Meanwhile, in their mindscapes, Alice and Zeel were listening to the strange terms mentioned in the conversation.

After a couple of days of collecting information via satellite hacking, the duo was familiar with most aspects of this new world. Still, the terms mentioned by Hannu and Charles still left them at a loss.

Their current world was normal in almost all aspects, of course, they had pyramids and other mysteries that Zeel opted to avoid at this point in time. But other than that, it was a mostly normal world.

The only thing he found slightly amiss was Government incidents involving certain children and their families, going missing periodically. Zeel and Alice lacked the current nanites' resources to investigate the matter further, but this raised no alarm bells in their minds.

Feeling they had not dug deep enough, Zeel began to search for the word mentioned by Charles – 'Mogadorians'.

They began searching for 'Magadorians' and found a mention in the website called 'They Walk Among Us'. Most of it was nonsense but some of it made them intrigued, but they could not jump to conclusions without proper substantiation.

Unlike their previous world, they could not kill in this one based on suspicions alone – at least not openly. Zeel did not fail to notice several strange energy patterns concentrated at certain locations across the globe.

Zeel was still a Homo-Superior, and nuclear weapons could still kill him. Hence, Zeel was not one to flaunt his omnipotence with his limited strength.

Zeel and Alice still had a foreboding feeling itching at the back of their minds. Though they were currently in a weakened state physically; mentally they were at their peak and perhaps beyond.

Alice could still use her telekinesis, and Zeel's keen intuition was still on-point as always.

They could also move in cases of extreme circ.u.mstances, Zeel always left a couple of ways out for himself and Alice. This was also the reason Alice used her mental space for main training, since Zeel was the paranoid planner, she had to become the surprise attacker.

If they were caught by a sudden attack, Zeel could always allow the nanites to go critical and activate emergency movement.

A week had passed since their rescue by Hannu also known as Number three. Charles is Hannu's Cêpan and vowed to protect him from all dangers. Currently, it was night time and everyone was sleeping in the cabin built in the middle of nowhere.

Alice and Zeel had their own little corner away from the duo of Charles and Hannu. Zeel admired their cautious attitude, especially near someone like himself, this highlighted their keen judge of characters.

It would take someone very experienced in their craft to notice that below Zeel's thin body frame, laid a beast just waiting to pounce. Alice guessed they assumed Zeel was a warrior due to the many scars on his body.

Rattling sounds were heard by everyone as Charles made his way to the window to peek at what could have triggered the traps. The traps were typical hunter traps. They could be triggered by small animals or exceptionally strong winds.

This was perfect for Charles since he would grow concerned even if the wind was slightly stronger. Alice thought he was paranoid like Zeel, but Zeel admired his cautiousness.

Charles did not neglect to grab a strange glowing dagger due to his ever cautious nature. Zeel and Alice could feel danger approaching so despite their inability physically, they pushed their nanites to reinforce weak points in their bodies.

Alice and Zeel g.r.o.a.n.e.d in their minds as their joints and c.h.e.s.t areas began to steam. Pushing the nanites into 'critical' would result in several side effects, but Zeel was not aware of the side effects. Everything he knew about the nanites was either instinctively or found after thorough research.

Soon Alice's and Zeel's bodies began glowing ever so slightly, but the color was a bit red which indicated straining of the nanites processes. The nanites began forcefully mending anything that may have been misplaced and expelling all substances left after the Z-virus had been forcefully refined by the Anti-virus.

This would lead to a lack of proper Z-virus refinement, but this was the least of their concerns at the moment.

The change of their bodies was noticed by Hannu but he said nothing as his eyes were trained on Charles peeking out the door. Hannu and Charles could guess that Alice and Zeel were always active mentally. Hence, they felt cautious but hopeful for a potential ally.

Hannu was ready to invoke his fight or flight response; though, looking at his position, Zeel and Alice could tell it would definitely be a Usain Bolt-like sprint to get away the moment anything happened to Charles.

