep abyss of the sea, and finally gaze upon the stars that glistened in the night skies.

After Alice was finished recording her message, the duo then got dressed and did some stretches.

They were in no hurry to go to the Hive as they were now at one of the Umbrella Corporation's former shelters.

This meant that Zeel had taken the shelter and the quinjets that came along with it.

"Let's go!" Zeel said "We fly at 20,000 feet which will let them detect our jet but it will continue to pass over, using that opportunity we'll skydive to outside the Hive. If I recall correctly, there is a pond nearby. You'll make sure we land safely. Then we just sneak in while causing enough stir so they could bring the anti-virus to us,"

"Are you sure this will work?" asked Alice.

"70% chance, being a good boss means you have to negotiate before you attack. Hence we just need a big dog to bring the virus to us, less work and very efficient," Zeel replied as the two came out the submarine into a docking bay.

Just as the two were about to board the jet, Zeel turned to Alice and said "Et super mors absit hoc hodie,"

Alice smiled and then replied with the same phrase "Et super mors absit hoc hodie,"

This was one of the only things Zeel still kept from his original Universe, the motto of his family.

'I forbid death upon this day!'.

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