The following morning, Zeel and Alice woke up in a massive crater, n.a.k.e.d with their bodies wrapped around each other like snakes in mating season. Zeel had multiple bite marks and stab wounds scattered all over his body, Alice had fist indents in her leg and c.h.e.s.t area, along with bite marks that seem to want to tear her throat out.

They stared at each other for a moment, smiling wryly at their predicament. They had figured out the events of the previous night but still required confirmation since they were still a bit disbelieving.

They were currently in a dome in the forest, Zeel looked around noting that the dome they were currently in was one of his inventions using the pinnacle of technology in this world. The Dome was created for enemies that would utilize outside forces as their abilities, so the dome could neutralize any ability that had an outside power source.

It could also serve as a containment unit since it was incredibly shock absorbent. After confirming the dome posed no threat to them, Zeel and Alice proceeded to stagger to their feet.

Lexa, Henri, and John walked into the dome. They all looked pretty injured, John had it the worst of all with a sword mark stemming from his left shoulder to just below his right n.i.p.p.l.e. Henry and Lexa appeared slightly injured on the outside, but Zeel and Alice could tell they had severe internal injuries before this.

"Are you guys sane?" Henri asked aiming a Loric gun at the duo, Lexa, and John standing behind him ready to bolt at any moment. They were all slightly trembling, Zeel could tell the only reason they had entered the dome was due to loyalty to their friends.

"Yeah, whatever it is that was triggered is now gone, I have to run some test after this. At least for now, we're all good," Zeel replied as he quickly scanned both his and Alice's bodies with their nanites.

"What happened last night?" asked Alice a bit groggily, she began rubbing her head harder and harder as if rubbing it could draw the answers out.

The three of them spoke at the same time "Wellllllll, it went like this ..................…,"

(Flashback to last night)

Have you ever wondered how strong Alice and Zeel are if they never held back and just let everything go? Well here is your answer.

For the briefest of moments, while he was in the air, John flashed his lumen on Zeel and Alice. The lumen was a special Legacy on Lorien that gave Lorien a sort of boost. But what the Loriens didn't know was the potency the Lumen carried within.

It was never made for Lorien, but to forcefully evolve other alien species they wish to enter an alliance with. Loriens had given up experimentation and sought a peaceful life with their environment. The Lumen forcefully activated a strand of the Z-virus still not integrated into Zeel's and Alice's DNA.

Then like a signal of impending doom, everything went still. John was frozen in the air even when his eyes could move. Henry and Lexa were frozen holding hands, though you could see the slightest of trembling in their frozen movements. Alice and Zeel were the only two that could move, but instead of running or checking what was wrong with everyone around them; they simply stood still holding their heads as if to keep something inside from getting out.

Then as if everything was a dream time resumed, with nothing out of the ordinary – nothing but utter silence, which speaks volumes in a forest saturated with animals.

Then barely audible voices could be heard "Run! Don't stay. Run please!"

It was the voices of Zeel and Alice, but the bystanders did not have enough time to process their words before the duo eyes' became bloodshot. Zeel's already red eyes turned that much redder with blood leaking from them that could be mistaken for tears. Alice's eyes simply turned bloodshot like never before seen.

"Are you okay guys?" Henri and Lexa asked as they approached and placed their hands on the shoulders of Zeel and Alice respectively. John was backing away from them with measured footsteps, which turned out to be a mistake. Henri made the correction decision to approach, you should never back down from an angered animal unless you are sure to outrun it. Henri as an experienced war veteran could feel it, the bloodl.u.s.t radiating from the two.


Henry and Lexa were blown away in separate directions, if they continued on the same trajectory, they both would die no doubt from the impact alone. John desperate used reached out to them and felt as if he had caught them both, but his happiness of unlocking his telekinesis did not last, as his face contorted in pain. The amount of force Alice and Zeel blasted Lexa and Henry off with, was nothing John could contend with.

John's feet sank three feet into the ground with both shoulders dislocated, which delayed just enough for Henry and Lexa to hit the floor with an impact that was manageable by peak Lorien physique.

However, before he could congratulate the awakening of a new legacy – telekinesis, John saw Alice and Zeel appear in front of the two football players. Both player's bodies turned into blood mist but the process by which they did varied. The one Alice attacked looked as if he had imploded into red blood spontaneously, while the one Zeel attacked was more akin to falling apart, like his fundamental biological process that held his body together ceased working.

Zeel then turned his attention towards John once more, shattering the sound barrier and appearing before John with a sword made entirely of wood in his hand. John couldn't understand where the sword came from, but at that moment he instinctively knew 'I am going to die here'.

Swish, the sword was about to pierce through his heart, but John's body refused to give up as he barely managed to sidestep the swing, causing an eternal scar to engrave itself upon his near-flawless skin.

Swish, just as the sword was about to make contact with another swing from Zeel; Henry woke up from a distance away and fired a shot with his Lorien gun, allowing the sword tip to back off by an inch. The slash still almost bisected John but it was still one inch away from any vital organs. John was thinking fast for possible ways to survive, then it came to him – a legendary plan without fail 'play dead'.

After he played dead for about five seconds, Zeel looked towards Alice, who was struggling to stay in her place. Unlike Zeel who was bad at emotional control, Alice was much more experienced so she could barely manage to control the bloodl.u.s.t. Lucky thing too as if they joined together to attack John, he would have no doubt died.

Then a noise came from the waterfall direction; both Zeel and Alice flipped their heads in the direction for a moment.

John's thought was 'I pity the bastard that made that noise. Wait they took Sarah in that direction!'

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