John watched as Zeel and Alice disappeared from their places causing a burst of wind to assault his fragile body. They had darted in Sarah's direction. The two were moving faster than even their own bodies could handle, evident by the fact that creaking sounds could be heard originating from their grinding bones.

John got up and desperately began running after them. After a couple of seconds, John realized he was getting faster and faster but could definitely not catch up before Zeel and Alice made it to Sarah. So he pushed all his remaining strength into his legs and soon his perception of time slowed to the point he could barely see Zeel and Alice in front of him.

John also noticed that a white flame began flickering outside their bodies sometimes. Almost as if a natural aura they always tried to restrain had become active. All this meant for John was the fact that they had just leveled up their strength once again.

"Like a rampaging Zeel and Alice was not enough? Now you have a rampaging Zeel and Alice that have powered up," John thought as he cursed the luck of all his Lorien Ancestors.

Exiting the forest, John was just in time to see Alice and Zeel getting ready to pierce through the heart of Sarah and a guy hugging her from behind - he could tell the guy is Mark. John's first thought was to let Alice and Zeel kill the seemingly cheating pair, but decided against such dark thoughts as it didn't match his personality.

John pushed his last remaining strength into his legs, as he bolted towards Zeel and Alice; he could feel his consciousness waning with each step he took.

John tackled both Zeel and Alice down as the trio were catapulted into the waterfall smashing through the bedrock, exiting out the other side, and taking down a couple of dozen trees before coming to a stop.

Zeel and Alice stood up as if this didn't affect them one bit, but John's body was twisted in a weird shape – both legs were broken, bruised swollen face, and both arms fractured. Zeel's healing factor was incredibly high so his wounds began repairing themselves at speed visible to the n.a.k.e.d eyes.

This was also the case with Alice but at a much slower rate than Zeel. The white flame flickering around their bodies was about to become a burning inferno.

John was about to give up, passing out for the final time. Suddenly, time resumed and John witnessed Sarah pushing Mark away – earlier they were not cheating but Mark was forcing her. With a renewed determination to keep his relationship with Sarah, John did the only thing that could save her life at the moment. He turned Alice against Zeel with one statement "Zeel said you can't cook for shit even if it is not the apocalypse,".


At that moment the white flame became an inferno, then a supernova. Zeel's flame also intensified to match the tempo of Alice's. The nearby terrain began to tremble as rocks and other debris floating in the air swirled.

Alice paused and turned her head towards Zeel who glared back at her. Then a brawl that destroyed a quarter of the forest took place for the next thirty minutes that ended in Zeel's victory. Then as if an animal ready to claim his prize, Zeel ripped Alice's clothing off, and well the rest was history – a beastly, entire night, earth-shattering, ground trembling history that was never to be told again in the annals of time.

"Lexa and Henry recovered in a stasis chamber, came back to find Sasha and Mark peeking. Hence, he knocked them out, waiting for you guys to wake up so you could wipe their memories. Lexa put up this dome so your sounds could not frighten the town and here we are," John said trying to stop the bleeding from his c.h.e.s.t, apparently, any injuries sustained from Zeel and Alice had a much more difficult time healing.

Zeel waved his hand and his bleeding stopped though the wound didn't recover; he then asked: "The white flame didn't turn red right?"

Henri sighed after seeing them come back to their senses before saying "No! It had faint traces of red but that was until near the morning,"

Zeel and Alice heaved sighs of relief since if their aura had turned red, it would have been an entirely different story.

"Let's head back now, I think I got the gist of what happened," Zeel said to which everyone proceeded back to the mansion. Alice limped the entire way but refused help from Zeel since she was still in a submissive state of mind after last night.

Whenever Zeel touched her recently, Alice felt like instinctually submitting to his will. But she was also an alpha in the relationship; however, they were both Alphas of their respective mountains in the relationship. Zeel was a leader in terms of survival, and Alice was the leader that kept a certain balance.

15 minutes and a couple Quantum Body Scans later.

"So the z-virus that had not fully integrated into our system was excited by John's lumen legacy?" Alice asked for confirmation, as she had access to Zeel's memories. She was pretty knowledgeable when it came to biology, chemistry and bio-tech topics.

"Yeah, congrats John, you got a lot of legacies last night. Enhancement, Telekinesis, Super speed and now … what is it called? Super car battery charger?" asked Zeel, making a joke that made everyone chuckle.

"It's called Lumen," Alice answered rolling her eyes "It can enhance Lorien physiology further if they're at their peak, if energy is depleted it recharges their power. This is especially effective for members of the Garde or numbers. Right Henri?"

"Yeah, that's about it. Each legacy has its own functions after all," Henri replied nursing his injured arm.

"Well, the good news is that should never happen again if the scans are to be believed," Lexa interrupted after looking at the scans.

Zeel and Alice failed to mention the part about forcing evolution in other species. Even they were a bit irked by the Loriens lack of knowledge concerning their own legacies. Zeel and Alice did not tell them about the potential of Lumen, since Alice could guess that Zeel already had his own designs prepared.

"Now, onto more pressing matters. You need to mind wipe those two teens," Henri said not giving John time for any rejection.

"Okay, let's go," Zeel replied as Alice stared at him intently, he looked into her eyes as they exchanged a meaningful conversation free of words. Alice then averted her eyes with a sigh.

"Just make it a small betrayal," Alice whispered as Zeel exited the room. Everyone aware of what they would do except John, himself. Henri and Lexa exhaled a deep sigh as well, before averting their gazes from John's direction.

The guilt in the room became palpable. Of course, Zeel was foreign to such a feeling and hence held no guilt about what he was about to do. Zeel was slightly annoyed by the fact he couldn't do his job thoroughly.

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