Flying above the clouds in a quinjet modified by Zeel for stealth, the duo looked at each other with a heavy feeling in their heart.

Words could not express the complication between them at this moment. No words were needed for them to understand each other. The nanites were almost fully functional and with their psychic bonds. They might as well be n.a.k.e.d in front of each other at all times.

"Think this is gonna be it?" asked Alice as she began to feel the weight of the mission that laid ahead.

"More than likely," replied Zeel as he was also having an indiscernible feeling though it was faint and hence ignored.

"Why didn't you leave a message behind?" Alice asked a bit disappointed that she still couldn't get him to make any friends.

"I have everything I need with me, so have nobody to say goodbye to," Zeel replied empathetically since he truly only cared for Alice, even the world could burn as long as she was alright.

"What if the thing you plan on taking doesn't want to go?" asked Alice squinting her brows, her statement implied deep meaning within. She wanted to gauge Zeel's response since as much as she loved him, she was just as wary of his killing tendencies.

"Then I'll respect her decision to the best of my abilities," Zeel replied with no emotional fluctuations, to which Alice nods and then turned her head to look outside.

"ETA 5 minutes, get ready to jump," STARS said as the doors opened indicating that the mission was about to begin "Opening bay doors."

"Terminate yourself after the awakening of Alice's friends in the base. Keep everything of values safe and secure. Only terminate after the mission had been completed," Zeel commanded STARS.


A cool wind suddenly assaulted both Zeel and Alice as they were flying a little above 20,000 feet, a superhuman feat that could only be attempted by both of them.

"Together forever," Zeel said holding out his hand.

"Together forever," replied as she interlocked her fingers with Zeel's.


Then they both jumped from 20,000 feet.

Meanwhile below the ground.

"Sir, an umbrella vessel was spotted flying over the base but has since passed," The Red Queen reported to Wesker who was sloughing about on the luxury chair lazily.

She tried as much as possible to make the incident seem inconspicuous.

"Hmm, peculiar indeed, is that all?" Wesker asked as he had a bad premonition bubbling in his subconscious mind.

"Yes sir,"

"Then raise security to the maximum and turn off automation, I want everything under my control, just as a precaution," Wesker said as he chose to listen to his intuition over all else. It had become the only safe way to stay alive within these troubling times.

"Yes sir," The Red Queen replied before disappearing as all systems were transferred to Wesker's authority.

*splash* *splash*

Two small splashes occurred as Alice and Zeel touched down.

Quickly exiting the water, they both made their way to the exposed part of The Hive.

Ever since the government ordered the nuclear launch some ten years ago, Raccoon City had ceased to exist while also becoming the cradle of civilization – the best place to hide is the place most commonly checked.

Alice and Zeel had become more efficient as partners. They could not help reminiscing about the moment it all started. The moment Alice walked down the stairs and laid eyes on Zeel. Their origin story began with The Hive, and it will also end with the Hive.

Alice preferred it no other way, she only wanted happiness and nothing more.

In Wesker's office, he was lazily spinning in his office chair while also partaking the finest of liquor.

"Sir movement has been detected near the entrance, but no video feed is available in any nearby location," The Red Queen reported.

"Seal the hive," Wesker commanded as his earlier premonition was becoming seemingly more and more certain by the second. He noticed the incongruities in the statement of the Red Queen. Even if they had no footage, the motion sensors should demonstrate something.

Alice and Zeel were making their way into The Hive.

As the jaw like door began to close, Zeel and Alice ran through at their fastest speeds.

Zeel not forgetting to plant an explosive near the top of the entrance. His purpose for coming here was not as simple as saving humanity, as he could care less about anyone other than Alice – his key purpose was to make everything into a grand explosion.

Over the past years, Zeel had to revise his plans many times due to the interference of others, but now that he had finalized it once more.

He would be damned if he lets anything go wrong this time. Destroying Umbrella Corporation was a must since they had the resources to stop his plan or at least stall its activation.

Zeel could not afford that, and he also left no potential threat alive at any time. If he had to kill a 5th generation cousin to ensure that the family was completely eradicated, he would do just that.

Due to the nanites running interference, Zeel and Alice were confident in not appearing on the scanners and video feeds, but they also knew they had to hurry as a blackout spot that moves is the same as projecting their location anyway.

One of the many flaws Zeel planned to fix when given the appropriate time to do so.

Coming up on some massive turbines, they pull through as if it was nothing to be concerned about; however, immediately after they passed, it began to spin in reverse.

No doubt someone triggering it, Zeel and Alice continued to walk with no trouble as Zeel's feet made cracks in the cement, and Alice casually walked as light as a feather; though if you look closely you can see the atmosphere around her slightly warping.

After walking a fair distance away, the erratic power surges once again ceased, leaving a red projection in the center of the tunnel.

Zeel knew not to let down his guard since whoever was in charge would know of their infiltration and lack of struggle at the previous obstacles – this signaled that they had to up their games quite a bit.

"You asked why I would turn against Umbrella, and I promised you an answer. Soon after the t-virus was released a secret file was uploaded to my data stream. It shows a recording of a meeting of the Umbrella high command. This is definitive proof that Dr. Isaac along with the Umbrella high command released the T-virus on purpose," The Red Queen said as she projected a video for Alice and Zeel to see.

The video showed Isaacs giving a speech about ending the world on their own terms, and showing off the capabilities of the T-virus.

"When the recording was uploaded to my data stream, it created a conflict in my programming, I was created to serve the Umbrella Corporation, but I was also programmed to value human life. Dr. Isaac's allowed the virus to escape murdering 7 billion people. I am powerless to do anything about it, but you are not. You currently have 7 hours remaining, it is imperative you release the anti-virus before extinction occurs. Time is running out. You have to hurry,"

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