Unlike Hannu and Charles, Zeel and Alice could feel the incoming danger almost as if it was tangible but they still required a couple more seconds to fully awaken their bodily functions.

Around a minute later, Charles spun around to give an okay sign toward Hannu who breathe a sigh of relief a little too soon.

At the moment of their laxness, a massive claw wrapped around the waist of Charles pulling him outside towards his demise.

Before Zeel and Alice could even process what was happening, Hannu had already bolted through the window leaving behind a lonely shadow. Zeel and Alice remained on the bed in an inactive state hoping for a more opportune moment to strike now that their bodies had awoken.

They just needed a couple more seconds to adjust to their increased strength, and flexibility.

The door was pushed open as loud footsteps could be heard, for a brief moment Zeel thought a giant had entered the small hut.

"Who are these little fishes?" a Magadorian named Ivarick strode in, asking the other Magadorian behind him.

"These people are harmless brother, let us go, aid father," The other one replied named Admus.

Alice noted that compared to the other, this one sounded much more subdued. Both Alice and Zeel were familiar with the feeling they were getting from Admus – the feeling of fighting one's own instincts.

Live long enough, acc.u.mulate enough experiences, and eventually, you can innately detect certain abnormalities about someone.

"Let's have some fun here first," said Ivarick drawing ever so closer toward Alice.

The air warped as a wave of telekinetic energy was sent outwards from Alice's body.

The shockwave was preceded by Alice and Zeel jumping to their feet.

The wave of telekinetic power blew Ivarick away, but Admus, using telekinesis, steadied himself at the last moment. Zeel and Alice raised their brows in bewilderment, feeling no specific energy signature radiating from Admus during the use of his telekinetic ability.

However, after great effort to keep his footing, Admus was greeted with a kick to the face and knife through the abdomen.

Alice and Zeel determined him to be a greater threat from the get-go. They spared no expense by striking to kill immediately.

After watching Admus fall, the duo directed their attention towards Ivarick who was struggling to stand. Ivarick barely managed to stand after a couple of seconds. However, before he could even take a step, a dagger floating in the air pierced him through his heart, killing him on the spot.

No mercy was afforded, and no hesitation was experienced, Alice had mastered her hidden-dagger technique in both method and execution. She was not yet strong enough to directly kill someone with might, but she could accelerate small objects relatively fast.

Seeing his brother felled in a single instant, Admus began to lose control and yelled an ear-piercing scream. Zeel could not tell if it was Admus giving over to his instinct, or calling for reinforcements.

Zeel and Alice reacted instantly and a three-way battle happened for the next minute. Surprisingly, Admus was able to keep up with Alice and Zeel, even managing to counter their moves every so often.

Alice felt minor vibrations in the ground. This meant that someone was running in their direction. Zeel used a self-damaging technique to accelerate his body to sub-sonic speeds, piercing Admus through the shoulder sticking him to a nearby tree, effectively immobilizing him.

"I am not sure what is happening, but I feel two people inside you! Both are good but one is better, so I hope this helps," Zeel said as he sends a few of his nanites through his fingertips into the bloodstream of Admus.

Zeel was not able to sense conflicting souls inside Admus, but rather soul-like energy interlinked with brainwaves that were out of phase. In Zeel's Universe, they had long since discovered the energy present within the soul but this was also classed as forbidden knowledge.

Zeel and Alice stood and watched Admus' reaction. Admus, while in a daze, detaches himself from the tree and walked to the nearby water source. He threw himself into the water without any hesitation.

"I guess crazy people stay crazy no matter what?" Alice said as she awkwardly chuckled to herself. The first person Zeel decided to help, ends up committing suicide. It would seem the universe was paying attention to our actions.

'I think Zeel should stick to killing people if everyone he helps rather commit suicide,' Alice mused in her head, but she did not mention it to Zeel.

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