As if on cue, many Magadorians make their appearance with advanced weaponry. Zeel's eyes were slightly complicated since the Mogadorians possessed first-generation ionic cannons.

It made Zeel realize, even if his civilization was more advanced than any other, he was not the only being with intelligence and ideas.

The Mogadorians began shooting first and asking questions later. A successful strategy had they not been aiming at Zeel and Alice.

An ionic beam was successful in grazing by Zeel's shoulder, but all he had was admiration at the fact that this new world would be one where he could actually use some of the technology.

He would probably kill himself if he had to learn another useless programming language. The nanites were mythical-level tech but had difficulty adjusting to the current era of development. It was like telling a computer genius to start programming in 1's and 0's instead of using a programming language.

This would be difficult for that person to achieve due to the mere stupidity of the request.

"That's gonna leave more scars than you already have," Alice commented while deflecting the shots and simultaneously retreating into the thicket of the jungle.

"You like my manly scars of battle anyway," Zeel replied with the utmost confidence in his statement.

Retreating a couple more steps, the duo then ran off in the direction of Hannu, hoping that their benefactor was still alive. Though neither was big on returning favors, they did feel pretty shitty being in someone's debt.

Couple of minutes later, they came into a clearing only to see Hannu in the hand of a much larger Magadorian – at least twice the size of those before.

This Mogadorian was obviously someone that took the Mogadorian equivalent of steroids and Viagra. As the Magadorian was going to give the final blow, Alice used her telekinesis to deflect the blow.

However, she did not expect the blow was strong enough to break through her telekinetic barrier, and instead had to re-direct the blow instead.

This resulted in Hannu's abdomen being pierced through. Zeel rushed forward using his four burst technique, alongside his finger bullet technique piercing the skulls of two of the three Magadorians present.

Zeel held no delusions about defeating the third Mogadorian. Zeel channeled all his remaining energy into his leg causing it to steam and become red. The resulting kick blasted the Magadorian a couple of feet away.

Zeel immediately retracted his leg and began nursing it while heaving in breaths desperately.

"That was f.u.c.k.i.n.g steel," Zeel yelled out loud while inspecting his leg that had now been bruised all over. There were faint cracks apparent on his femur that demonstrated just how hard the Mogadorian skin was.

Alice seeing the situation would turn for the worst once the Magadorian recovered from Zeel's attack, used her telekinesis on both boys, and jumped off the nearby cliff disappearing into the darkness below.

She also had no delusions about fighting since both her and Zeel could collapse at any time from overexertion. The nanites could only go 'critical' due to the vibranium and Zeelinium components that constantly supplied energy from vibrations and sunlight.

"Arrrrgghhhhhh," A loud voice rang out from above the cliff as the Magadorian vented his frustration on the nearby trees "Well, the boy will still die anyway, at least I got his …,"

The Magadorian could not finish his statement as he realized all the amulets he had gathered around his neck gone.

No doubt the doings of Zeel's godly sleight of hand techniques. Had Zeel not done that, this night could have ended much differently.

The amulets on the Mogadorian neck could act as a tracker for members of the Garde.

Alice ran with the aid of her telekinesis for about three hours straight.

The nanites had already gone dormant due to overexertion. Zeel's legs were in no shape to support him at the moment.

Alice managed to find a cave, causing her to take a temporary pit stop. She was honestly freaked out, the last Mogadorian gave her the chills just by looking at him.

Usually, Zeel's first concern would be their safety, then his mind would venture to sacrificing anyone else, but this time he acted as if he had a moral code- which Alice clearly knew he didn't.

"I know what you're thinking … huff huff," Zeel said through heavy breaths "I didn't develop a moral code or anything, I didn't do this because he helped me. I did this because he helped something I treasure almost as much as my own life – you,"

"Almost?" Alice said quirking her brows "Next time I'll make sure to 'almost' save you then,"

"*cough* *cough* Thank you!" Hannu said choking on his own blood.

Zeel then proceeded to apply pressure to the wound, while Alice sent a telekinetic pulse through Hannu's body to check the severity of his condition.

"It can't be helped. I was stabbed by one of their weapons, it decays anything it touches even plants and animals. It uses the nearby vitality as a power source," Hannu said, struggling to get his words fluent between breaths.

"You look like a man who respects a deal, especially a beneficial one," Hannu said after inspecting Zeel for a while. Zeel rubbed his face several times wondering if he had become so easy to read.

"I do. After all, I am always about gains and losses," Zeel replied as Alice punched him on the arm.

"What it's true."

"Then I have a good deal right here, you help me out and I'll give you my power," Hannu said as he raised his hand demonstrating a small wisp of white flame.

"Power? Hmmm …" Zeel was about to refuse because he honestly felt this deal would be more trouble than it was worth, but with a pinch from Alice and looking into the dying Hannu's eyes. Something inside of him just refused to say no.

"Okay! I accept," Zeel replied with a visible grimace on his face.

"Good! Find the others, defeat the Magadorians, and please save my home, I know it is a tall order but I just want some hope before I die," Hannu said as he grabbed both Alice's and Zeel's hands.

Hannu sent the remaining of his pitiful energy into their bodies before his body became grey and ashy. Soon the wind blew and along with it, Hannu's body disintegrated and drifted along.

Hannu did not get to witness the next scene. The moment the pitiful energy entered Alice's and Zeel's bodies, it became a blazing inferno. This caused them to pass out temporarily, they experienced great discomfort during the process.

During their temporary coma, all over the world, nine individuals could be seen clutching their burning ankles. New scars began to appear signifying the death of Number Three.

It had only been a couple of seconds since the scar began searing its way into their flesh, suddenly, the scar then began to disappear faster than it came.

What proceeded was a strong pull on their consciousness, as if something was summoning them. The nine individuals tried to resist but to no avail.

Zeel and Alice found themselves in the dark, but they could feel eight other presences around them. Zeel and Alice also inherited the remnant memories of Hannu. So this scenario, though surprising, was not out of their margin of acceptance. Zeel looked to Alice for confirmation before he began to speak.

"Number Three has just passed away, but before he passed… he transferred his legacy to us. Something about 'Hope'. But we are not saviors, we are fighters and survivors. It's what we have been doing all our lives… After four months we'll be ready… for those of you who want to fight. Just mention Zeel and Alice in any message on any platform and we will find you... we will come for you... and for those of you who wish to betray the numbers – I hope you're prepared to burn in the depths of hell,"


The mind link holding the numbers together soon began to weaken. When the strength weakened enough, everyone went back to their bodies.

when Alice and Zeel woke up and realized it was already morning. They had spent an entire night absolutely defenseless for the first time.

It was at that moment Zeel realized that the energy inside his body was bubbling even greater than before. He felt a little overwhelmed by the energy present inside his body at the moment. He needed a way to suppress this energy.

Zeel had already found a way but needed to calibrate the method to his current universe.

"I guess I need to hurry the next generation tech – runic technology," Zeel mumbled to himself.

Zeel had decided to retrace his Universe's method of development. Runes were an antiquated practice in Zeel's Universe, but some places still used the tech until the Universe's death.

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